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Chatty Member
Anything between 20-40 percent of the sale. It might increase if she hits certain targets. I would be thinking a couple of hundred pounds a week. I could be undervaluing ofcourse.
Why don’t you ask her?

I’m sure she’d happily respond to a stephanator 😭😂😭😂😭
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I think some of the comments are seeped in jealously! Not the ones where people are remarking on things she has done or said. But the comments about her looks i think is defo jealousy.

so seriously wasnt gonna post anymore due to the hatred i have received on here for sticking up for steph, but just wanted to say to all the haters that as i said before she is the one winning from all this- new ad with one of the largest baby manufacturers in the world? Good on you doll get the pay check! Can i ask all of stephs loyal fans who are always brown nosing her on tik tok to actually speak up for on this platform? Maybe drown some of the negAtivity out? Steph fans aka the stephanators can you hear me ladies? Xxx or are you lot all the ones brown nosing on tik tok and being two faced and bitching on here?
No one is forcing anyone to read here. She is activity seeking out these comments.
There is a rave section on this site. I think you may have lost your way 😳
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To be honest i thought the fizzy sweet video was one of her best of recent times. It was genuine and not staged and credit where credit is due if you click on the shop her video has resulted in hundreds of sales. Due to the stephanators she will be getting a percentage of sales so no wonder she doesnt need to cut hair! Also does anyone know if she has experience in fashion? She is working on her fashion line and just wondered if anyone know if she has done this before. Someone mentioned that she had modelled before?
Wise up and get a life 😂😂😂😂
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Hi guys

Jsut coming on, 12th time today, I’m so busy!!! sorry I haven’t been on guys. Anyway jumping on AGAIN guys just to say this, yep this is the reality guys, im totally struggling today guys, I’ve had to do a food shop. It’s Sunday guys and I’m just so shattered.

it’s been really overwhelming guys so I’m just taking a break in my motor to waste more time speaking absolute shit to you guys. I’m that busy I’ve had to eat this Almond croissant whilst I’m doing it, I really am that Fuking busy guys. God guys does food shop overwhelm anyone else - it does my guys so I film it all as it makes the process 10 times longer and me so
Fuking busy.

Urrrrgggghhhh I’ve to work tomrorow guys, 1 client tomorrow, I’m just totally struggling thank goodness for family guys.

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Hey Steph 😂😂
Im not steph but im just explaining how some will be jealous of her! I have agreed with other things people have said here such as the nursery equipment. I also didnt like when she brought up the wee mans toilet situation (should have remained private and off tik tok) but she is clearly a hustler and is smart in a kerry katona/katie price kinda way- all publicity is good publicity and she is maybe a little fame hungry. I dont think there is anything wrong with that! Aslong as she is getting something from it why not. She has one of the fastest growing tik tok accounts and i wouldnt be surprised if book publishers/entertainment management/modelling agencys will be knocking on her door! Who runs the world! Stephy from the block x
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5 months x
Yes she definitely said 5 months. It’s her poor daughter I feel sorry for, openly admits that her 2nd husband stopped speaking to her daughter after a year of marriage. That poor girl has lost a step father at a very young age then mum marries someone after 5 months then let’s him treat her that way. I do feel sorry for her having lost her 1st husband so young but she really needs to think about her daughter, the trauma of what she’s been through in her short life is bound to take its toll. She’s also been separated for a few weeks and other night was flirting with some single dad on Facebook then going on about this gives me the ick about this man etc it’s like give it up love, take a break and concentrate on your kids. Likely hood is in a few months she will meet “the love of her life”. It’s all a bit sad really although some of the people leaving comments on tik tok I tend to think there’s a lot more of a back story and all is not what it seems on social media
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Thread Suggestion - In a minute I'm going to absolutely, ten out of ten, be obsessed with being so bloody tired guys.
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She is portraying a whole different person to what she is! Anyone from Aberdeen who knows her will know this…

I don’t follow her but she has come up on my FYP with a video about someone making accusations about her husband (or am I imagining this?) I am sure it was her!
She comes across as either lonely or attention seeking? It must be hard if she’s going through stuff and has a child that requires a lot of her attention but she does need to be careful what she shares because it will backfire on her - of course people are going to comment and have an opinion when you share so much!
Attention seeking spot on
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Hahaha goes to show you know nothing! I'm not Steph and I didn't delete my previous message. Unsure where it is.
I stand by what I said, your all a bunch of adult bullies who are so unhappy with yourselves and your figures that you feel the urge to be negative about others to fellow bullies.
Maybe work on yourselves and stop typing up nasty stuff about others.
If you were all happy then surely you wouldn't bitch about others.

AND I bet your figure is perfect ofcourse 👌😂😂😂😂

And what does your kids do whilst you bully adults online?

And? Who cares what size other people are? Focus on your own body! You do you. Stop being a bitch! 😁😁😁😁

Well stop wasting time on a forum that is slating her then? That would be a great start! 🙈
Absolutely mortified for you
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Does anyone buy the story that Petr the current estranged husband ignored the daughter or the in-laws didn't understand Autism even though there both doctors? I remember her doing lives at silly o'clock when max wouldn't sleep . She would say she was exhausted staying up with him night after night. People would say why doesn't your husband help. She would say he's a great father to max snd lily and go on about him being a great husband. Also why does she let the daughter wear those horrendous nails to school 🤢
I obviously don’t know them but from what I’ve seen i tend to think she love bombed him then once married she couldn’t keep it up and the mask slipped like it often does on tik tok. I think she likes to play the Martyr “only me that gets up with him etc”. I think there’s a lot of what’s done and said for attention. Also her story seems to change at the drop of a hat. Ex husbands family don’t like her, exs don’t like her, their girlfriends don’t like her, everyone’s jealous of her (haven’t figured out what for) said on a live that she’s had to get restraining orders on a boyfriend cause they were crazy. It’s just all very “poor me”. She just really needs to grow up and get on with it and see it’s maybe not everyone that’s the problem. Obvs just my thoughts and I’ve actually unfollowed her cause I prefer positive uplifting accounts, I get a feeling many others will follow suit.
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She posted something about how we wound never dare say any of these things to her face, which I would actually 😂

She also said we should be ashamed of ourselves as bullys and how we must all be happy size 10’s with faithful husbands or some shite.

Stop being cringe on TikTok and then you might not feel so bad about yourself Hun x
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Something I do not absolutely love … the way she uses cups as props in her tik toks. They very rarely have any liquid in them and it bugs me 😂 she dances about with those gifted cups that she absolutely loves, pretends to drink from the straw, but they’re empty. She sits with her hands wrapped around a mug, pretending to sip whatever coffee she absolutely loves that day, empty. Don’t know why it annoys me so much, but it does.
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Chatty Member
Does she have 2 or 3 children?
I thought she had a grown up daughter? Like 18ish?!
Then a tik tok popped up today saying she has max and a 13yr old girl…
She has her ex (cheating) offshore husband & a husband who died.
But is there a third man? I’m lost!
She popped up on my fyp ages ago in a wedding dress doing Celine Dion & I thought she looked fab.
But lately these toxic rants are a bit cringe.
Poor children getting their dirty laundry aired.
Haven’t watched her a lot but from what I have seen I didn’t really like her body language & words/interaction with her son.
The last tik tok that popped up she was ranting about her son “shitting himself” as she put it. Didn’t like that.
Plus, when she was recording about it he was in the bath with his sister. Like could she not be supportive to him & then record her bloody tik tok once he is in bed?
Personally I would say she is a complete head melter of a wife.
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She’s such a hypocrite. A day to herself, she’s always by herself.
I know, passes herself off as this struggling working mum juggling work, kids and life when reality is she hardly works, her kids are either at school or nursery and she’s hardly struggling. Try being a single mum, no help from ex or government, having to work full time with 3 young kids. She makes me laugh how she makes out she’s super mum and as for her followers “omg Steph you’re amazing mum” “omg you do so well” fml she’s just a mum like the rest of us or if I’m honest probably better off than a lot of us. Saying that she changes the narrative of her life depending which way the wind blows 😂 good luck to her I guess but just stop jumping on certain bandwagons for “content”
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She was on not happy about Tattle discussing peoples life’s but how does she think her husband or her daughters dad feels when she’s on speaking about them. She was slagging off her husbands family on a live a few times. There was another I’ve where she mocked an ex boyfriend who drove a Porche and took her to an expensive hotel on a boat or something and when he tried to pay for cocktails his card was declined and heaven forbid she had to pay them. She then said he was flash but had money troubles and was basically laughing and mocking him. Now The city she stays in is a pretty small place and I can guarantee people will know who that person is. The point I’m making is these people think it’s ok to discuss others for content but as soon as someone writes anything about them they go off on one.
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Co-parenting videos will start now and how they get on so well etc
Haha I was just thinking the same. I actually feel sorry for her cause she will do anything for a sliver of attention from the ex, she’s clearly absolutely buzzing by it. If an ex had treated my daughter like the way she’s told everyone he has, basically coercively controlled me through money, bills, eating etc like she says he has, gone on tinder, messaged other woman and dumped me spectacularly, for my own self respect I wouldn’t be letting him near me unless it was about my child. She pushed this message that everyone is obsessed or jealous of her but as far as I can see there’s absolutely nothing to be jealous or obsessed about, she’s clearly at rock bottom holding out for any titbit of contact with Petr then is so stupid she makes TikTok’s to tell everyone and make herself look like the biggest fool out. Steph or her family if you are reading this then in all seriousness love go and get some help cause this is not normal behaviour
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No i am not just giving another perspective! She is getting a huge following and im just pointed out she is doing tik tok as a job for her kids. I think she is very natural on camera and comes across as really down to earth a bit like a Scottish stacey solomon. I would put money on that she will get on this morning doing the competitions or celebs go dating etc if she keeps getting the followers. I respect that she knows what people want to watch and she doesnt mind airing her dirty laundry a bit like katie price. Hats off to her she was in edinburgh the other day for a makeup event and only 12 fans turned up but she still goes after every buck just like our steph.
She isn't going to shag you, love x
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A wrap filled with chocolate spread and sprinkles… 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ That’s not a lunch! I don’t want to be judgey but that’s just ridiculous.
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Wee Toots

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Why is it on here if you post about someone who is living their full entire life on TT, dirty laundry an all, someone comes on and says oh you're just jealous.

Trust us, we are not jealous!
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