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Well-known member
I’ve had to make an account just to stay updated with all of this 😂 I’ve followed paul for a while. So when I had a profile picture he would reply to my comments but NEVER block me or mute me. I would send him abuse and ask him awkward questions but it was fine. I’ve now removed my profile picture and he never answers me when I ask a question and constantly mutes me. So I asked last week why do you only reply to people with girls as their profile picture to which he started shouting at me saying if your going to abuse me why would I answer you you bully 😂 he’s a narcissistic prick he’s so ugly yet has the confidence of a super model he thinks he’s gorgeous and these young girls throwing themselves at him aren’t helping. The bigger his head and ego gets the more embarrassing his behaviour gets
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Well-known member
Paul’s on a tik tok rampage tonight. I have been blocked from his page, I don’t post or comment on anything of his, however, I do follow some of his parody accounts. As TikTok is his full time job I am assuming he’s sifted through every account he’s come across and blocked anyone that follows them. My friend also followed him on TiKTok and he not blocked her but has removed her as a follower.

I am sensing a break up 100% !! He’s too embarrassed to be laughing stock.
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Well-known member
i reckon her comments in her live last night about not wanting to do a dual live with him again have upset him and it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been sulking and/or giving her the silent treatment, hence the big flounce and making his account private/not posting today.

there was also a user who was commenting on Sophie’s live saying that she needs her own space from Paul, and instead of blocking the comments Sophie was actually engaging with them and answering them, and I know that would’ve got Paul’s back up if he was watching….although I’m not sure his ego would allow him to sit back and stay quiet if he was watching.
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Active member
Thread title suggestion: Snapshoteye #4 Show me your feet my boo boo boo boo
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Completely unrelated to topic but I just saw a comment saying he looks like the guy from the saw films (John Kramer) and I am DECEASED.
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VIP Member
Right so something hit me today. Paul plays off asking people to send photos as a game. One of the biggest tactics abusers/pedophiles use is to tell their young victims it's a game between them. What he's doing is grooming behaviour
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VIP Member
Ya’ll are forgetting that Sophie took her CHILD to meet a stranger on the internet, then proceeded to take him for a 3 day sleepover. The girl knows nothing about him, just what he’s told her and her own impressions whatever they maybe. Shes Probably fragile from the break up with the ex but shes not stupid! Shes in the comments writing back to people who are blowing smoke up her arse n blocking the ones that dont, taking a leaf out of Breaches book. Maybe shes fickle and easily led. If your stupid enough to allow yourself to “settle down” after 7 days of knowing someone, and allowing that person in your kids life, then more fool you dip shit. You reap what you sow.
Not to mention makes hundreds of videos about her ex I'm assuming her child's dad although actually wouldn't shock me if it was another ex at this point. Doesn't let her child's dad see his son but allows someone she doesn't even know to have him in a video and all over a live where anyone could see.

Bare in mind this man went on a live with this woman talking about thongs and shit in front of his own son he barely sees and doesn't bother with when he is there.

She's doing it for attention, she knows people will be curious about the situation and follow her so she can stroke her ego and try and make her ex jealous which I'm sorry no ex would ever be jealous of her choice in rebound
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Out of curiosity, what is everyone hoping to achieve by sending so many hate messages to Paul and Sophie? I don’t disagree in any way with the comments made re his narcissistic, unhealthy, aggressive behaviour, and there are certainly concerns re his communication with young girls, but is harassing someone online the right course of action? I say this largely because it will no doubt reach the rumour mill at his son’s school - and regardless of his father’s strange behaviour online, I do not think it’s fair that the situation is aggravated to the point that his son may receive (likely even more than already) difficulty/nasty comments as a result. It’s certainly a tricky one as it’s hard, and wrong, to stand by and watch. However, something about the sudden surge of hate online does not sit right with me. Understandably, many of you will likely disagree with my thoughts here so apologies for that.

I understand your point and I understand you may not disagree with some points... but Paul has had a rep on TikTok for a long time. If anything, the videos Paul produced, for example the ‘shut up, and bend over’ video, or the squid game video where he stuck his tongue out would have more than likely got back to his son already. This isnt the only place that speaks about Paul, he is all over TikTok with his videos being shared, duetted, stitched, edited. His son is 13/14, at some point I’m sure one of his school friends have came across his dads videos and seen the comments there which are just as bad, if not worse than on here.

also, in regards to this particular website- Paul goes onto live and talks to people like they are peasants and beneath him. He offends and takes the mick out of people (homophobic comments/slating their lives/ their parenting skills). Just last night he went in on some poor woman who didn’t even leave a hate comment because she makes tiktoks with her children. That’s his outlet... why can’t the people he has offended and upset for over a year with his comments have an outlet too?

not an argument by the way- just a healthy debate!
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Jeeze Iv missed so much! I see Paul is quaking in his boots from his blatently predatory behaviour since hes gone private, tried to find that Hollie girl who has also gone private, then Remi who is American? looked at his profile but nothing on there so must have been a live... and then the other dude, looked at his profile but nothing on there either.

Sophie is a fool if she sticks around after all this blows up. Is she gonna be one of those wives that go to court with their pedalo husbands and say "He never did anything, he would never, he didnt touch me or my kids" :unsure:

Is Paul gonna do another "update" video and gaslight everyone all over again?

How did Pauls "CV handing out" go in Notts? I mean, does it not freak Soph the hell out that a guy she's known for 3 weeks wants to up sticks, move to her location and wants kids with her? After 3 weeks?! Damn man, this is WILD!
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VIP Member
Imagine thinking that people would pay to talk to you... Paul who do you think you are, most of the people that follow your page are fucking haters! Screen recording your videos to use them on their own tiktok pages to take the piss! You are not liked, maybe by Sophie but only for a little bit until someone her own age comes along who looks the complete opposite to you & whisks her off her feet. Takes her out for meals, weekends away, holidays - not sitting in a grotty flat watching corrie off the tv on the floor! Shes spending money in fuel and driving from Notts to see you & all u can do is a cook her a pasta dish n go on tiktok lives... that is not couple goals.

Also, school n college girls dont get EMA anymore so wont have any money to pay to talk to you.
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Chatty Member
Idk why you would be on tiktok live whilst on a night out, she must be having a shit time. Paul is probably crying in the foetal position everytime someone comes to speak to Sophie the fucking wet wipe.
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