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I feel quite sorry for Dave as I have weight struggles of my own but I do think he is in denial. You don't get to that size eating healthily and I don't think he's honest about what he's eating. I remember he was on about healthy eating before and then in one of their Disney vlogs when they were food shopping he bought a load of sweets for his 'special snack drawer'. It would be better if he spoke more candidly about his problems with food or just not at all, but when you see someone doing exercise with no change you know it's down to a flaw in their diet.
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I agree TOTALLY with the above two comments. I’ve said this before that’s she’s always wanted to exude yummy mummy, but never really grasped that a baby and pregnancy is really hard work. She wants to be Anna Saccone with the nanny and the the gifted holidays, but forgets that the Saccone’s have showed their entire life on vlogs for all that. It’s a sacrifice I’m not sure I agree with but that’s the reality. Plus they’ve been doing it for years. Sophie and Dave upload a ten min vlog a week with no content and expect to be gifted a ton of stuff.
Also with that hypnobirthing post, it seems like she expects to just read one book and be ready for birth. As other posters have said, it takes months to mentally prepare. Plus she’s too lazy to put in any work to learn the techniques laid out. She’ll make a mockery of it ‘practicing’ it in a vlog, then won’t ever do it again. I guarantee it!
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My friend is due before sophie. She’s managed to buy everything before and during this pandemic. Nursery is completely done. Hospital bag already packed. Excuses excuses for Sophie.
It’s sad reading the comments from other expectant mothers on her Instagram saying “I know how you feel! I’m due in 2 weeks and I’m scared!” Sophie still has 10 more weeks to sort things out and these poor women are potentially having to give birth alone, soon. What she’s feeling is completely valid but I just find the comments of others relating to her dad when they’re due so much sooner and things could be so different 10 weeks from now.

Why should they get a council house because they chose to make themselves homeless? They had a home. Shouldn't be handed everything on a plate, clothes, money, pregnancy pillows, homes...🙄🙄 i'm sure there are families living in bedsits, mums in mum and baby units, homeless people, vulnerable adults, (the list goes on) who need them more. Barney has a home. No it's not ideal but it's warm and safe for now until they get back on their feet with Dave going back to work and house viewings start again.

I 100% agree these feelings she's having are natural but that doesn't excuse not having a single nappy for a baby due in 10 weeks.
I feel like surely a good 50% of her anxiety over the situation would go away if she just bought everything she needed and felt more prepared? Child birth and parenthood itself is scary coronavirus or not but ticking a few things off your todo list would make you feel better about things? No? 😅
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She just has no considerations for anyone else’s feelings, her whole world is me me me
So very true. And just because you smile and giggle like a child after seriously insulting someone doesn’t make you innocent, doesn’t turn what you said into a joke, nor does it count as an apology. She does that ALL of the time.
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I can't be the only woman who went to my midwife appointments alone? My partner came to all of the scans and to one appointment because my car broke down, I needed a lift and he was bored waiting for me in the car 😂. And the reason for that, which is something that might BLOW THEIR MINDS, is that he has a job. A JOB OF ALL THINGS. I want to shake the pair of them regarding a travel system and a cot and various other things, Sophie is 28 weeks this week and my boy made his appearance at 35 weeks bang on 😖, it's really not very long now.
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Showing clothes that friends have got Barney on instastories..have they bought anything for him, you know with their OWN money?
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I'd bet on Adam, since someone said that's the beast's real name and I don't think it's that widely known... And would mean Chip and the baby's names came from the same film 😂😂
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What I find fascinating is that just a few short months ago people on this forum expressed jealousy that Sophie appeared to live a charmed life. I can't see anyone being jealous of the absolutely appalling situation she's in now. No home, no hope of ever getting a home, baby due anytime, husband in a dead end minimum wage job that will sap the lifeblood out of him, married to a man she can't stand the sight of ... Not exactly the fairytale life our little princess dreamed of is it?
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Honestly never seen anyone post so much stuff dragging out their poor child’s name reveal, why do they think they’re so special?
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Claim they don’t know how to donate to the NHS when asked but know how to donate to this charity? They better provide proof that they actually donate £1 from every sale wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t 😅
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Quite possibly knowing that pair of beggars. That made me angry too, she threw out the engagement ring Dave gave her and she'd worn for years because Beaverbrooks gave them a freebie. She knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Dave lost his ring didn’t he? Isn’t he wearing a bit of plastic now instead? 😬
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Iconic Member
I don’t think Sophie will be happy in an apartment, they’ll want a house with a garden for sure, they will never be in a position to buy unless they stay with the teenage siblings in her parents house.

Sophie and Dave #5 We don’t have a pot to piss in, but fund our kid and buy a pin.

Only joking
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What they've wrote on their website has rubbed me up the wrong way. It feels like they're guilt tripping people into buying a pin, else their baby won't have a home. Surely having a stable place to live is one of the essentials that you think about before having a child. You cannot go around waving your new maternity clothes and home gyms around in people's faces then ask them for money because you haven't thought about where you're going to live.
Yes, this all the way!

I am not opposed to influencers selling merch, as buying it is at the discretion of the viewer.

BUT to emotionally blackmail people to into helping provide a home for your unborn baby, when your circumstances are all of your own making is SO wrong, and also likely unnecessary as the people who will buy these pins will have bought them regardless of how they were marketed.
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now sophies just had a right go at dave for "shouting in her ear" asking him "WHY DID YOU SHOUT THAT" what an absolute little bitch sophie is. this is actually making for really uncomfortable viewing,...
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VIP Member
Hahahah they are so FAKE

Isn’t the money they have got from their live chats enough??? Money grabbing wastes of space!! It is absolutely NOT up to your subscribers to “get you into your new house” absolute fucking disgrace
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Chatty Member
Why on the website does it say “our dream for a loving home to bring our baby boy into” is it not already a loving home? Surely it should be loving wherever he is
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Chatty Member
See she’s now bought another pregnancy book. In fairness it’s a great book for hypnobirthing, but costs £12. £12 more than they’ve spent on their baby so far, which is the saddest thing ever to me.
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I think the reason they're not overjoyed isn't as much because of COVID but because it's not working out the way they imagined. I expect they thought they would move into a big house, be 'gifted' the expensive baby buys like other mum/family youtubers and float their way through pregnancy and birth just on their YouTube earnings.

I still think their channel would do so much better with them being completely honest and tackling the situation head-on, documenting the reality and showing budget hauls etc. I know they both might show parts of their personalities that aren't the best, but I don't think they're inherently bad people at all, just completely caught up in the wannabe influencer trap.
This is the first time I have ever posted - I’m much more of a lurker on forums - but I just can’t hold it in any longer. Sophie and Dave need to pull their heads out of the clouds. Having dreams is all well and good but right now they need a reality check. Baby will soon be here and I really, really don’t think they have any idea what is about to hit them. Even the most prepared of couples find becoming first time parents hard, so what the hell is it going to be like for Sophie and Dave?

I honestly think that Dave’s acting/musical career is done, so he will naturally become fed up and resentful at having to have a ‘normal’ job. I can’t see Sophie being supportive of him being away on tour or constantly in London once she realises how much hard work children are. And if they find it hard to regularly upload now with no baby, in lockdown with neither of them working, then they’re going to find it impossible to upload once the baby arrives and Dave is back doing night shifts. I think Sophie is banking on their YouTube channel growing and becoming a huge success and everything will magically work itself out but it just isn’t going to happen. They’re not driven enough, aren’t interesting enough and, quite frankly, aren’t likeable enough. Like, in ten years will they have a popular channel that pays their bills full-time? Not a chance. Their YouTube/Instagram certainly won’t be bringing in decent money to keep a roof over their heads or provide for their family, and making crappy little pins as a form of steady income when you’re in your 40s isn’t really going to cut it. They have their ‘dream’ plan A but what is plan B? Or is plan B so unacceptable they can’t even consider it? Dave is going to end up resentful that his dream never took off, Sophie is going to end up resentful that her dream never took off, and they’re both going to be resentful at the way their lives have turned out. Reality is about to hit them like a ton of bricks. This is a recipe for disaster...
I agree! I think they've got caught up in the wannabe influencer lifestyle and gained the sense of entitlement that goes with it, except they also have no drive to put the work in. It's a shame they don't just create content around their real situation, budget baby hauls, the struggles of moving and having a baby on a low income in COVID19 etc. if they're banking on YouTube being a reliable enough income source.
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Chatty Member
Apparently in England the govt are allowing house viewings to resume from tomorrow. Now they have no excuses. Six weeks to get out and counting.
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VIP Member
the adult Disney market is popular with you tubers for this reason. 😏 lonely vulnerable people who want to feel part of something, Dave and Sophie know that, it’s why it’s always “Disney, Disney, Disney “

do we have a new thread name!? Any suggestions.
I've been musing for a while that Sophie and Dave just play the Disney card for views. I feel as though they aren't as big fans as they would lead us to believe.
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