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VIP Member
🤦🏼‍♀️ she is without a doubt, one of the most self obsessed loons on TT.

Shes allegedly had vile messages that were that bad it but it’s nothing a parcel delivery can’t cure 😏 she ignores it all you know, she’s going to start taking action ooohhhh.

Miss Beefy Mann you can’t even untie a ribbon without scissors. Action 🙄🤫🤣
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My go to person on all legal matters is Judge Judy and she often talks about ‘the doctrine of clean hands’ which I think pretty much means ‘don’t come to court looking for things that will benefit you when you’re not squeaky clean yourself’. That sounds like a pretty good rule of thumb so they may well have that in civil courts in Scotland too.

So I say go for it Steph 👍
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That video she did in the car about her picking the kids up then taking them to be dropped at her mums I assume and then she’s off to the airport for London, does she realise shes just told the internet that her house is lying empty and will be for 2 days🫣not the sharpest tool in the box is she🤓
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She obv didn’t love Rylan the way she made out, cause if you did love someone/care for someone there isn’t anyway you would be publicly throwing yourself to a guy in their comments, even a little flirting.. for 1) you have just split with someone a matter of days and would want to have a abit of respect for yourself! And 2) the person you have just broken up with! She is absolutely desperate for a man, it rips out her. She has made herself look like a right idiot commenting on that guys post. Like I said the other day if that was rylan commenting on a real wee size 10’s tiktok she would be on Making content about how he’s treated her and how he couldn’t have had any feelings for her when he’s doing stuff like that after a day or 2!

all this pish about wanting to start something so lilly can take it over when she isn’t here anymore 😂😂😂… Steph im sorry to break it to you but a couple of cardboard boxes with your name on it (and Bperfects own products in it) aren’t going to still be kicking about when you aren’t 😂!
It’s stock they can’t shift or trying to sell a few products in the one bundle so stick it in a box with ur name so your daft followers buy it… the worrying thing is the daft cunt believes she will start something that lilly will take over in 20/30 years to come 🫠😂😂😂😂
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Saying she's bringing out her own product which is with bperfec. It's not ur product then vag! "It's so luxe" "so high end" shut up 🤣 its cheap shitty make up
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Never reported a vid before but that L'Oréal video is out and out blatant lies. LIES! In what fucking universe is that a blemish?? It's a scar WHICH HEALS ON ITS OWN IN TIME! Probably been enhanced with the use of a red lip pencil, I am fucking beelin' at the sheer nerve of it, total BULLSHIT!
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Does anyone else remember this bizarre video …
It was on Steph’s original TikTok account during the prancing about in wedding dress to Celine Dion phase, and she was still with Petr.
He had been offshore and she drove to the heliport all excited to pick him up. Then it cut to her sat in the passenger seat miming to some TikTok sound as you see Petr in rear view mirror walking up to the car and putting his bags in the boot. Then he got in the drivers seat with a face like thunder, whilst she carried on fannying about for the camera. They didn’t say a word to each other, she didn’t get out the car to hug him or say hello, no kiss, nothing. He barely even looked at her. That was when I thought there was trouble in paradise, and that her whole life presented on social media was false and a big lie.
Yeah I remember. That’s when she used to film herself all excited about ‘choppers eve’ and tell everyone she was shaving for him coming home. She also used to tell us she used to send him sexy pics to keep him going…I’m sure he was looking at sexy pics, just not of you ya rat faced bloater.
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Chatty Member
Notice that product she’s getting a presentation of is called snake peel. Couldn’t be more fitting since the beefy bitch is the biggest snake in the north east.
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What happened to the legal action she was threatening last week 🤔 that in the same bin as the life coach 😂
She said in the comments she has an appointment with the police on Thursday

buzzing for her to be told to stop publicising where her weans go to school, when her house is empty, to get fucking curtains and to stop flashing at cars from her lukewarm water
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What on earth is that stitch video about crocs? The guy is talking about wearing them on a first date, not in your own home to get in the bath. She is really reaching for content now isn’t she?
Haha, jinx @SwishSwing
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VIP Member
You are boring me now Beefy. Away and play with the filters on your phone and film yourself greeting. I take it Rylan has his daughter this weekend that you’re not allowed to engage with. (Snigger). It’s a lonesome weekend in PIP Mansion.
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Filming and driving again. Is she seriously that stupid that she doesn’t know it’s illegal? Of course she does but she thinks laws don’t apply to her.
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What a pantomime with the ice baths... The noise with the blaring music, the shouting and bauling, the traffic, Max padding about - it's the most stress inducing few minutes to watch. If she'd do it quietly and with focus she'd have far more benefit.
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Her hair is an absolute riot! You are an absolute mug if you are “influenced” by anything she puts on it. Its like rats tails!
She is that fucking thick that when she is showing off all her freebies she can’t press the 10 min option before she records so her video cuts half way through. tHiS iS mY jOb 🤡
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So since u read her beefy tighten your sons fucking seatbelt!!!! Absolute idiot in that car, driving like an arsehole constantly eye fucking the camera with max in the front seat and car seat straps so loose u could easily fit a full hand behind them,if you crash your sending your son straight through your windscreen with zero chance of survival 😡😡 sort it out you fucking liability!! Go watch a video of a crash test dummy being flung through the windshield or the impact dealing with that has on the poor individuals in the emergency services. YOU SELFISH FUCKING COW!!
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still don't get why she thinks shes "made it" "thriving career"
she sells crap on tiktok to vulnerable people. it will all end eventually. I just hate the way she speaks as if she has actually made it like she's fking taylor swift or something at the grammys
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