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Does anyone know if she and her sister speak with their mum. They’re always doing stuff with their dad, yet we never see the mum or mentioned
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The worst was when she said - I'll have to change out of these pjs after wearing them days. Bet they stank of smoke. Poor baby.
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She does love it, and she’s been pretty unpredictable her whole life 😂 but there was no ‘let’s invite the family round for cosy cuddles at pickle cottage’ - we were both rushed to hospital with a paramedic telling me she looked like a Lily 🤣 and me thinking I’d have to call her Lily because he was telling me to, and the husband was left to clean up the bathroom which apparently looked like a murder scene. All my mother in law had to say was ‘I feel so sorry for him having to clean the bathroom’ FFS.
I came early and my parents say the same about me 🤣 The common saying my whole life has been "everything on dancingqueen's time" and "she's too independent for her own good".

also your mother in law sounds like a piece of work
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Christ, I had the birth from hell, my son was dragged out of me at 1:00am they didn’t even bring me round until 5:00am as they were saving my life. I was up and showered by 10:00 am and showered and fresh pjs on every day after. 3 days later I walked to the canteen for coffees and to register the baby at the end of the ward (the baby was with my Mam) 4 days after I was begging to go home to start real life and have some time just us. There’s a reason they want you up and about it’s not healthy to be slothing about in bed dirty all day.
I agree, I had a 39 hour labour which ended in emergency c section at 5:20pm, the next morning at 8:30 the midwife had me up and walking about
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Could think of anything worse. I'd want my kids and partner with me making the most of the precious newborn stage
I’ve had 2 babies in half terms, they need the break as much as me 😂 also, I didn’t mean the whole day and night, I meant either or, just for a couple of hours. But then again, we’re not lucky enough to have a field for a back garden, a separate annex and god knows what else she doesn’t show!
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Chatty Member
Jesus your in and out quick now arent you? When I had my first 34 yrs ago I was in for 5 days and I thought that wasn't long enough! I'd still be in now if I'd had my way!
I had a c-section last August. Had him at 13.15, they had me up and about about 11pm, was discharged the next afternoon. They don't hang about now 😂
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Ginger drink

Chatty Member
I had an unplanned home birth after being sent home after a sweep 🤢 it was the scariest experience of my life, far too fast for midwives, the paramedics only just got there in time and it was all so hideous no one thought to check what time she was born or anything - around midnight so we weren’t even 100% sure of her actual birthday 🤦‍♀️ I was completely gutted afterwards but now she is 13 she thinks it’s a brilliant story 😂
Oh wow that's a good story to tell 😍
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Oh I know that, I just meant by the time himself & Stacey had Rex she had already trusted him enough to bring him into her sons lives as well as see him grow up & fight to be part of Harry’s life so it’s odd that she pushed him away when Rex was small. I’d say he’s walking on eggshells now & having so many people around at what should be a private time for them as parents must be awful for him.
I get strange vibes off them as a couple, I don’t think she’s as in to him as he is to her.
Do you think? I always thought it was the other way round. He seems irritated by her most of the time
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The weirdest thing happened to us today, my niece expecting her 2nd child,announced 4 weeks ago she was expecting a boy (has a daughter 18mts old) ,all very happy, however her 20 week scan today at the hosp say its a girl !!! 😆😆 just made me think how we were laughing hoping princess pickle would come out a prince pickle !!! So it's a easy made mistake!!!😆😆
Do you think a surprise boy instead of a girl would’ve made more or less money??🤔

I’m slightly creeped out if I ever see anybody who I recognise from Instagram accounts- more so when it’s children. It must be so weird for them when strangers say hello in the street.
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None of my babies had names for about 2 weeks, I knew what I was having and had names picked etc but totally changed my mind with all of them when they were born. My youngest daughter is actually called the name I had picked for my first daughter 😂
My sister had a name for months with my niece. She was going to be called Erin but then she was born tiny with the blondest hair and blue eyes and was 100% NOT an Erin. She was called Lily May.
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