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I read on here the other day about how she always goes on about things her son can’t do etc, and the person wrote how about you focus on the stuff he can do instead, and look she has 👏🏼 Also replying back to most comments lol, which people on here have been calling her out for… see Steph we aren’t trolls, it’s constructive criticism… and look at u now thriving with all ur new ‘content’ from Tattle! Your welcome 😂😂😂
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Her packed lunch post has annoyed me. Older kids do tend to sometimes act like entitled twats when out and about. It happens to my 4yo all the time, they push past him etc. It has nothing to do with max having any disability and so for her to mention that was totally irrelevant in my opinion. She uses that poor boy for likes and views and it’s so sad!
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Her new post about max at the barbers made me feel physically sick. As a mother to a child with autism why the hell would you hold down your child for a haircut and then say you feel enbaressed by his reaction? That poor child must have been completely traumatised by the whole debacle. I'm not being funny if it's that bad and it stresses him that bad why cut it? Leave it... keep it clean... put it in a hair tie? Clearly trying to make max a fashion statement and not take the fact he's probably completely petrified and in a sensory overload into consideration. I think shes a complete fuck pig. 🐖
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A year to keep her house? She has said numerous times the house is her house so didn't have to worry. So which is it? In order to be a good liar you need to remember what you have said Mrs contradiction 🤥 As for the everyone is jealous of me she is like this in real life she has such a HUGE opinion of herself she thinks everyone in Aberdeen is envious of her. Nothing to do with that fact she’s a horror and has trampled on many over the years.Mummy and Nana still calls her princess ffs so what do you expect? 🤣 The Steph show does not only exist on TikTok…
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Chatty Member
Im not sure how I feel about her. I think the lunches are great autism isn't a one fits all and some children who sensory seek would love it. I do also understand her fight for a sen nursery as my child with sen also shows aggression like Max and is struggling in a mainstream one despite them being excellent. However I have also reached out to her and been ignored several times on comments whilst I appreciate she cant respond to everyone I think the narrative of being an advocate for children with SEN and a support to parents isnt quite accurate. She will respond to the typical huns praising her in comments and ignore a lot of fellow parents sharing their experience
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Chatty Member
Yeah also not just her but what annoys me about people on TikTok etc “ gets gifted a personalised Starbucks cup for there kids , shows it in a video” I love supporting small business - no you did a video opening a free gift - supporting would be buying stuff
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So the Aldi pamper box was she not slagging off their stuff not so long ago because she had a reaction ?
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The packed lunch posts are boring now. The nursery are probably sick of telling her to stop putting in so much shite every day. It’s far too much and probably overwhelms Max. But prinny knows best!
I actually thought Max looked quite happy and engaged in that recent video she is dancing with him. Smiling, happy and eye contact. Not the autistic child she makes out. He’s often left alone whilst her and the daughter make videos so she must trust him slightly. A lot of ASN kids need constant supervision-the type who need ASN nursery places. I think she’s not giving max the right chance by sending him to mainstream nursery. I think he would thrive. But then that narrative wouldn’t suit Prinny.
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Hahaha goes to show you know nothing! I'm not Steph and I didn't delete my previous message. Unsure where it is.
I stand by what I said, your all a bunch of adult bullies who are so unhappy with yourselves and your figures that you feel the urge to be negative about others to fellow bullies.
Maybe work on yourselves and stop typing up nasty stuff about others.
If you were all happy then surely you wouldn't bitch about others.

AND I bet your figure is perfect ofcourse 👌😂😂😂😂

And what does your kids do whilst you bully adults online?

And? Who cares what size other people are? Focus on your own body! You do you. Stop being a bitch! 😁😁😁😁

Well stop wasting time on a forum that is slating her then? That would be a great start! 🙈

did you realise we are able to see on this forum that you do the exact same about other creators lol
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She’s desperate for a man, who downloads tinder while the ink on their divorce papers is still drying😂

she is evidently one of those women who can’t be without a guy and then when they find one, they make them their entire world.

says a lot for how she is with men that she let her husband walk over her in regards to the older daughter (alluded to being horrible to her etc) when she could of set those boundaries from the beginning - that sort of behaviour is horrid toward a child, but no, she wanted a man 👌🏽 Weird woman will end up with another idiot again the way she’s going
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I’ve not seen any comments on her actual tik tok videos ‘trolling’ her about her size. Only on tattle. So if comments about her figure are so ‘triggering’ for her, don’t read on here! Also the way she is banging on and on about being a size 8, size 8 all time favourite jeans, size small gym shark leggings etc will make anyone bigger than that feel a bit shit. She says it doesn’t matter what size you are, yet she’s obsessed with being a size 8!
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Chatty Member
As much as she is an attention seeker and thinks she’s the bees knees. I don’t think any parent worth there salt would wish to have a disabled child.
but she does love the "woe is me" that goes along with it. She loves to think every one is judging her and her son. It's 2022! My son was diagnosed autistic when he was 3 he is now 8. I can honestly say society is so accepting . People are more aware of hidden disabilities now. I can remember on her live's she said autism acceptance should be given the same priorities as racism🙄 does she not know the disability discrimination act exsists? All these flippant comments just show HER ignorance and lack of education
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Not Steph slating people from love island!?? Calling jaques out for his shit, name calling etc

having an opinion on people who put their lives out to be judged as you do Steph!!
But no one is allowed an opinion on you, or it’s trolling! How can she not see it’s the exact same as people have an opinion on her!!
Prob is different tho, people on love island are young, just kids, and prob acting up for story lines etc.. Steph is a 35 your old parent on tiktok she really should take a look at herself 😂
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She’ll be on disability benefit and carers as well as benefits for being a single parent to top up her income. I’m sure she’s not as hard done by as she makes out.
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Absolutely decked 😂😂
I know, it's like "stop trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen".

Also, for someone who has 120k "loyal followers", she doesn't really get much engagement from them; last three posts have 165 likes, 3 comments; 219 likes, 9 comments; 295 likes, 6 comments which doesn't seem like much to me, but then I'm no TikTok influencer, maybe that is considered loyal and successful...
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What an attention seeker. A 3 minute video talking about how someone in the nail salon was upset she then proceeds to tell us at the end that she paid for the girls nails and told her “it’s a bad day not a bad life”, this is the issue with social media now, people don’t actually do anything to be kind without posting it all over the internet to get a personal gain from it or “well done you’re so kind!!” & tbh not sure I even believe the story she’s told she seems like a compulsive liar

Also the sad music she’s put over the video I can’t cope
I knew after the first video appealing for the girl to come forward (cringe) she wouldn’t leave it there and I was right. One minute she’s the poor struggling single mother next minute she’s St Stephanie again flashing the cash and paying for some lassies nails (allegedly) but hey it’s all about the content. Going by some of the comments that she hasn’t snuck in and deleted after the 4 haircut posts I think she’s clearly being found out for what she is and people are starting to see right through her.
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I did like her at the start, Until she turned it into the Steph show and away from the autism (how sake gained followers in first place) but the thing that got me, her daughter got her little bits for her bd, ‘some primark jewellery’ which she loved! Now selling other jewellery she slagged off primarks stuff, like a week after her daughter bought it. I unfollowed after that
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She’s definitely a mean girl who would judge another woman for being a size 14 and above. It’s obvious by how defensive she’s got over being told she doesn’t look a size 8-10.

Imagine being so triggered over those kind of comments but not over the ones saying she exploits her disabled son for views/money? She should be ashamed of herself
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what done it for me was her packed lunch vidoe yesterday… making her sons packed lunch and still makes it about her her ‘ex husband’
Aw using this tin opener my ex husband bought… fuck off Steph, we know u have an ex husband, u have told us plenty of times! Any excuse to bring him up, or mention him! But seriously it’s a tin opener, just like I’m sure he has bought plenty more stuff in your house . Anything to bring his name into her ‘content’
Iv had longer baths than she was married to him, she’s clinging onto it for dear life as really that’s all people watch her for, to listen to the drama as no one is actually interested in her as a person, the shade of lipstick she uses or what jewellery she’s wearing! They want the drama and she knows it! Don’t see her engagement on tiktok lasting much longer 🥱
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