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The Wilma thing must mean she’s had various people telling her she’s being unsafe, Rose on the floor, Rose on the table, Rose on the sofas, dogs climbing all over her. And yet she still won’t change her ways. She is there but what if Rex hurt himself and she had to sort him out, would she think to pick Rose up first and move her somewhere safe. I doubt it.
Her ego is massive, that is why she won't change her ways. She thinks she's above people who are advising her, anyone who tells her objectively that what she's doing is dangerous she just dismisses as being jealous of her and bitter.
She thinks nothing bad will ever happen to her, that sort of stuff (dog attacks, children getting strangled on swing ropes, drowning in baths, eating tablets and bath bombs and falling against unguarded fires) is for other ordinary people to worry about not her.
I wonder... does she even have a Stair Gate do you think??
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Maybe i am ridiculous but I hate dogs on babies. My baby is 4 days younger and I go crazy when he comes back from one of his grandparents covered in hair🤮🤮never trust a dog idc
I hate dogs around babies too (and cats and I am massive cat lover!) but this is not right. What is Rose has an allergy to dogs? What if the dog laying on her is uncomfortable for her? - For me, the dog laying on Rose is not right.

..Now all the dog lovers can pile on 😂
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Aww what the hell is that bathroom? The bath is huge he’s going to slip on them steps getting in and out it’s awful 😩
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I hope her ‘new job’ doesn’t involve parenting tips or God forbid anything around bringing up pets with kids!
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“Didn’t notice” you guys on here call it every bloody time!!!

Also, I know Skanky Stace isn’t exactly A list but she is famous and has been around a long time. I always find it really weird when established celebs get excited over followers cos it’s like, you’re famous, shouldn’t you expect it?

i think that is more a me thing than them lol to be fair
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Chatty Member
What mother of young children has free hours in the late afternoon/early evening to spray paint around????
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As she admits she is lazy so no doubt she won't have sanded/filed the edges of all of those tiles edges on the steps. They look rough and sharp like rough cut tiles tend to be/look when done unprofessionally. It looks awful.
Those steps are giving me nightmares. You just know that child is going to cut himself on the sharp edges
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I can’t think anyone whether they have kids or not, have dogs or not, have pets or don’t, animal lovers or otherwise, well literally anyone, apart from Stacey Solomon of course, who would think letting a dog lie on/with a baby like that would be a good idea. 😳

According to Stacey they’ve had Teddy for a matter of weeks, maybe a month, and whilst I’m sure she’s totally confident he’s so gentle and wouldn’t ever hurt the kids (you can almost hear her saying it in that breathy voice she uses, with a stupid giggle at the end for good measure), how does she know? It only takes once and whilst I wholeheartedly hope nothing terrible ever happens there’s no way she could ever possibly know for certain… yet she’s willing to take the risk it seems. 😱

The whole household is like a disaster waiting to happen although I’ve had a look too and the video of the lethal steps has definitely gone. I can’t think it’s because she suddenly came to her senses and realised what a bloody idiotic deathtrap they were (the fact they’re too heavy to move blew my mind; that’s great when someone falls onto/over them, they won’t give an inch and skitter away, oh no, that’s going to really cause an injury 😐) but maybe someone in her PR team have said something or pfffft who knows. 🤷‍♀️ Either way she won’t be getting rid of them anytime soon, she was chuffed to bits with herself with those horrors! 🤬

You have to wonder if she’s really that stupid, surely, surely she can’t be? Why else would she do it though? If it’s a publicity stunt she’s a fool but tbh I wouldn’t put anything past her, I just genuinely hope she realises the risks she’s taking and makes changes before it’s too late. 😖
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She definitely has the vibe of leaving the kids and dogs unattended together doesn’t she?
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Thread suggestion!
Roess always looking for a furry paw, while she’s laying on the dirty floor.
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Stacey doesn’t have the usual 9 - 5 job. Imagine if she had to go to work everyday how would she cope. Also if you knew you had a meeting as its probably been booked awhile sort out childcare or sort him going to nursery even if they could maybe swap days.
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How old is Rex?
Does he really need dinosaur thrush bombs? Surely, when they are young and their skin is so perfect, wouldn't a normal baby branded bath/wash suffice?
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'sooooo many of you are asking where this is from'
*maybe 2 huns asked
'it's sooo pretty she designs them all herself'
*they literally have dots on.
'it's a small business'
*Nearly half a million followers 🙄

She riles me.
Just a trick by influencers to make it look like they aren’t “advertising” but your friend who is simply answering a question. Sadly lots of ss fanbase lack the skills to spot this.
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Do people actually believe her when she says about reading the DMs. She must get thousands and thousands. Do these idiots think she actually reads through them when she's clearly got a SM team dealing with them.

Cant decide if her sheep are more to be pitied or laughed at
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Teddy has no doubt been out walking on the grass on dog shit and piss and now his paws are inches away from roess, shit parent right there stinky
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I wonder how Rex feels knowing she’s gone away with Rose and he’s been left behind. From the golden child to nothing now she has her daughter.
Ah yes, nothing says you’re not the favourite golden child anymore like your mum going away for work and taking your baby sister but not you with her. 😖

I can’t help but feel for him, his little head must be so muddled with the constant upheaval in his life. I know kids are pretty resilient but some stability in life is reassuring for everyone, regardless of their age, and the Swollomon household doesn’t seem to have much of that. 😢

What’s the betting that Joe and Mick move over and live in the annexe whilst she’s gone… heck they might even stay there when she comes back! 😆
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