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She’s now claiming that her GDPR has been breached because people know the situation, as if she’s not been sat on live all night telling the full of TikTok. I’m super tempted to call either gmp or the airport. This is too much. She’s spiralling.
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I’ve not watched her since the bush got home I can’t it’s too much watching her treat j the way she does! The shite she spouts is unbelievable sw need to step in as soon as she’s back! SW approached LT for her “online behaviours” but she wasn’t abusing her children online they need to safeguard that wee boy
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See that bloody Michelle 😡 why does she think everything is always so funny when Stacy gets caught out at anything. Always in shellfish comments making stupid comments when the only thing she should be saying is that John is fighting tooth and nail to save that wee boy from her. I don’t think he has a clue about anything and he’s s just sitting back waiting on the court date. And in reality it’s got fuck all to do with Michelle so should not be making any comments about it especially on social media.

Sorry for the rant but I get riled up about people like Stacy cos I used to live with someone very much like her and he was evil too
See I think she is a bad bastard anaw but I also think there surely must be some real psychological disorder going on there as naebody could keep up an act for that long. I’ve not one bit of sympathy for her right enough it’s the wean I feel sorry for. She should have been locked up in Carstairs long ago , this shite has been going on for years now.
She definitely has some disorder cos people don’t act like the way she does.
I think she’s dangerous and i honestly thought she was having some kind of manic episode the past few days. I’ve came to the realisation that she is infact psychotic. Like really bat shit crazy.
She’s calculated, she’s a fucking sociopath!

This should have Stacey’s photo attached to it. She’s textbook!
This is exactly who she is. My ex was an abusive narcissistic sociopath and he wasn’t just dangerous with his hands he was dangerous with what he could mentally do to people myself included, I almost put myself in a grave due to what he was doing to me mentally.
I believe stacy to be able to do the same and she should never have that boy in her custody
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She’s on now looks high as a kite. How the fk are social services doing fk all to help that wean ffs
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Wully encouraging it and Kerry & Pro cuttinaboot were in the comments thinking it was hilarious. There’s an innocent wee boy who is being more damaged by the day by this clown it’s no a laughing matter ffs
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Tonight the honker wanted to leave J with strangers again to get pumped off a drummer!!! I always leave the 🐚🐟 page pure raging and wanting to take that rage out on her big bo selecta face
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John got into a relationship & suddenly she was a DV victim & he was the worst father , shes a women scorned , that guy did everything for her even when they were not a couple , shes a nightmare

Wooly saying she only wants to go a holiday with her son , no she wants to take her son abroad and not come back there is a huge difference, wee Jack could end up anywhere shes obsessed with the morocco men and would disappear in a heartbeat with one of them
I will never ever forget that night she was on a bus for ages went to the opposite side of the island with wee jack to go stay with a man she only met
No wooly she doesnt just want to take her son on holiday no she wants to live a fantasy that she lives over there her sons been told hed starting school over there when he was never registered she then threatened him that in spain behaviours like his are not accepted and he would be fucking locked up thats what she told a wee autistic boy at 10 at the time in a strange country where he cannot even read english shes fucking cruel to him and being abroad means away from his dad! So many old videos of her saying her ex was a great dad and they have a great co parent relationship until stacey got jel of michelle
She keeps making gun gestures which is frightening.
She thinks cos the african musicians she stalks do it that it makes her look cool🤣🤣
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It’s so bizarre when you think back to when she first appeared and never mentioned John. But it was a very similar campaign she had going on against big Jinty. All fake documents and evidence etc. At some point she’s just decided to turn her attention to John. But it’s the exact same crackpot shite she’s talking.
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Wee Toots

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Still live, saying the police tried to section her under the mental health act yesterday. No they didn't you liar, they were there to do a welfare check on J.
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I'm so tired of her shouting harassment in order to evade intervention. She knows exactly what she's doing and is one of the most manipulative cunts i've ever seen.

She was on Live earlier showing a letter that was signed by the Resident Psychiatrist of Curaleaf. I didn't catch the name. Did anyone get this Dr's name?
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Just reading all your comments about the dad and step mum and I really don’t think wee J will be placed with them either. J needs lots of help, not only in the support with his autism and education but he will most definitely need help with his psychological and emotional needs. he also has no idea about having a loving healthy relationship with anyone as he’s never been shown. He is going to need lots of therapy and I don’t think any of the adults in his life just now are capable of helping with it.

I really hate to think of any child going through the care system but to me that seems like the only better option for him. The whole situation is heartbreaking 😔
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I think that’s part of the problem, the relevant authorities are possibly only seeing screenshots and not the full videos of her fucked up behaviour
At this stage i would be watching a social worker watching the videos to make sure they have seen the behaviour in question as well as the lawyer should have all of them as evidence for court i hope to god they have done that at least
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One shoe magoo

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I hope she's not trying to get that wee boy hurt so she can say look this is what happened we need away fast. She's that psychotic and I wouldn't put it past her. Also that towns dull of crackpots. Imagine something happened to her and he's left himself in that room not knowing where she is or what's happened. She thinks she's invincible.
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One shoe magoo

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She is actually emotionally abusing him. It is abuse. She has turned into big Jinty without even trying. He needs a secure homelife and an education. I don't like saying kids should be taken but with her then YES. poor kid. All these holidays to Spain to watch her fill her hole and get drunk n stoned. Has he even been in pool or anything remotely kid like that he'd enjoy.
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So it wasnt a relationship ever at all? Makes her dv story make even less sense than it did before then look at that load of crap shes went in and told to a spanish court how can they just accept her word? Is that johns address shes shared 🙄🙄🙄
🐚🐟 has a video where someone asks her when she actually last seen John & she answers “2020 probably “ but in that protection order it says John allegedly attacked her in 2023!! She’s outing all the lies she’s told herself
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Tell me yous have seen her latest on the shabba receipt page? Saying senorita scotland has been missing because shes been creeping aboot the gorbals flats cutting stayaces wifi wires 😭😭😭😭 then shes got the balaclava on and ‘hiding’ a gun saying shes not phoned police on senorita because she is waiting for her at the back stairs 😭😭😭😭🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
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In her latest tiktoks it looks like the courts are trying to take the weans passport off her, thank fuck
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