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Ok so lots of people get pregnant without planning to and make it work for the sake of their child’s. These two planned this. I feel like if you are actively planning a baby, you need to do a financial check that you can cope with adversity (not that anyone could have predicted a pandemic) but a least a financial cushion especially if you are both going to be unemployed, Dave through his theatre work ending and Sophie through choice. Now I do agree that moving home is a sensible suggestion, why be somewhere totally random like Basingstoke where they don’t know anyone. However, if you are thinking of having a family, which we know they were PUT SOME MONEY aside!! my husband and I were fully employed and desperate for a child but we had to wait to make sure we could afford mat leave and and had a cushion of finances for adult life emergencies. Now we all know Covid has made this harder, but they already knew some things:
1. Dave would need a new job
2 Sophie would need a new job
3. Sophie would not be entitled to mat leave pay from her job
For these reasons... MOVE then SAVE then try for a baby!!
Now I would never suggest, now that they are having Barney, that it is a mistake - having lost babies I know wholeheartedly that this is not true. However, they literally planned this.
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I wonder why Dave hasn’t been made to get a supermarket job even if just part time? If that was my partner living in my mum’s house then she would insist on it, especially if he is more than capable of getting one. I’m surprised he’s been allowed to just do nothing all day and not contribute to the household and his future child - they need to grow up and get on with it
I don't think it would cross their minds to get another job. He's getting a furlough wage so in their world that's a full time job. Remember when Sophie moaned about how tiring she found working 30 hours a week (before she was pregnant). Those two are just workshy. Can't even be bothered to upload any decent YouTube content. Lazy freeloaders the pair of them.
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Predictions for tonight's pity party-
Complaining about coronavirus and lockdown

Commenting about how unsure the future is

Commenting on how unprepared they are for the baby's arrival

Sophie complaining about how she looks or how uncomfortable she is

Dave inexplicably telling Sophie she is a good mum

Dave telling Sophie she looks great

They make it really hard for anyone to feel sorry for them. Apart from being in lockdown the situation they are in is self inflicted
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And I find it so odd that neither of them seem to be particularly upset that Daves family may not be able to meet the baby for a while after it's born.
That's a really good point. It's clear something happened at that gender reveal party where Dave's family pissed off to the pub sharpish. I don't get the impression the two families get on.
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Oh my goodness Chip is as fat as a barrel in that vlog! What's all this crap about only being able to do one walk? Why can't they at least mix it up and walk in a different direction? Whatever, both Dave and Chip need to eat less and walk more.

And anyone else notice Sophie being a complete bitch to Dave (again) in that vlog? He's talking about an outfit he had as a baby and Sophie is completely ignoring him, then immediately changes the subject when he stops talking. Doesn't even acknowledge him, she's so rude.

Oh and another thing that made me 🤮 watching that vlog when Dave is baking and sanitises his hands then touches the cake mixture. Grim. Why not wash your hands with soap and water rather than adding unnecessary and unpleasant chemicals to your cake mixture. Oh and Dave you can only santise twice before it stops working. Do yourself a favour and use soap and water.
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Wallets at the ready, people! It must almost be time for Cashpoint Tuesday.

Their begging bowls are being dusted as we speak.
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She says if she was to give birth tomorrow , the only thing they have for the baby is a swaddle blanket, I feel so so bad for this child
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Dave feels useless because he is useless.

They don’t realise how lucky they are. It’s incredibly rare that you can spend the majority of your pregnancy at hone with your husband and family.
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Feather duster

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To get into the higher tax bracket he would need to earn over 50k a year...I doubt he’s close to that on 80% of his call centre wage, especially as it wouldn’t include any commission he might earn...
Unless he earns under 12.5k so doesn’t pay tax...
I’m pretty sure a supermarket job wouldn’t push him into the higher tax bracket!

Even part time work would give them extra money for baby stuff instead of resorting to blatant begging
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I genuinely couldn't believe the first box of nappies the couple have received were gifted to them. I think they must have more stuff than they are letting on, how can they be so calm?! I have no idea why they faked Sophie waking up on the couch to eat a bit of cake. No one looks like when they wake up, not even Princess Sophie.

I don't know if anyone else is following the Brogan drama but after everything that happened with her over the past few days, it kind of put Sophie and Dave in a better light in my opinion. While they are lazy, obnoxious and unprepared they aren't the worst of the YouTube vlogging cretins
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Omg the whole pity party bullshit upload, then drop the... We've got merch! we don't know if it's the right time to ask you to buy it, but we're so poor and helpless, useless fucktards. Scrounging pair of cockwombles! Stop buying shite off the Internet and provide for your own child!
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Chatty Member
I really don't see them getting a house within the next year, unless they have help from their parents and contribute nothing to the house. Even then, I wonder what it would be like getting a mortgage when neither of them can show that they have a stable job.
I did find it weird she said 'the videos don't make us money anymore'.
I think Dave probably does feel worse than Sophie - she comes across alot like she expects him to sort stuff out and I notice he is always given her compliments and looking after her and she does jack for him.
What a shambles.

Also her Instagram story - completely dry eye and suggesting that she is teary.
There’s no way they’d qualify for a mortgage. I’m betting they have credit cards etc that need paying off especially when she has the car on loan too. But even if they both went full time YouTuber and actually managed to survive off of the income, banks are still reluctant to give mortgages to youtubers. One of my friends has a brother who is a gaming YouTuber and he earns a decent amount from it but he had to go to a smaller bank before they even considered him for a mortgage after years of being self employed because they don’t view it as a stable job. I’ve heard that a lot of youtubers just have to save and buy their house outright. I’m doubtful whether they even declare their income which is important for having years worth of self employed tax returns to get approved.
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My thinking is they believe we will be out of lockdown in 2weeks and then sophs mom can arrange a baby shower where all sophie will have to do is buy some crisps that Dave and chip will eat.
And they will be given everything they need.
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They both left their home and jobs willingly! Whilst pregnant! I’m sorry but you wait until you are in a secure job with a secure place to live before you even consider having a baby. I waited 3 years to try for my baby as I wanted a change in career first. I left my job, did a 1 year uni course, did 1 years probation until I was permanent THEN I tried to get pregnant. They just think everything will fall into place and if it goes tits up it’s for other people to sort.
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Chatty Member
Supermarkets sell maternity pads and stuff like that. I'm sure we'll have a fun vlog of Dave stood in that aisle of the shop looking confused and making inappropriate jokes.
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you could tell they were excited to get the vulnerable Disney audience excited, there’s going to be this creepy “this is our baby... we’re all a FLAMILY” narrative to convince the subs to gift them shit and donate money,

it’s so manipulative, even telling “us” his name is so so manipulative.

they don’t want a boy, Dave is a trained actor and he can’t even pull of “excited”

they chose a name that will have the Disney crew in a flap and it’s so fucked up.
Dave is no Benedict Cumberbatch when it comes to the acting. May be why he struggled to get work.

Excited about having a baby? Fail. Straight man? Fail. Loving husband? Fail.
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Their video really annoys me, some of what I saying could be wrong because I can’t bring myself to watch the rest. I’ve said on here before I am due the same day as Sophie, lots of ladies all over the world are currently expecting, upset they can’t have the pregnancy they have ‘dreamed of’, had to cancel baby showers or things they had planned with their friends and family, not being able to go and buy things or having to ‘make do’ with what they can. I know personally, I get upset because I know when my baby girl is born she won’t be able to meet anyone right away and I will be on my own for most of the birth, I do have a cry, spend a moment scared/anxious but then realise we’re super lucky because we’re safe and lots of people are in much worse positions. Their situation is the way it is because of them and their choices. Not because of this Coronavirus. They make a situation (being pregnant at the moment) which a lot of people are in, seem all about them. They make it seem so bad because it’s happening to ‘them’, she can’t have what she wanted so it’s terrible- again all about ‘them’. Why can’t they do what everyone is trying to do, just get on with it and do the best you can! I’m sorry but it’s really wound me up. The world doesn’t revolve around her!
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Love the title!

I cringed hard at the car park dance. He’s living his best life! He has no job, no bills, has Sophie’s mum waiting on them, took master bedroom in the family home, sings loudly in a small house with 6 other people, has his fingers crossed for a monster energy drink deal... he honestly seems like he’s enjoying all this!
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