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Yeah, Barney would probably be on a boat with us Tattlers because you would have fucking left him in the Jumproo on the titanic Soaf. (This is from Soafs insta stories FYI!)

You are the only Mum who DESERVES guilt! You should feel guilty that your son doesn’t have shoes and is dumped in front of a TV all day!

You should feel guilty that you throw scraps at him like a dog. Where was Barneys evening meal whilst you and Dave binge ate pizza? Really healthy Dave! How about you make your own? Or stay away from those foods that made you 30 stone pal!


Honestly they can not complain about Barney he's the most chilled kid ever! Just sits and watches TV and chills in his jumperoo? My 7 month screams after 5 minutes in the jumperoo Ive got stairgates everywhere because his new favourite thing is climbing the stairs. They really don't know how easy they've got it
Barney is dosed up on cough medication, shoved in a jumparoo and left to watch TV.

I don’t know a single 15 month old that wouldn’t be screaming to get out after a few minutes.

I think he is overmedicated to keep him quiet
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So Dave was gutted that he didn't go with Soaf to get Barney's shoes, Chip was getting stressed in the car so Dave decided to stay with him, does that mean he was prepared to leave Chip in the car alone if he wasn't stressed :unsure: has he any idea how many thousands of dogs have been stolen over the past 2 years :mad:

Thick shit alert.........they buy a Barney a water trough that is obviously meant to be played with in the garden, bless him he had so much fun but i doubt he will be allowed to play with it again......well at least not until next summer.
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Is she really this gormless, or is this ditsy, cute ‘what am I like!’ persona put on for us? As for all the ‘I love tripe’ it’s really, really sickening. He’s like a 13 year with his first girlfriend. Grow up the pair of you. You’re way too old for this sickening behaviour
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The thing is, Barney will now see it as a game and will do anything to get on the window sill to get their attention. So climb on the loaf, to get onto the windowsill whilst Soaf is distracted by her hair.

I was so shocked when I saw it I had to say something, so I guess I’ll be blocked now, couldn’t careless, using Barney like that for IG content and Dave putting it on his IG too, they’re not fit to be parents 🥲😡
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How late do you think they'll be for the flight to florida?
Is it bad that I hope it doesn't wait for them?
All the people on it will have been so desperate to get to florida after not being able since 2020, so why should they have to wait any longer for those 2 selfish slobs
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Dave’s probably having an absolute meltdown because Matt has unfollowed him on Instagram 🤣
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I think Jess has done this to 'show up' Soaf and her Halloween party. That's why it's early so she got in first and can be the thing that people compare it against.

This is just conjecture based on some of the tidbits posted here so take it with a pinch or salt but their relationship as sisters seems toxic to me.

When I think of how different it is to my relationship with my own sister it makes me sad.
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I want to say i can’t believe they haven’t uploaded after only saying on Tuesday that vlogs will be Tuesday and Thursday and even asking what viewers would prefer. But let’s face it, it’s no surprise 🤣
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HOW are they not absolutely mortified? I'm embarrassed for them. She'd better not have the bare-faced cheek to write any posts in the near future about being a "working mum" (or she can expect fireworks).
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I bloody keep forgetting about Dave's Energy drink addiction! Oh god, imagine he finally loses weight but his body succumbed to fucking Monster energy drinks. GROW UP DAVE.

I thought I would check out an old gossip site that I used to look at before Tattle came along I swear these are real and shows that in 2-3 years NOTHING has changed, these are a few highlights:

Sept 2018
I honestly find Sophie so immature for her age.

1. The crazy obsession with disney
2. No job, even though their Youtube channel isn't that big
3. Doesn't post consistently on her main channel
4. What's the point of planning a wedding, when they really don't want one/are cheap about. Elope and do your honeymoon since the party isn't important

Jan 2019
Totally disgusted that they are selling gifts that you have received from an award (the Pandora necklace and bracelet for 100 pounds each. It's super unethical and frowned upon in the influencer community. Everyone knows you can't sell gifts for profit.

Apr 2019
I don't get how Dave hasn't lost any weight since the channel came up since they say he works out regularly and eats "healthy"?!?

May 2019
Some random irritations to get off my chest (more to follow when I can think of them):
1. the inconsistent posting by, and false promises from, Sophie. Says she's going to kick-start her main channel, never does. Starts a weight loss 'series' last summer, resulting in a grand total of two videos, never to be spoken of again. Etc.
2. Their total lack of ambition to want to travel and see the world beyond the four corners of Disney Orlando.
3. The fact Sophie can never seem to hold a job down for more than a few months at a time.
4. When Dave tries to be '#boyfriendgoalz' by saying cutesy stuff about Sophie and trying to look all sweet for the camera. EUGH.
5. The constant references to 'shredding for the wedding' by Dave over the last few months, when he continues to look larger than life itself.
My God, this is the best summary I've seen in a while and er, it's basically still relevant in 2021...HILARIOUS. As IF she sold her Cosmo gifted items!!!!
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I've never understood this sense of entitlement to go to WDW. This is something that comes up so much on the Disney Vlogger threads.

It's like, regardless of whether or not they can afford it, these people feel entitled to go. So they go to any lengths necessary to fund their trips. Many have admitted taking out loans, using credit cards to the limit, some have even said about putting their children birthday presents on buy now, pay later but then are going to DLP! (Magically Natalie for example!) and Knappily has allegedly borrowed the money for DVC from her parents.

Don't get me wrong, loads of us want to go to WDW and maybe more than once. But a little cheeky thing called 🌠REALITY🌠 usually puts a stop to that. For many hard working families, it takes years of hard work to save for a trip to WDW. To be able to afford the trip itself and the spending money you want to be able to enjoy the trip DEBT FREE. I know many people put it on credit cards and pay it off afterwards and there is nothing wrong with that, each to their own.

But, I remember seeing SAD, on their honeymoon, scrimp and have fuck all money once they were there. Counting the pennies because yes, they managed to get there off the back of some shoddy pin sales but they had fuck all spending money to enjoy it. Now imagine with a toddler in tow, what if Barney NEEDED extra things, they can't just not have the money to hand this time? You can get away with it as two adults on a dining plan but with a toddler and no dining plan in place, no way.

For me, again, just my opinion, I want to enjoy my holiday without a care in the world. No a single financial burden at all. I want to know I can relax and spend what I want to spend!
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I would just like to remind people these morons are 30 and 35 :LOL: and they can't even get to the cinema on time. I mean, not that they EVER have managed to get anywhere on time.

I have two kids, my husband and I have full time jobs, friends (we actually see our friends Soaf, not like you who pretends to see them yet none have never meant your 15 month old..) and we pre book cinema tickets (no declined cards here guys), arrive with plenty of time to spare and SHOCK HORROR WE ALSO HAVE A DOG!!!!!!! Because going to the cinema is a fucking privilege when you work. Or when you have any spare time as parents actually. Or even when you have enough money to be able to do so. It's a luxury.

Wow. Shall I print them out some certificates for buying their son his first pair of shoes? Child benefit must have hit the bank last week!
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So Lauren’s tik tok is full of videos of Jess and Wilf (them going on weekends away, Lauren taking Wilf to meet Penelope for the first time, this Halloween hunt etc etcand not a single shred of Barney, Soaf or Dave. Same on her Instagram. 😂

Barney was not included in that Halloween hunt as it would be all over social media. Or you would at least catch a shot of them there or at least Barney but he wasn’t.

I think it’s a really odd thing to do to be honest when Soaf is supposed to be throwing this AMAZING Halloween party?! Why does Wilf need two Halloween celebrations?!
I think Jess knows that Soaf doesn’t make much of an effort and God Forbid Wilf doesn’t get spoilt on Halloween......
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The poor little lamb didn't get to go out being pregnant....what a fucking punch in the gut for the millions of women struggling through infertility. Who may NEVER get to be pregnant. She's such a selfish insensitive arsehole.
She was also clearly talking as if she could fall pregnant again in an instant if she wanted. Ain’t always that simple babe, especially when you’ve got a turkey baster to contend with
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Chatty Member
Does this photo worry anyone else?? So dangerous the thing he’s wearing is too big and he could easily slip / trip on the bit hanging at his foot...
What worries me, is that she edits these vlogs she puts out. She willingly shows areas of neglect, abuse and downright dangerous behaviour.
she has chosen to share this picture of Barney (who she said wasn’t going to appear as frequently in her social media accounts).

is she really this stupid that she doesn’t see what she is showing as not normal? 🤷🏻‍♀️

i truly worry about what she isn’t showing tbh 🙁
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Nope don’t believe the excuse about chop being in the car, I think Dave was at work and soaf picked him up on the way back to her her mums.
Dave had a jumper on without the normal stains, he normally walks around like a shit show. I think they said chop was in the car as they want to keep it quiet that Dave is working
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“I keep my toddler in the jumperoo because if I don’t then he will climb draws and shelves.”
- Soaf Bellend Brown 2021

Soaf babe. It’s called parenting. Shut Chip out of the room. Let Barney out of his cage and let him walk/crawl around. And you WATCH him and tell him no when he tries and climbs up furniture. It’s. Not. That. Difficult!!

Seriously this girl!

My son was out of his jumperoo at 12 months old because he out grown it, like Barney has.

You trapping your son in one is a form of abuse.
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I think Soafs dream was for her and Dave to go full time on YouTube and be this super successful sickly, in LOVE sweet couple, who everyone loves, who has this cute perfect DAUGHTER and that they as a family rise to fame on YouTube and become able to make big money and go to WDW whenever they wanted and buy whatever they wanted and never really work for it.

Her little dream didn't happen the moment she was told she was pregnant with a boy. Her entire dream collapsed. However, I still think she thought them having a baby would catapult them into major YouTube success without much effort. She thought the views would come easily, that they wouldn't have to work too hard for views but then came the global pandemic and fucked up her plans!
By rights though the pandemic should have made things BETTER for them, with so many people forced to stay at home whether shielding or because nothing was open, YT channels would have grown - IF they had decent content, likeable creators and good videos. They failed on all 3 counts and in their case they SHOULD give up the ‘day job’
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She's just copying Jade.

Jade likes Disney...Soaf likes Disney..

Jade has a husband who may or may not be in the closet....Soaf has a husband who may or may not be in the closet....

Jade disappears from Socials....Soaf disappears from socials :LOL:
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They don't do anything in the garden because A) it looks like Chernobyl. and B) Chop get run of the garden and shits everywhere. Bodybuilder Dave aint going to spend any of his precious energy cleaning shit up is he.

Barney needs access to his garden. He needs to be able to explore, have STURDY shoes to help him walk. To be able to climb freely and do the water play. Why hasn't he got one of those waterproof all in ones so he can do messy play in the garden.

Oh because they don't give a fuck about actually entertaining him.
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