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Has she confirmed it's just a craft book? Her Instagram has 3 main 'selling points' her crafts, so called food and moving shampoo from one bottle to another 🥱🥱. She's definitely trying to go for the mostly stay at home mum who spends her days doing fun little quirky activities, buy my book and you can get an insight into my life. She's trying so hard to be everyone's friend, she'll invite you into her little world and her home with her sickly book.

Anyway why did she need so many pumpkins? I know she's doesn't have a tiny house but come on! And once again noone else seemed to be at the farm when they were there.. They go on alot of days out with noone in the background. Even with reduced numbers you'd expect 2 or 3 people in the background at some point. And why spray paint some of those little ones white, when she could have bought white ones? Unless she was treating them so they last.
I hate to stand up for her but we went yesterday and we were the only ones there🤷‍♀️
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They’re the same sewing kits, shower caps and cotton wool pads/earbuds that we have in the hotel that I work in. I can’t believe she’s that excited about that crappy sewing kit (which is hardly a kit)
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It's still there. It's the post before the one where he runs towards the hot tub. The story begins "my night vs Joe and zachs night".
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Again gifting all that food and drink to the wrong person
Surely Diet Coke and dime bars don’t need any help with sales or advertising!!
Why not send to the needy
Another hinch pastrygate all over again
Who was it that sent it? I couldn't hear her through the false laughing voice
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I have a theory of why she wears fake lashes all the time and always makes them a focal point of her stories, for example one falling off or one on wonky! It’s so obvious now that she is hoping to bring out a brand of Solomon lashes! That could be the only reason as she can 110% afford eyelash extensions
I've said this before. She's definitely after some sort of lashes range in super drug or poundland the way she goes on about them constantly. I don't know how she can't be arsed with them 24/7. It's about the only thing consistent on her stories thought, nailed changing colour and different clothes because of all the prerecords. Surprised Rex hasn't taken a swipe at them yet and pulled them off. Maybe after she reads on here in the morning then we will get that content along with her hilarious laugh in a few days

I'm sure someone mentioned that she was in the same clothes to pick up the dog this morning, as she was in to go pumpkin picking the day before. But then she was in a different jumper filming afternoon nap time?
So it looks like she threw on yesterday's outfit to go collect the dog. Then came home and got changed just to fanny about with arts and crafts? I'm sure if Rex had spilled something on her or whatever she would have treated us to a story about how it was so funny and she's such a disaster etc
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It’s sad that the pumpkin has cleaner lashes on than she does!

I’d kind of understand that ‘I love it so much’ gushing if one of the kids had made it but she did it herself! She’s so self indulgent it makes me want to puke :sick:
I have a theory of why she wears fake lashes all the time and always makes them a focal point of her stories, for example one falling off or one on wonky! It’s so obvious now that she is hoping to bring out a brand of Solomon lashes! That could be the only reason as she can 110% afford eyelash extensions
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Here she goes again with the "really small business". It's so demeaning and belittling. Can you imagine how she'd feel if someone did an interview with her and worded it as "little known Stacey Solomon" or "Z-lister Stacey Solomon".

I know! It is hard to tell. Mrs Hinch took her Autumn wreath out of the loft this year and kept stressing that she made it LAST year. Look at my lovely wreath. Can't believe I made this LAST year. Lol. I took this as a dig at Stacey copying as she made a wreath this year. I keep thinking it is Stacey copying as she knows how popular Mrs Hinch is and I feel she is piggy backing off her success. Before Mrs Hinch became popular I don't remember Stacey being this popular. Her career seemed to be winding down but it has had a boost. I might be wrong and not remembering correctly but this is the way I see it. I feel like these two will have a fall out eventually. They are both fake but I feel like stacey is worse. I used to love Stacey and never been a fan of Hinch but I'm really going off Stacey as I see right through her now
I think it definitely started with Stacey copying Hinch all the time. Now they're as bad as each other. You can guarantee that whatever one does, the other will do a few days later. No matter which way round it is.
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Omg there was like actual crumbs or some sort of crap in her filthy hair in that one story . I hope she cleaned that hut bettter than she cleans her home but I'm sure it was all for show because she comments on her mess .
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many people saying original quotes were less than £150 a night before SS shared where they were. Pretty shitty to raise the price throughout the day. Or maybe savvy rather than greedy?
I'd say both. I guess it made good business sense having her be the first guest.
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She was papped smoking while pregnant with her second child so it wouldn't surprise me if she smokes around the kids, that's probably what her daily stories of taking the dog out for their morning shite was actually for, to hide the fact she's going out for a smoke
Oh that makes sense. I never knew she was a smoker. I get confused when she’s outside stalking neighbours garden whilst her dog poos 😂
I don’t go in my garden whilst mine are outside. But then I don’t smoke
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watermelon sugar

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Bit hypocritical to call her own children soap dodgers isn't it 😂 id feel ashamed if I were her, imagine all the other kids parents at school, probably see her stories and think wtf 😂
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They've found a campsite with one perfect pitch left! What were the odds of that? She's more fake than an Ikea Fejka
Exactly. I don't know why, but it really wound me up.

I don't think people expect her to stay home with Rex' because the older 2 are at their dads on the weekend. It's just that she doesn't seem to ever plan any of these trips or days out when she has the boys. No little trips after school or saying she has them one day of the weekend so they can do something with their little brother. Maybe she does ask them and they would rather be at their dads which is fair enough, not sure if I was a teenager I'd want everything I do plastered on instagram at the weekend after a week of me falling asleep has already been posted.
I hope it is the boys decision not to go on these days out because they are at an age where they will realise their mum is always doing things with Rex and not them.
She never seems to do anything with Joe's son, although I did wonder if she wasn't allowed to post about him
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I try to avoid Loose Women like the plague but I caught it today, sadly. Was waiting for Stace to stomp her hooves, shrug her shoulders, throw her chin up and start giggling but she didn't 🤔
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She has been mentioned numerous times about the I'm a celeb thing so I take it that is what she is filming for? If it is there is no big secret really. I know they are probably contracted that they can't say too much on it
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Was that meant to be yolky egg rex was dipping ? The color was horrendous. Holy filters.
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