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That story with him banging the dinosaurs around next to roess 😩 am I just being overly sensitive or does that make anyone else nervous?! One slight move and that’s on her head 🙄
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PERRLEEEEESEE (yes I know spelled incorrectly) tell me that I am not the only one sick of seeing her saggy backside eating her granny knickers and in the style effing bottoms! I’m just not interested. Makes me unwell.
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Why doesn’t she leave Rose with Joe while she has a bath? Does she think it’s relatable to have her next to her all the time? It’s weird more than anything.
But Joe and Mick are cooking toad in the hole, Mick is an excellent cook.
I’m sure Roess loves watching SS soaping her bush.
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i wonder if it was a lapse of memory or she done it on purpose to up there engagement with her oh I’m so silly post
On purpose of course like her hiding the skeleton dog under the arch in the garden a few days after Theo died
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I think the purple flowered ceiling monstrosity has been sent to landfill with all her other crafting DIY crap.
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Why is it being in black and white relevant? 🤔
Because you can't tell from her hair/nails/loungewear colour whether that video was taken just this evening (in response to posts on here saying she never plays with Rex) or whether it was taken ages ago.
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I agree with this. I didn’t think Stacey was as bad as mrs hinch but I’m starting to think she’s worst. That stupid Dino bathroom with all that sharp corners the steps that are just a disaster waiting to happen! As soon as a parent walks in a room the first thing is corners to look out for. Surely the bathroom company advised her not to get that sink she is plain stupid doing those steps 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
everything they do is for their benefit. Genuinely can’t think of anything they have shown on Instagram that takes their children into consideration. Unfortunately people only think kids are mistreated if it’a the sort of stuff you read in serious case reviews. I think these poor kids are going to have a lot of problems with maintaining good mental health as they get older. It won’t surprise me if some or all of the kids end up estranged from the parents.
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What a child friendly set up there… 👏 especially for a child who doesn’t seem to be supervised or disciplined much. If he doesn’t slip off the steps and crack his head on the sharp worktop corner or edge of the sink then I’m sure the dinosaur claw soap dish will take his eye out……… but if it looks good for the gram Stace………..

I can’t think anyone whether they have kids or not, have dogs or not, have pets or don’t, animal lovers or otherwise, well literally anyone, apart from Stacey Solomon of course, who would think letting a dog lie on/with a baby like that would be a good idea. 😳

According to Stacey they’ve had Teddy for a matter of weeks, maybe a month, and whilst I’m sure she’s totally confident he’s so gentle and wouldn’t ever hurt the kids (you can almost hear her saying it in that breathy voice she uses, with a stupid giggle at the end for good measure), how does she know? It only takes once and whilst I wholeheartedly hope nothing terrible ever happens there’s no way she could ever possibly know for certain… yet she’s willing to take the risk it seems. 😱

The whole household is like a disaster waiting to happen although I’ve had a look too and the video of the lethal steps has definitely gone. I can’t think it’s because she suddenly came to her senses and realised what a bloody idiotic deathtrap they were (the fact they’re too heavy to move blew my mind; that’s great when someone falls onto/over them, they won’t give an inch and skitter away, oh no, that’s going to really cause an injury 😐) but maybe someone in her PR team have said something or pfffft who knows. 🤷‍♀️ Either way she won’t be getting rid of them anytime soon, she was chuffed to bits with herself with those horrors! 🤬

You have to wonder if she’s really that stupid, surely, surely she can’t be? Why else would she do it though? If it’s a publicity stunt she’s a fool but tbh I wouldn’t put anything past her, I just genuinely hope she realises the risks she’s taking and makes changes before it’s too late. 😖
100% something bad will happen at some point. Whether we ever find out about it or they cover it up who knows. Before, they lived in a normal house but now they have plenty of different rooms in different buildings (shout out to the annexe boys…… we’ve not forgotten you……) and lots of different areas in a big garden. Im betting when the kids are a little older she will not have a clue where they are or what they are up to.

I just realised she was making a 2nd step for the bath. Why would she want to make it easy to access for him? Surely he’ll only need to be at the bath if there’s a supervising adult which wouldn’t require a step.
That would make any normal parent sleep better at night wouldn’t it? If giving a 2 year old access to a private bath wasn’t bad enough, let’s make it easier for him to get in it if he wakes in the night and goes for a wander. Does anybody think she is really that stupid or are all these bedrooms/bathrooms just for show and they all just bunk down together in one room?
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Even if she did want to show it off or even just film it to look back at it herself, why doesn’t she bloody get a tripod or some sort of phone holder to film so she doesn’t constantly have her phone in her hand?! Least the kids wouldn’t have to answer to the back of a phone all the time then!!
She's at it again making snacks but the phone is between them again! I guess he thinks it's normal now though bless him, hell be surprised when he goes to his friends and they don't have phones filming every single thing
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Does she really expect us to believe she didn’t realise she’d hit 5 million followers 🤥. When Jac Jossa hit 3 million ITS sent her a room full of balloons, a two tier cake and a 3M arranged in flowers so I’m sure they’ve got something even more elaborate planned for their golden girl 🙄 SS will be dining out on this for days/weeks now 😴
I wonder how many of her followers are actually real people and not BOTS 😂
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Oh me too 😂 it’s the fact she was like “had to re do it” like she said a mistake or something 🙄 Baffles me how she can do no wrong to them😵💫 there’s a new born on the floor with a 2 year old jumping on an unstable chair??? 🙄
It’s the eye roll and laugh face on her story that fucking winds me up. Showing she doesn’t see an issue with what she’s done, she just doesn’t like ‘trolls’ talking about her and her shit parenting.

It’s half tempting to report her to social services, but you know nothing will come of it. Even though there’s enough proof she’s a neglectful parent who doesn’t discipline her children correctly and creates dangerous situations.
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Chatty Member
Toilet is fucking hideous
It’s all absolutely awful his grey and black room with the pandas on the wall and this white and black bathroom ruined with dinosaurs stuck everywhere. Nothing tools into one in the whole house. It’s so miss matched and totally off from the beauty of the outside is the house. Don’t get why she bought this place. Her old house was more suited to her style
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I really can never get my head around why she lies about such mundane things? Why lie about the time you ate your dinner? It's so weird, there's no logical explanation for why she'd need to do that...
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I swear to God she’s taking the piss, well that or she’s created a new game for all her Instagram followers to participate in. Please prepare for:

🚨 ‘Spot the Hazard!’ 🚧

Oh yes gals and guys, I know it’s half term so you’re already brimming over with excitement but just think of the fun to be had! At least once a day on her posts (but usually more, let’s face it) she will post a video with something incredible dangerous perilously close to one or more of her children, all you need to do is spot it! No prizes are to be won but it’s the taking part that counts right?! 😆

I would like to say that no children or animals were harmed in the making of this game but sadly I can’t say that’s the case, in fact it might be quite the opposite.😳

(If anyone’s interested I think the undead sister is also hosting a version of the game on her ‘gram posts, slight variation being hers is ‘Spot the Typos!’. This little beauty hinges on dear Jem Jem’s ignorance and lack of attention to detail, which hey we’re all human why not overlook, except she’s running a business where she’s responsible for typing and printing out labels… 🙀🙄 I’m not trying to put anyone off but if you’re not wanting something that isn’t totally basic and obvious in a label, I’d maybe go elsewhere! 🤦‍♀️😉)
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Lucky Rose was "only" almost partially blinded today.It's an improvement from having her skull crushed.And what luck mummy had the camera rolling as Mick landed up with his blooms.Of course the spare kids are "too old" for Valentine's treats.Mick is like that film The Truman Show.Himself and Rose were bred for the 'Gram.There are no genuine,spontaneous,natural childhood moments or memories.All he has are engineered scenarios where he plays his role.So immoral.How many takes I wonder until he gets these scenes right.As IF a child his age would understand the concept of honouring a dead pet on Valentine's Day🙄🙄She loves him she loves him she loves him..nothing would not do for him..except teach him a few nursery rhymes,teach him number games and songs,read to him,playdough,brick and blocks,jigsaws...all the normal age appropriate activities he NEEDS.But there is no gratification or attention for things like that so they don't count or get a look in.The fact she is too lazy to get up of her arse and bring him to nursery says it all.Or wash him.Or have a simple bedtime routine.Disgusting woman.
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