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Chatty Member
Her eyebrows look 2 caterpillars crawled there and died.. .also..
I don't want to talk about my scars?... no one would know you had scars idiot if you didn't tell us!! Also..I hate how she always does that annoying laugh whenever she's speaking..what is laughing at? Is it an annoying habit she can't help but do?


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Does anyone else have an assumption with zero evidence about the loaf herself lol? (Similar to everyone assuming Deni smells lol).

I don’t think she’s ever done anything off the top of my head to make me think this - but I get the vibe from her that she could be racist. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t think I have seen a person of colour in a story or post of hers ever (both personal and professional) or because she just seems so bogan that she would never interact with someone not from Australia lol.

I can’t not think this I know it’s not a great accusation to put out lol
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Chatty Member
Triniti you are so bloody diplomatic
New profile pic for anyone that wants in. What on earth is going on with that face?
Much Ballet. Coordination about as on fleek as her eyebrows.
This one is also nice 😊
The lazy eye compliments the fresh full to the brim of filler face.
Actually, she looks like she’s been in a bar fight 😏


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Trinity has made me fall in love with the Trezalia dress 😭 but I will hold strong. Can anyone like somewhere that sells something similar haha
Now I have to put a fork in my eye 🍴 🙄
Trinity wearing Cachia pyjamas …..
Has she not seen the red flags of a garden variety sociopathic narcissist 🫡 FFS!


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Absolute fuck stick . Now she is saying that if you have curly hair ( loaf you have wavy at best btw) that the quality of the curl is based on your health and she is now healthy that’s why her “curls” are back . You fucking idiot , if you have ringlet curls , they are ringlets they don’t disappear if you are sick. If you have Afro hair , it’s Afro it doesn’t disappear if you are sick . Someone , take her out lol.
Oh Sophie love. You are a complete moron. Dumber that dog shit. Take you xxxxxxx curly hair and fuck off with your nonsensical nonsense
#28 Big Tits, Tiny Brain, XXS body, Thick Thighs, Huge Vagina, Massive Scars, Enormous Teeth, Ginormous Hypocrite
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I wo der if any mums dropped off or only dads? Or only the dads she cares to mention because they give her attention
No doubt there were multiple mothers who dropped their sons off, of course she would dismiss their presence. She is so hungry for cock.
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When I was 17 we had a boy in our group of friends with a milf mum (this was around the time American pie came out so it was milf then). The boys in our group were obsessed and one did end up sleeping with her. But, it was a badge of honour to them all except the mate whose mum it was. Us girls were grossed out by it. I wouldn’t put it past Sophie to sleep with one of the boys mates in the next year or 2.
It’s more common than we want to think. I have older brothers who had friends at our house all the time. I remember my mum overhearing one of their conversations about how one of the boys in their friend group had a mum who answered the door stark naked when his friends came over to visit. Legit just to get reactions from the boys, who were around 14 at the time. Needless to say my mum didn’t allow my brother to go to his house anymore, although she did invite his friend over to spend time with our family as often as she could. It was obvious that his home life was pretty twisted and dysfunctional.
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tin vienna

Active member
Ok I need to have a little vent here because today has really angered me.

for her to bang on about having HG and it being so severe yet she has no health implications from it now is mind blowing to me.

I had HG my pregnancy just gone (mentioned it here before when lost was banging on about it)
I’m 1 year PP and STILL on a dental plan to fix what it did to my teeth. Todays appt alone was $1000 which probably doesn’t seem like much but when it’s nearly monthly for a year it gets a lot. That is HG, the acid from vomiting so much has stripped the enamel off my teeth and eaten away at my gum lines.

She’s a fucking liar, she’s lied from day dot and I am sooooooo sick of her getting away with it all the time. There are genuine people out there (triniti ect) who would bend over backwards for the brands that loaf does fuck all for yet she’s constantly given handouts.
🙏🙏 preach!!
Follow severe HG victim here (kids now 10 and 5). I have just had the last of ten operations since my second to fix my teeth and jaws. HG can completely f&$k you up… it’s MORE than just feeling sick.
I think someone said it before - if her lips are moving, mouldy panini is lying 🤥
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Chatty Member
I just love how she doesn’t watch the news because she doesn’t need the negativity in her life but bitch runs here every five minutes to catch up on the news 😂 literally no one is asking to see your vagina, what we’re pointing out is nobody can see any scarring or silicone patches in bikinis where your vagina basically is hanging out.
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Clearly it’s pay day or the opportunity for pay day as she is rampant on stories and talking shit about shit . The word vomit of how she was just talking to a friend ( does she do anything but talk to friends) and she has been crying yet the white inner eyeliner is still present 😂 eyes are not red !
talking about nervous system to energetically believing fucking bullshit , attracting what we need all because of boooootiful DM’s .DM’s That she wouldn’t usually see because the internet is cruel then realised that tattle is only 1% and she is missing out on all the booootiful DM’s so opened them .
Now she is elevated and overwhelmed , the fucking word vomit .
then she walked into a shop and into a follower of many years who knows an ex friend or partner or colleague or some shit and this random then commended her for doing so well 😂
All whilst looking off to the side in this story because that’s a sign of lying .
you couldn’t make this shit up .
her issue is she is trying to pep herself up whilst low key addressing Tattle and it’s just fucking garbage .
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Can we just lap back on the sleep over situation for a second.

the way she was acting makes me physically sick, she’s a predator and if this were a father doing it to his teenage daughters friends the police would be involved, he would be called out and cancelled.
How is it time and time again loaf is flying under the radar for things like this?
this isn't just a “oh I hate her she lies about Botox” situation.
it’s down right disturbing and everyone is turning a blind eye?
Agreed she is a sick fuck. She wore see-through pants so she could have her arse and tits on show to children. How is no-one talking about this????
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Thick thighs seriously, babe drink some more sleepy tea. If you had thick thighs then you might actually have a ass
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clickbait queens

Well-known member
She’s so bloody thick 😩 clearly they mean because one pocket is super close to the zip and the other one isn’t……. Loafs talking about the colour of the denim 😂😂😂
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I have had 5 c sections and I definitely have a scar. My specialist wouldn't cut through an old scar as it becomes unstable, so he goes up a little bit takes the old scarring out and makes a new incision. With her band aid bikini, she wears you would see a small scar. There is no way she has had sections. I bet she thinks an episiotomy is a c section.. Fuck she's dumb...Good on you cum guzzling gutter slut..
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