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Annoyed with myself for watching but I’m bored.

They had a big family roast at her mums.

Her sister (Jess?) has given her some pregnancy clothes back and she is sorting through decided what she wants to keep if she is lucky enough to have another one but they have no immediate plans.
So total clickbait then🙄
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Guys you’ve got to watch the video!!!! 😂

This is how is starts ‘’ As you know, we are currently renting. But now we are married, we have Barney and have had our Disneymoon, the next big thing we are saving for is a house...’

Except they bought the £1.5k chair shortly after and booked a £7-8k holiday within a year.... and yet, no house.

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Student loan paid for their first WDW trip.

Then Soaf made Dave pay for his 'surprise 30th' WDW trip.

Strangers on the internet then paid for their Honeymoon WDW trip.

I wonder who is paying for their 'Copy the Knappily family and go to WDW in Feb 2022 and stay at a luxury resort' WDW trip :ROFLMAO: cause it aint Ads, YouTube or a hard earned wage from a job.
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I think Soafs dream was for her and Dave to go full time on YouTube and be this super successful sickly, in LOVE sweet couple, who everyone loves, who has this cute perfect DAUGHTER and that they as a family rise to fame on YouTube and become able to make big money and go to WDW whenever they wanted and buy whatever they wanted and never really work for it.

Her little dream didn't happen the moment she was told she was pregnant with a boy. Her entire dream collapsed. However, I still think she thought them having a baby would catapult them into major YouTube success without much effort. She thought the views would come easily, that they wouldn't have to work too hard for views but then came the global pandemic and fucked up her plans!
I just don't understand her disappointment in having a boy
Truth be told I wanted a girl, because I did really worry id be a terrible boy mum
But the second I found out I was having a boy I was looking at boy clothes, planning his nursery, looking at names and now I never even think about "oh but if he was a girl" I just love him so much because he's mine and my whole world, I don't get how Sophie doesn't see Barney the same
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They really are just a pathetic pair of losers and it’s sad that Barney is stuck with them as parents.

Why doesn’t he have appropriate toys for playing inside? Never known anyone have an inside water toy to splash all the walls and floors?! So weird.
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Maybe Dave has joined an MLM like the other Insta Huns 😂

It’s so hard because I think for me, I do love this thread. It holds those arseholes to account. It’s the only place where they cannot control what we talk about and they cannot delete what we say. And clearly, things are getting worse and worse and the danger and risk to Barney is increasing. That’s the part that’s getting hard to see. It’s fucking horrific and Jess Ratbags and all of the Ratbag and Square Scottish clan needs to sort it out before Barney get SERIOUSLY hurt.

All is not well in Paradise AT ALL. Surely the financial failure of YouTube HAS to be affecting them?! Surely?!

Dave and his lack of GEM photos or videos is really weird. Unless the landlord has had complaints about him?
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Also Soaf asking for the viewers preference on what 2 days they should upload. Cos you really listened when you asked them to decide if they should upload every other day or Monday Wednesday and Friday! They are so full of shite it is just laughable.

I wish I could stop myself from hate watching but they are just a car crash that I can’t look away from
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Have a feeling they might use their marriage troubles as an excuse to leave Barney with the grand parents and go up Disney without him, so they can use the time to “reconnect“. (If they even go and if they even make it that long) Mentioning the problems now to set up a new reason for the trip so they feel no guilt leaving him being or as an excuse to only film part of the trip.
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Chatty Member
I am actually disgusted at how neglectful and lazy these “parents” are. No shoes for poor Barney, not allowed to explore the world. Of course he’s going to be into everything, HES A BABY. There is no mum guilt from what I can see.
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Soaf babygirl, can you just do a quick google search of the word ‘work’ .... it really doesn’t apply to prancing around in dresses in your sons bedroom darlin, that’s called getting dressed.

and STOP pretending 10000 people have asked you for coaching advice when your YouTube is down the toilet and you’ve had no Ads on Inta or YouTube... naughty girl 😂😂😂😂
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My partner did a recruitment day at the job centre, and he had several people very bluntly say in the interview "I'm not wanting the job, I'm just here because I have to be for my benefits'
Doesn't that sound exactly like something dave would say
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- Basically affiliate links to clothes she hadn't even bought.
- She would mostly re-post shit from people watching their vlogs. It was lots of arselicking mostly.
- CONSTANT re-posts of their sad little Disney holidays. Mostly of them eating.

Hahaha anyone want to reply to Jess Ratbags and say, yeah had to give your sister an unfollow for her dangerous little circus act with your nephew earlier!

View attachment 809103
The sister is so fucking bland, obviously the only person to ever have a child, trying to play off ‘my issues’ while thinking she’s number 1 parent in the world. Go post some more naked pics of your child you tramp!
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the truth his his ankles are supporting a lot more than 20kg and he's doing himself no favours adding to the load.
he's not some highland strong man throwing the caber he's a super morbidly obese man stuffing carrot cake protein down his cake hole and lifting heavy weights on a joint, skeleton structure and heart already greatly overloaded. he's also necking caffeine and stimulant loaded monster.
its a recipe for a total disaster
I imagine toppling over on his back like a turtle who can't get up was quite embarrassing in a gem with real people is embarrassing but he's going to blow his knee joints or have a heart attack if he doesn't stop this obsession with being a strong man
that stain on his Lower leg is likely a sign of diabetes
he needs to calorie control and go for a walk.
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It sounds like she wants another baby for her own selfish reasons 😔

I'm so fed up of her click bait titles, especially those about getting pregnant. It is really insensitive.
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The fact they still confine Barney rather than baby proofing the bungalow is so sad , what lady parents 😔 they dose him up on medicine and stick him somewhere where he can’t move or explore … as mother this breaks my heart , I couldn’t imagine doing such a thing ! I wish I could give the sweet little lad a cuddle 😔
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