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I used to post in older threads, but I’ve just watched the home bargains vlog… what?!

first of all, since when has Barney called her Soph? Does that not prove how much of a shit mum she is?!

where the hell are that kids shoes?!

why is he left UNATTENDED in a jumperoo? He is 15!!!! months old, he could hurt himself so badly if he climbed out!! And plus…. Hes 15 months old?!

her speech about being able to see Barney all day and work when he’s in bed… get a grip Soph. My daughter is 2 and I work FULL TIME!! To provide for her, I would kill to spend a proper day with her during the week and you get that chance and do what? Shove him in a jumperoo and take him to home bargains. You need a serious wake up call.

How are these two living off their 10k views per vlog? Surely they aren’t bringing in loads even with ads and aff links?? I hope it all goes south for them, they don’t have a clue what it’s like to actually work to provide your child!!
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Yeah that’s exactly it, they acted so hard done by yet they:

- Left two jobs that brought in an income AFTER Soaf got pregnant.
- Left a fully furnished house that they had spent a fortune on.
- Decided to go and live with Mummy Ratbags who had to give up her bedroom and share with her teenage daughter so Dave and Soaf could have the master bedroom. They had their laundry done for them, meals cooked for them etc.

They chose to leave their settled life whilst pregnant because ‘Soaf wanted to be near her family.’ Well guess what, you should have found jobs and houses first like pregnant adults have to do.

Not sit in a bedroom, fake crying and asking strangers on the internet to give you money because ‘your babies clothes are neatly folded in carrier bags’ - Yep, they really said that. I recommended you go back and watch that video. Her fake wiping of tears whilst rubbing her pregnant belly is Oscar worthy.

On top of that, they then moved into a nice new bungalow, had free money to buy loads of new things (as they had chucked most of their old belongings...what a luxury!) and yet still spent the entire time complaining.

Soaf, this might come as a shock but many other women gave birth during the pandemic too. Many of them had to go through the majority of labour ALONE. Their partners weren’t allowed in the hospital until the end if AT ALL.

You had your husband home for the entire pregnancy, entire first year of Barneys life and that still wasn’t good enough for you. Nothing is ever good enough for you and that’s why people really dislike you.

YET many of us, work our arses off. Stay at home parents, part time working, full time working, whatever it may be. We work, we provide, we balance it all, we sacrifice, we struggle, we don’t book luxury holidays we can’t fucking afford because WE WANT TO. We don’t order £100’s of clothes because WE WANT TO. Our families needs come first. Our children have shoes before we have fucking protein powder and that’s what’s different between a decent parent and you two absolute embarrassments. Sacrifice. You have never ever had to sacrifice anything for Barney and you never will because you are far too selfish to ever put him or his needs first.
i provide admin support for our community midwifery team and I can tell you that I saw the real struggle the new mums had throughout last year. These first time mums had no family to help them through those first days/weeks at home. The only people they saw outside of their homes were us at the family centre where their appointments were; “forced” to wear masks and us unable to give them a hug for comfort. It was horrific to watch them cry as they wanted more than a zoom call with their parents. S & D really should count their blessings!
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For someone who’s supposedly a ‘natural teacher’ (her words, certainly not ours) you’d think she’d know him being everywhere is him exploring and discovering. Why would you even need to stop him from climbing?! That just screams that he’s being left unattended. Why else would you contain a toddler?
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There is no frustration or embarrassment in their demeanour when they are late. They just laugh it off as though it’s no big deal. I get so wound up with myself if I’m late for anything, I hate to cause disruption and feel terrible. The arrogance of them is sickening
Even watching their blase attitudes to their lateness in the video made me feel anxious. Thinking of walking into the screen and disturbing everyone watching the movie makes my chest tighten. So disrespectful to everyone else.

It reflects their lack of knowledge of the real world that they don't think being on time is important.
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I might be in the minority here, but I don't agree that it's Lauren's responsibility to include Barney when she does fun things for Wilf. She's taken the time, energy and money to plan something, yet Sophie and Dave can't be bothered to do it for their own son. Coming from a child who was part of the "poorer" family, I never felt it because on holidays at least my parents put in the effort to make it fun/do something.

Sophie and Dave could easily plan something, but instead they're too selfish to plan. If finances are the problem maybe one of them could get a job. It bothers me that Sophie has a degree that would allow her to have a real pay check, but instead she's content lounging on the couch all day.
While I agree with the sentiment of your post I'd far rather Soaf is lounging on a couch all day than being a teacher. Not only is her personality fundamentally not suited to teaching, but she's also as thick as mince. Having said this, obvs there are jobs out there that narc thickos can do but sadly the Bellend is way too lazy. 30 years old and never worked full-time in her whole life. Quite the achievement.
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Am I understanding this correctly that Sophie and Dave are going to stop filming Barney (I don’t watch their vlogs anymore). If so that is great news. I’m guessing they have realised that it is horrific to sell the safety and security of their little baby at all let alone selling the safety and security of their little baby for only a couple of floaty dresses and a 2 week visit to a theme park (sigh - poor Barney). There are so many horror stories about the harm that is caused by uploading a child’s life on the internet.

It is shocking to see them use the jumperoo. It is exceptionally dangerous to do so at Barney’s stage. There isn’t any excuse really - this particular jumperoo has very clear warnings about such use. At this stage Barney should be exploring his surroundings and should be reacting to a firm ‘no’ from care givers when going to an area or touching an object he shouldn’t. Child proofing and parenting is what is required. I get that sometimes it is necessary to contain children but this should be done in a safe manner and placing a child in a jumperoo that is far too small is not safe. This action will cause a number of physiological issues and it is incredibly easy for a child of Barney’s age / height / weight to topple the jumperoo and cause a very serious incident. Sophie please do not do this. If a child really needs to be contained create a safe room in the house where the child can roam freely, procure a play pen (not for use 24/7 but a play pen can help if a parent / care giver needs to go to the loo / prepare a snack etc), or if it is safe enough to do so place the child in a high chair while you nip to the loo, grab a snack etc.

Creating a safe room in the house has been great for my little one (same age as Barney). My little one is allowed to explore the whole house but on days where I have had to work and take care of my little one at the same time (illnesses etc that have kept us away from nursery) our safe room has been a godsend. I work a very stressful, intense job but fortunately can work from home when needed and I’ve managed many days working in our safe room with my little one toddling around. We make various different stations in the room with different toys and activities and my little one can explore and play while I work.
They are probably stopping filming him as they think he doesn’t bring in the views anymore and probably blame him for the channel failing, they are that deluded and selfish.
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I really think they’ve split up.
Is it bad I thought Dave might have come out as gay? As opposed to them actually splitting up?
Or he’s got some weird side hussle on? Or she’s phasing him out so she can fool people into think she’s a single parent and then have a pity party
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They said “we aren’t trying for a baby anytime soon....” when she was literally just back from her honeymoon, in the shop, holding pregnancy vitamins and secretly was trying to get pregnant so I don’t believe a word the compulsive lying cow says to be honest.

A second baby would be so irresponsible. They can’t care for or afford their one son right now. It’s embarrassing for them to sit there and even entertain the idea. Barneys needs are neglected. I don’t give a toot what anyone says about child’s development etc, Barney has been purposefully delayed for THEIR benefit. Barney always looks malnourished, cold, shivering in a sleep suit and never ever looks like he’s living his best life!!

Real decent parents make decisions based on reality. Accidents happen of course but with these two every single thing is plotted and schemed.

Whereas many of us ADULTS, with brains, who pay bills and live in the real world and genuinely worried about the upcoming years because life Is getting expensive! And we have to budget and be sensible.

Nah, not Lazy and Lardy!!!! They get to live like the king and queens of ‘Brownstain Bungalow’ (still cracks me up) in their absolute delusion
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Omg how I laughed when I checked if they uploaded today!! 🤣🤣 They cannot, LITERALLY CANNOT stick to a promise. Ever.
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Wonder if their 'marital issues' really are worse than they let on, still feels so odd they admitted that at all
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Said this before but I was the “poor” cousin and Barney will notice this abs the differences in how he’s treated the older he gets. It’s so sad and not nice for him to feel. Shame on the family for not bringing him into their fold as much as the over two.
This is heartbreaking to think about. He really will be the poor cousin in every way, neglected and second best to a dog in his own home and second class citizen to all his aunts. I think they can’t stand Dave, and probably just tolerate Sophie and this is why the chasm.

If Dave had any decency or gumption about him, he would insist that they live in Scotland near his family. The difference was plain to see, his mum and dad and their spouses all welcomed Barney with open arms when they went up there and the cousins did too. But Dave’s a dick.
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New member
It’s all so over the top. Halloween is weeks away and the kid is what 4 years old?
It’s so much about Instagram and so little about the child.
Completely agree I think the sister Jess is very much about projecting her perfect life to the outside world and Sophie would just like it to be perfect but we all know it's a shit show 😯
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I hadn’t even thought about banner not having a passport yet, could be an excuse as to why he can’t go! They’ll half arsed “try” get him a passport a couple of weeks before Disney and inevitably have to have a “we need to talk” about leaving him at home for 2 weeks cos it won’t come on time
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The vibe I get with Soaf, is like she's a really shit Nanny,

Someone who REALLY exaggerated their CV to get a high flying Nannying job but can't quite do the job :LOL:
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Chatty Member
By rights though the pandemic should have made things BETTER for them, with so many people forced to stay at home whether shielding or because nothing was open, YT channels would have grown - IF they had decent content, likeable creators and good videos. They failed on all 3 counts and in their case they SHOULD give up the ‘day job’
Ive said it before but the pandemic was the best thing that ever happened to them (in their eyes) an excuse for dave to quite his job and for them to do absolutely nothing all day, they weren't affected by it in the slightest. They still saw family constantly and got to do what they love doing best, sitting on their arses armed with excuses why they couldn't go out the house
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Eerrrggghhhh Soph bangs on about how she works al the time. YOU DONT and your offending all parents who actually have a full time job and have children on top of that.

can someone comment on my behalf- I’ve been blocked. But if ALL their money is currently going towards their Florida trip how:

A) Do you pay rent/who pays it for you?
B) Council tax? Bills etc.
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if your only doing 2 a week why wouldnt you do monday-friday as a weekly vlog and upload it saturday and then the weekend as a weekend vlog and upload it monday?
i know why they wont, their days are all the same, would be boring af
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