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I have a 4 year old that sometimes puts his shoes on the wrong feet and good god can I get him to swap them without the biggest tantrum EVER. School days if they are on the wrong feet and he won't do it, I drop him and tell his teacher that he knows they are wrong but he won't let me change them. She gets it. She's told me to take him in his pjs before now because he can be such a massive pain in my arse 😂
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Chatty Member
I think she has covid , so the kids. You can hear one of the kids coughing and you can hear Stacey heavy breathing while she is cleaning her draw.
Her precious drinking bottle looks empty! I bet she is not using the drinking water tap ( I can’t remember the name) next to her bed. She just having it for the instagram as home decor


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Oo I missed seeing anything about passengers complaining about them on the flight. I think I’ve skimmed through posts in here as been busy. What happened? Or is it in wiki?
I don't know if it's in the wiki i'm quite new here i think i read it in a newspaper article that came up on my insta search
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Chatty Member
Belle really has inherited her mothers genes. She looks like her when Stacy doesn’t apply all those filters to her face, we’ve all seen she is ugly & plain without them. The other 2 awash pickles are joes double & although he’s not good looking, they 2 kids are the better looking out the 3
She can’t change -filter Belle’s hair to blond colour!! I wonder if she will try to make them look brown instead of ginger when she is older
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Who the fuck had time to clean washing baskets when she’s got 3 kids under the age of 5. She’s obviously got plenty of time on her hands
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Serene Serena

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I noticed when she was doing that daft skincare routine (surely you'd do that first thing in the morning and not half way through the day?) her top lifted up flashing her greying bra.
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Chatty Member
Idiots like her demanding and taking antibiotics for no good reason are why effectiveness is decreasing. Same for the idiot who prescribed it.
She’s an idiot anyway and clearly a complete drama queen.
Her sister should have known ti be perfectly honest suppose to be a nurse thank god she off the wards were she can't do any harm to anyone else.

Blood culture ta
This 👏👏👏spot on!! Plus they would need to do blood test to found out what type of infection she has and then gave her the right antibiotics
I smell bullshit !!! For antibiotics to work they need to be in your system at least 48 hours !! They wouldn’t discharge her after having 1-2 dose of antibiotics!!! It’s covid
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