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The woman is delusional. I honestly can't even bare to look at her face. The eyebrows, and the constant resting bitch face. I think shes a terrible mother and its no wonder her husband looked elsewhere. Can you honestly imagine living with her...bouncing around the kitchen like a crazed child full of panda pop on their way to the school disco. Whilst her poor poor little boy is just shuvved infront of an ipad whilst she films her 'content' if you can call it that. I really loved her to start with and she was relatable to parents with children on the spectrum but now it's just purely unbearable. I know from a source that she begged for Petr back and when he kicked her to the curb her narrative completely changed... she's now this strong independent single mum to a child eith autism. ( she loves a label ). Her relationship with her mum is somewhat very Norman bates and her mum has helped feed her warped mind that she is something more special than a part time hairdresser with less personality than a pack of smoked salmon.

Just had to get that off my chest. The absolute fuck wit.

And stephy boo if you're reading this I 100% agree that you need hitting around the head with a pan. It may wake you up from your pathetic delusion that you're something special when you're really not.

Peace ✌
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So i think some people are jealous of success. This woman has battled so much in life from what i understand. She is beautiful and you cant take that away from her- she could probably do modelling or maybe does? Anyway she is getting all these brand deals/brand ambassador/advert work etc and ofcourse people will be jealous of what she has achieved. I am happy that someone older is giving a tiktok a bash and winning- she has one of the largest followings. She is also doing a fashion line which i think is great as not much brands doing fashion for trendy older mums- there will be lots jealous of that. People will be jealous if the money aswell- she gets thousands watching her without all the endorsement deals and she will be getting money from that!
Hey Steph 😂😂
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So i think some people are jealous of success. This woman has battled so much in life from what i understand. She is beautiful and you cant take that away from her- she could probably do modelling or maybe does? Anyway she is getting all these brand deals/brand ambassador/advert work etc and ofcourse people will be jealous of what she has achieved. I am happy that someone older is giving a tiktok a bash and winning- she has one of the largest followings. She is also doing a fashion line which i think is great as not much brands doing fashion for trendy older mums- there will be lots jealous of that. People will be jealous if the money aswell- she gets thousands watching her without all the endorsement deals and she will be getting money from that!
Having to Air your dirty laundry on TT to get followers is hardly anything to be jealous of. No surprise that her account grew very quickly when she was coming in lives telling everyone the details of her marriage. If I’m honest I was jumping on her lives because it was better than the soaps on the telly at one point. I felt sorry for her then I switched off because her insinuating that her hubby was abusing her. There she was telling thousands of people that he’s basically an abuser without being able to consent or defend himself. How dangerous is that? That could cost someone their job, their future, especially in this current climate. Also telling everyone about her daughters dad and his story along with an ex who had financial problems. She’s very negative and a real victim so In my eyes absolutely nothing to be jealous of. I go on TT for a scroll through now and again, I certainly wouldn’t want to rely on selling lashes and jewellery to pay my bills, after all it’s a kids app.
TT is very volatile also check out the Property Boss for instance, one minute he’s King of Tik Tok thousands of followers and strutting about like a celebrity then boom he’s now lost his job, wife, friends etc. no way would I put myself or kids in that position.
Also if she’s so “successful” then why is she whinging about money, needing to save to keep house etc.
I think you’re way off the mark accusing people of being jealous of her and her “success” but hey everyone’s entitled to their opinion.

Im not steph but im just explaining how some will be jealous of her! I have agreed with other things people have said here such as the nursery equipment. I also didnt like when she brought up the wee mans toilet situation (should have remained private and off tik tok) but she is clearly a hustler and is smart in a kerry katona/katie price kinda way- all publicity is good publicity and she is maybe a little fame hungry. I dont think there is anything wrong with that! Aslong as she is getting something from it why not. She has one of the fastest growing tik tok accounts and i wouldnt be surprised if book publishers/entertainment management/modelling agencys will be knocking on her door! Who runs the world! Stephy from the block x
You must be her, her mam or granny because no one other than a family member would think like that 😂 good entertainment though 🤪
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Her kid could commit arson and a grand theft auto and she’d still make a tiktok to the gun noise saying it’s because he is a sensory seeker 😂
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Glad so many people have the same thoughts about this one as me.
Moaning about all this shit the husband done, not allowed the heating on, not allowed to eat, ignored her daughter? But that was all fine and she willingly put up up with it before he decided to leave? Admitted sexting him and sending pics when he was working away to keep things alive when he got home, but when he got home he was an arsehole to you and your daughter? But he provided a big house and car so that’s all fine. Just weren’t allowed to heat the big house 🤣🤣🤣
For any mother to stand back and allow a man to ignore her daughter in her own house but go upto bed and shag him every night is a vile, toxic individual who should not have kids!!
Also she proposed to her first husband when he was terminally ill so she knew what she was signing up for. She knew she was getting married to a dying man, again no consideration for her daughter and I’m sure this is what the whole of aberdeen were gossiping about.
Also the big house, off shore worker, she sends max to nursery for free every day, even in the school holidays she gets a place. Not saying the child isn’t hard work but she has a lot of spare time on her hands.
So aye in a nutshell, don’t cry about your ex husband just because he’s had enough and left when you were more than willing to keep putting up with his behaviour!! He left, not you. He would still be ignoring your daughter right now if he didn’t leave. You would be allowing that Stephanie. You.

And also he is probably refusing to meet her and have a day out together with max on the advice of his family or lawyers.
Why would he go and have a family day out when she is spreading his whole life all over social media? Slagging him one minute but wanting to go to soft play the next? The man who ignored her daughter?
The day out is for her not Max.
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I’ve got ABSOLUTELY no time to do anything ever cause I’ve got 1 child oooooops sorry i mean 2 and I’m a single MOM. Yep single again cause I meet all my victims on tinder, I mean boyfriends, no husbands.

God, guys I’m ABSOLUTELY questioning my sexuality from tik tok. Its 18 hour days I’m doing, yes guys I’m putting it all into this app for you to create a safe space. The stalkers still out there and you’ve made me so safe. Thanks to my DAY ONES.

HONESTLY guys, sometimes we as MOMS we need a break….I’ve only made 19 videos today guys.

Guys I can’t do this any more but ive made a video of my crying so you can relate. Look here’s my tablets to prove it guys, I’m really struggling guys. Im taking a break.

- 2 minutes later -

Im back guys, do you know what I’m fine cause guys - plays IM EVERY WOMAN ITS ALL IN me. Guys I’m loving the tunes, IN A MINUTE IMMA NEED A MAN OR WOMAN TO PUMP ME UP.

Anyway guys TIK TOK shop tonight, you will be ABSOLUTELY bored stiff listening to me chat about my earrings, they are sooooo quirky!!!

Also DM me if you want to send me ANYTHING or free Eh soz do a collab guys. I’ve recently started engagement with a counterfeit goods page - AMAZING quality guys, made in sweat shops near you. Support local guys.

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Chatty Member
If you are coming on social media for monetary gain . Literally pimping out your children for monetary gain. Putting out all your dirty laundry for monetary gain. You need to expect hate, trolling , backlash, constructive criticism, questions , people who once were "stephanators" who now don't like what your account is becoming . It comes with the territory
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SV kept popping up on my suggestions on TikTok, she always looked SO familiar but I could never place why, I just assumed she was a friend of someone from my Insta. It's taken until this thread to realise I recognise her from all the press her and her first husband did when he was sadly ill.

However, that being incredibly sad and being said, I don't agree with just how much she's choosing to share on social media just now. She's clearly in a vulnerable state following the breakdown of marriage number two and needs to take time to process it. Rather than the quick shift from autism awareness mama to momfluencer that seems to have happened overnight. She's in her 30s and in amongst the complete oversharing of her private life there's the overwhelming amount of young TikToks thrown in too... why aren't any of these "day ones" having a word? Or will they just get accused of being jealous too?

Furthermore, she had a post a week or so ago about how she had a Stalker and how it had to stop because it was scaring her daughter. Forgive me if I'm wrong (as I'm not a mother) but if your social media was causing problems for your family... why the hell wouldn't you give it up. Its not like she's SO defined on there that it's her main source of income (she's a hairdresser). As she said, they know where she lives and Aberdeen isn't exactly a massive place. Why on earth wouldn't you just go private on your Instagram and FB and sack the TikToks off rather than beg for someone who clearly has issues to stop doing something they're likely not going to do without police intervention? Or maybe I'm being too harsh.
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Am I a bitch or does she make out her son has a lot more issues/is a lot more challenging than he actually is, just for attention?

Because it seems that way to me.
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I used to live in Aberdeen so don’t know her personally but know a few of her friends, one being one of her ‘day ones’. She’s always come across to me as if she needed a partner to feel validated, after her first husband died she jumped from relationship to relationship. Every guy was the love of her life, so perfect, treated her like a Queen, then they’d split and he’d be the worst man ever. Seems like that’s what has happened with her son’s Dad.
Everything with her first husband’s illness was very, very public and they did a lot of fundraising and raising awareness etc which can’t be taken away from her but I always felt she loved some of the attention. (I know that sounds so so horrible). They got a lot of things for the wedding paid for/discounted because he was so ill so she’s dealt with gifted stuff before, albeit under different circumstances.
I find it very telling that her daughter and Cammy were so so close but she now doesn’t speak to his family. Surely you’d keep in touch with them to feel some connection to him.
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She is in full mid life crisis mode😂 she is airing every single thing on Tiktok at 30-something years old.

She’s gone from making tiktoks about her autistic sons lunchboxes, to full on single divorcee angrily ranting about her cheating ex-husband.

She is now doing undisclosed adverts, tiktok shops and becoming a “single-mum-fluencer” (god forbid!)

Insufferable and I knew it wouldn’t be long until a thread popped up for her on here.


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For the record i am not steph or closely related to her in anyway. I wish you would all stop saying that! She has 120 thousand followers many who are fans who unofficially are called stephanators. You really csnt imagine that some ofnher followers will stick up for her?
Not a rave thread. You can start one if you like my little ‘Stephanator’ 😂
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I'm sorry but she sits and Trolls her ex husband In nearly every video . We don't know if what she is saying is true . We don't know if it's grossly exaggerated. She looks up her ex on tinder then posts content mocking him. Correct your own behaviour first before calling others out. On a live the other morning, her and her pal Suzie were discussing him being topless on his Tinder pic and how it was an insult to max . Suzie was saying she felt physically sick looking at the pic. Why suzie? Wtf does it have to do with you?? Your trolling him! So the ex putting a pic on dating website is an insult to the the kid but the maws TikTok's are not ! Wtf this woman is deluded.
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OMG! Now she calls us trolls for having an ‘opinion on her’
now I’m pretty sure that if amber was to ever come across your tiktok Steph ‘your opinions to your thousands of followers’ could pretty much hurt her feelings??
it’s exact same Steph, us watching you & disagree with stuff come on here express our opinions (as u choose to air your dirty laundry for us all to judge) so have you just watched amber on the news etc, then went to your social media to express your opinion? For people to comment laugh etc about a person???
In my eyes that’s pretty much the same!!
So I guess your a troll then Steph??
also if amber is a psycho as you have just called her, I’m pretty sure that could be to do with her ‘mental health’ you know that other thing u bang on about Steph?? So like you said yesterday that one comment could send someone overthe edge bla bla… but it’s ok for to express your ‘opinion’ on someome or should I say troll someome as you Call it when it’s about you lol

Also Iam not saying saying amber isn’t a psycho and don’t care either way of your opinion of her, but for someone to say yesterday, if you have nothing nice to say block them etc but doesn’t take their own advice just shows the kind of person she is! You didn’t have anything nice to say about amber so why haven’t you took your own advice Steph? Really am laughing out loud at her lol
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For the record i am not steph or closely related to her in anyway. I wish you would all stop saying that! She has 120 thousand followers many who are fans who unofficially are called stephanators. You really cant imagine that some of her followers will stick up for her?
For the record i am not steph or closely related to her in anyway. I wish you would all stop saying that! She has 120 thousand followers many who are fans who unofficially are called stephanators. You really cant imagine that some of her followers will stick up for her?
STEPHANATORS. OMG, I needed that laugh.
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Chatty Member
I’m actually all for social media I think it’s there so share as much as you wish or don’t . I like to share my garden and growing stuff etc - maybe some of the z300 followers I have tbh j it’s stupid but I won’t know or care haha

however I don’t get all these Influencera / grammars /TikTok’s whatever we call them now crying and doing videos about the trolling/hate/ stalking they receive ( yes Its not nice) but just stop if it affects you - what am trying to say is you managed life before you started so if it’s affecting you that bad stop -

they open there homes family lives hearts to the world but cry when the world comments back
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Why is her act of kindness not enough?
Why is it not enough to know you’ve done something good for someone?
Nope, she has to post it for further praise from strangers and try to seek out the girl for further praise and thanks from her too. Leave her alone, I’m sure she wants to forget about breaking down in the nail salon, not chased up, hunted down and reminded about it
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That nail video was so weird, she managed to make that whole scenario about herself. If I was struggling with my mental health and started crying in public, the LAST thing I’d want is to be spoken about on tik tok by some woman who felt sorry for me and then enjoyed the glory of paying for my nails. If she cared she would’ve just done the good deed without speaking about it afterwards. She seems like a crazy person.
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Chatty Member
Im not steph but im just explaining how some will be jealous of her! I have agreed with other things people have said here such as the nursery equipment. I also didnt like when she brought up the wee mans toilet situation (should have remained private and off tik tok) but she is clearly a hustler and is smart in a kerry katona/katie price kinda way- all publicity is good publicity and she is maybe a little fame hungry. I dont think there is anything wrong with that! Aslong as she is getting something from it why not. She has one of the fastest growing tik tok accounts and i wouldnt be surprised if book publishers/entertainment management/modelling agencys will be knocking on her door! Who runs the world! Stephy from the block x
Yeah, the 420 odd likes she got on her lipstick ad video was a truly remarkable number. Book publishers will be scrambling to create a book deal for her as we speak!
For the record i am not steph or closely related to her in anyway. I wish you would all stop saying that! She has 120 thousand followers many who are fans who unofficially are called stephanators. You really cant imagine that some of her followers will stick up for her?
I really hope you’re taking the piss, if you’re not you need help 😂
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I followed her and really liked her content and empathised as my child is also autistic.. but something isn't sitting right. I'll be honest she seems desperate and a lot of things are dramatised I feel for attention . She blasted a girl called Paige on her account . As Paige wanted her to promote wax melts. Steph refused as it wasn't genuine. She said she would never burn candles or have wax melts, because of Max. I thought good on her fir being genuine. Low and behold she gets gifted candles by some company and starts promoting them a few months later. There are quite a few in discrepancies now that don't add up. If fellow autism mums question her. She's quite rude in the comments. I get it her son is newly diagnosed. It's all new to her . But a lot of the things she says about autism are pretty out dates now. Unless Aberdeen is well behind the times
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