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Daily Mail have published the photos now as well - with a throwback when she was caught smoking while pregnant with Leighton.

Highlights include “looking a far cry from her glamorous self”
A new car - white Range Rover - which Stacey sat in while Joe played with the girls
Belle & Rose apparently being at the park in their pyjamas and no shoes

ETA link
It said Stacey was meeting Joe and if you look closely at the pictures she’s in a white Range Rover and is also pictured next to a black one - both from the same dealership. So two range rovers? Who knew you could make millions from lying to the public and getting away with it so easily. Immoral pair of twats. As for kids running around a park in pyjamas and no footwear - that’s disgusting.
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More from the email (I was too nosy not to subscribe, I know, you can hate me!!)

ETA… sorry if photos are out of order, but I couldn’t wait to share! 😂😂😂
She didn’t know spray painting existed? Didn’t she spray paint the whole of Joe’s grey games room?
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Well done to @orangehead for the new thread title.
Stacey was papped smoking at the park with the youngest three at the weekend. Photos published in The S*n.
Stacey & Joe took a campervan and five children to Scotland for a week. They failed to book any campsites though so stayed in car parks until the last night when a lodge was miraculously available and could sleep all seven of them.
Joe forgot how tall the van was and got it stuck under a height limit arch at McDonald's drive thru. One of the kids also opened a window on the motorway which flew off. Despite tagging the company the van was from multiple times, there was no sign of #AD or gifted on any of their posts. He has asked for suggestions of where to go next in it so we’re presuming they are keeping it. Maybe they had to buy it after damaging it.
Stacey has got a lot of upcoming work (ASDA home, Primark kids, Rehab hair, SYLO, Bricking It tv show and more) and a Tattler has also found she’s started her own Rose & Belle company for hair products.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Who the fuck has room for a "wrapping station"? What a stupid idea. Just organise stuff in storage boxes and use dead sister's labels if you must.
Failing that, whang it all in a box and put it in the shed and get out as and when you need it. That's what I do with my crafting stuff.
What is she going to be wrapping anyway? Her Rehab shite? Doubt she would take pleasure in wrapping her peasants orders up ready to send out.
Just seems a tad ott for birthday gifts every now and then. 🤷
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How does she possibly have time to do this? I have ONE kid (9 months old) and I literally have no spare time. Makes me feel a bit shit tbh
Don’t feel like that…. I don’t have young children any more but I know exactly what you mean, until I found Tattle and realised you can’t and shouldn’t believe what you see. It’s not in real time and she obviously has so much help she doesn’t admit to. Keep reading Tattle and you become more aware of how fake Stacey really is.

I really don’t want to quote her and say “in case you needed to hear it, you are enough” etc etc, but don’t let her make you feel inferior, and remember, every time she slips a quick advert onto her stories, she’s just earned (and I use the word very loosely) another £12,000!
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It had to be an ad just for the fact that they 'decided last minute ' to go. BS because
1. Doubt there would be a couple caravans available for them in Easter holidays..especially a in not the lowest grade caravan they do
2. Activities would have been booked can book them 6 weeks in advance from memory and they book up quickly...especially as she wouldn't just need one space for one child...but multiple
3. Because haven have broken the rules we the activity ages that they state (aqua paddlers is 4 plus-bell was in it...probably rose too. Ballon maker thing is 3 plus...can't remember how old Rose is but apparently bell didn't understand duh she isn't old enough for the activity
4. They arrived on the golf buggy thing...that isn't did they get that...oh yeah ad 🤣🙈
I want to confirm ( my sister in law work for Heaven Caravan park -not the one Stacey used) the activities get booked so quick and you have to booked them in advance otherwise you don’t stand chance to do anything with the kids.. so yes everything they got was free and ad. It makes my blood boiled how people like Stacey and Joe who has plenty of money . Get everything for free and rest of us fuck all
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She’s definitely had professionals in to paint the kitchen. It’s the same with the vegetable patch - someone had designed, measured and ordered the wood, and she just filmed herself slotting a few together and then showed herself doing a bit of painting. She has loads of help but likes to make out she’s a super mummy who has time to paint a kitchen, take the kids on walks and help them make sand to play with. She’s very toxic. Her life isn’t realistic because it’s 99.9 percent.
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I wonder if pickle cottage was bought via the business. Interesting that the business dropped 1.5million on a fixed asset and that's around what she paid for the house.
Could it be that because she films there, named it according to her soloman/pickles branding, uses it for ITS photoshoots etc that it scrapes by as business use?

Maybe that's why she insists all photoshoots are at home by her renovated pool
I don’t know how you can say that! 😱

She has the photoshoots at home so she can then beg Adam to give her the cost of what a photoshoot would be that she can then give away to her adoring Instafamily. How dare you insinuate that actually it’s all part of her devious duplicity and manipulating meaning she has accountants and advisors who inform her just what to do with her money and when in order that she gets the maximum profit, everything that can be written off as business expenses is done so and with no doubt has her paying the least that she has to in taxes and the suchlike. 😉

That aside, I think you’ve hit the nail on the bloody head! We’ve all said it, despite the ‘little old ditzy me’ routine Stacey is a very shrewd character indeed and it would be interesting to see just how many pies she has her grubby little fingers in. It’s the same the world over; the rich get rich and the poor get poorer with the rich often doing so at the poor’s expense, not that Stacey would ever admit the like of course. 🤨

Pah, the woman couldn’t lie straight in bed. If she told me to take an umbrella as it was raining out I’d check out the window before I left! 😆
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It must have been a free stay as Joe has worked with them in the past so AD. His management would have no doubt contacted Haven in advance and arranged the stay for the whole family. Bet he got paid a fee too because they did highlight the swimming pool and entertainment etc. they were definitely promoting it. If they promote something it’s because it’s usually contractual. Anything they have to pay for they generally don’t post.
Stacey would need to declare it as a gifted stay therefore AD as per ASA guidelines even though she doesn’t work for them, she has promoted it on her Instagram account and has benefitted from staying there.

Fed up of millionaire grifters getting everything for free. It’s sickening and just not right. How about paying for their own family holidays, clothing, food , wedding stuff etc
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Daily Mail have published the photos now as well - with a throwback when she was caught smoking while pregnant with Leighton.

Highlights include “looking a far cry from her glamorous self”
A new car - white Range Rover - which Stacey sat in while Joe played with the girls
Belle & Rose apparently being at the park in their pyjamas and no shoes

ETA link
Wow so losing Phil's daughter has really changed the reporting she gets hasn't it?? They are definitely pointing at the possibility of her having smoked on her pregnancy with Layton so probably having smoked on all her pregnancies here. Plus wtf are the little girls doing out and about in their PJs with not even socks on!??
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Serene Serena

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Absolutely 💯

It’s absolutely fucking disgusting to smoke whilst pregnant, all these morons that try and pull the “it’s less stress on the baby to cut down rather than give up” schtick are just trying to justify their complete inability to not be a selfish wanker for a short period of time.

There’s no way she’s ever quit. I say that as an ex-smoker (10 years since my last cigarette) and it was genuinely the hardest thing I’ve ever done. There’s no way I’d risk having to do that again, it’s enough to put me off ever being tempted by a cheeky cig with a glass of wine. Plus it’s ruinously expensive and makes you fucking stink 💃👌🏼
I stopped smoking in 2014 - my step brother's request when he got his cancer diagnosis and I asked what I could do to support him - PUT THE FAGS DOWN SERENA :(
I haven't smoked since, lovely bro is healthy and well, I have a 4yo boy and am currently upduffed (miracle after 3 x IVF) with baby no.2 - Stacey is a role model for so many. Why the pretence? Why the lies? What's the point?
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Wow so losing Phil's daughter has really changed the reporting she gets hasn't it?? They are definitely pointing at the possibility of her having smoked on her pregnancy with Layton so probably having smoked on all her pregnancies here. Plus wtf are the little girls doing out and about in their PJs with not even socks on!??
I think you could be right - Schofield daughter not around to protect her so much….it’s unusual for the tabloids to say anything negative about Stacey…hope she’s getting worried about what they could unearth next …
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If her 'range' launches tomorrow, does that mean the kids can go back to wearing clothes actually suitable for the weather we are having? They must have been freezing over the past couple of weeks prancing around in her Primark 'collection' so she could show it off 🥶
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The little innocent face on Belle makes my heart hurt. How dare she use innocent children for profit & declare herself as a supermom!
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She has literally unboxed brand new egg decorations to hang…i still cant get over the lemons. Also why not have a permanent tree/greenery there so you can attach all your old tatt throughout the year 🫠

View attachment 2844431View attachment 2844432
😂 it’s battle of the instahuns Easter door displays - whose door decoration can make it into the papers! What sad little lives. Such a shocking amount of plastic too. Why not plant spring flowers and plants in tubs? Much better for the environment. Kids don’t care about Easter door displays - they only care about the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs! Keep it simple. My kids are teens now but all they care about is hot cross buns from our local bakery, chocolate Easter eggs and a nice roast lamb dinner that lasts a couple of days 😋 . I have never decorated the house (each to their own) but I always think it’s more stuff to store and I’d rather not - Christmas is bad enough. I just don’t buy into all the commercial hype and would rather spend my money on having a nice meal with my family and seeing my kids enjoy their chocolate eggs.

For someone who is the presenter of SYLO, she sure buys a lot of tat that’s never seen again plus encourages endless and needless consumerism. And why lemons?? Was it the colour? Plus no one else sees her displays apart from the housekeeper . Gardener, pervy Dave and the rest of the grifting family members and all the delivery people who deliver all this tat to Stacey, no doubt on a daily basis 😡
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Who the fuck wears manky dirty socks with sliders? And why is he stood like he's going to have a shit. Joe is such a scruff and has foul dress sense. Those sliders are welded to his feet as he's worn them constantly since the campervan adventures. They are ugly and need setting on fire. How anyone finds him attractive I will never know. 🤢🤢
He makes my fadge clamp shut euuggghh.


And why is he running around outside in just his socks when it's muddy? Has he never heard of trainers?


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The weekend before most kids go back to school and they’ve managed to find a last minute caravan big enough to house all those people 🤥
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Well of course she was always going to take over the award and conveniently forget she’s not the only one (although she is the only one with no real use) on the show. As usual the actual award which WOULD have been about her that she DIDN’T win, well pffffft, that gets forgotten about! 😖

Everything is all about her. She makes out she’s such a lovely person and so friendly but when it boils down to it, it’s really me, me, me, Stacey, Stacey, Stacey. It was like when she was up for another award (I forget which one as I really couldn’t give a shit) against the late, great, wonderful Paul O’Grady. The self-centred bitch completely ignored that fact and just pleaded with her followers to vote for her, before having to eventually shamefacedly concede that (of course) Paul had won and tried make out that she was pleased and he deserved it. Yeah right Stacey, that’ll be why you were constantly putting up the link for people to vote for him on your social media, oh wait, no you weren’t… 🤔

I know she thinks she an expert on absofuckinglutely everything but in reality she’s not. She presents the show, the others do the hard work and then she sticks her neb in, meddles, interferes and bodges stuff up then wants to take the credit (and the awards) at the end. It was the same when ‘Rehab’ won an award, she was up collecting it with the others, all dressed up like a dog’s dinner despite having only bought into the company five minutes ago. Glory hunting twat! 🤨😆
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