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yeah she is absolutely in love with herself, I’m all for self confidence, but you can tell she thinks she’s better than everyone else. Its also shocking how much she’s willing to put Betsy out there too, i actually worry myself about when my kids will have there on social media accounts and the kind of weirdos that are out there looking at them and seeing personal info, and Brittany has her daughter on her public Instagram with over 100k followers and shows her topless? Sorry but what kind of mum is that 🤢
It would be so easy for people to find them in real life too. It’s so scary what people put out into the internet about their personal lives.

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She’s at it again with the Gifted items 😂 orange bag that looks like a cheap primarni knock off
Am waiting to see if she gets a new suitcase after her "can anyone recommend some good luggage companies on insta coz I like to support small businesses" bulls#%t you like to beg for free stuff. When she was changing her name from slimmingworld brittany she should have changed it to Beggy Mitchell!!!!
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We went to Rhodes in June and I stroked all the cats. 99% of them aren’t feral, they have cat shelters and donation boxes etc etc for all the cats. Most have collars on and are pets but are always outside due to the heat. You can get a boat from Rhodes to Marmaris but it’s a LONG day and her size 10 toe nail probably won’t fit on the boat
Why won’t you let us have nice things
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I can’t even cope with the lip smacking- shoving her face full of crisps on camera. Eugh. She looks a tramp. The hotel are so lucky to have her representing them
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Her troughing them crisps whilst talking about all the fakes she can buy at the ''maaaaarkits'' is vile. Tittany you are an actual tramp. See if spice'n'tice have a kit containing class and sprinkle that shit in your food instead cos my god you could do with some!

Also, what's with the hinch style point she appears to have developed?! if she sat pointing in my direction whilst filming me and my children whilst we're on holiday I'd snap her finger clean off.
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She looks the sort to bump into you in a club, get all angry then try and fight you in the toilets... her eyebrows need their own thread alone :oops:
Them brows look like they could crawl off her face. Thats one scary looking fucker, go get yourself plucked
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That poor little girl is so desperate to just be with kids and go to the kids clubs but because mummy doesn’t like kids she has to do grown up things all the time. She’s a child, let her have fun. It’s all shopping and posing
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‘Before anyone starts crying thinking I got a free holiday’ Such a bad attitude to have 😩

If she had of come on this morning and said ‘I just wanted to be really transparent that the holiday weren’t going on has been discounted as I have a lot of followers and the company would like some extra promotional posts for their resort so I’d love to show you all, I know I’m so lucky to be able to do this! Never would have thought sharing my weightloss would lead to these kinds of opportunities so I’ll be hashtagging AD over the holiday to make sure I’m being honest and transparent throughout ’

My respect has GONE.
She is such a brat, she’s trying to make money of her followers but speaks to them like shit.
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She’s obviously been reading on here and feels the need to say she’s so grateful for all the opportunities and free stuff she gets, I’m sorry but did anyone else think that sounded so insincere and fake? Coupdnshe have looked more miserable while doing that story?
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Absolute fucking joke, Alton towers should be ashamed of themselves giving her free tickets! And as if they need Brittany to advertise for them it’s not like no ones heard of the place??? I was at Paultons Park and Peppa world recently with my daughters and had to spend my own hard earned cash for tickets and everything else like any other person does! That has pissed me right off honestly
Im not sure if Alton towers have gifted the tickets or it’s a press day for something else but it’s just not fair. Why does a girl who lost weight need free tickets to a theme park? I get that the mummy bloggers get free tickets but why her 🧐
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It’s getting beyond a joke now with these accounts 😂 I should start gorgeing myself with fried food, alcohol and cakes so I can post my beige SW meals, parade my daughter on my stories like a twat and lose 10 stone and get then mabye I’ll get everything for free 🤨 wont be long before Tesco/Asda/Morrison’s start giving them bloody gifted food shops 😤
Don’t forget to cover your partners face and tell everyone your dress size every day

A press trip for what...
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Did she get this holiday discounted
Yes, ‘but it was a discount just like anyone else would get like if you booked a last minute holiday’ according to Brittany 🤥
Pretty sure when anyone books a last minute holiday they don’t have to go around filming and putting #pressdiscount on every post 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I wonder if she has left her job? Her work place shows her new rainbow nails are from a customer (avant garde facebook)

And if your still wondering if she’s an influencer. Yes, she’s influencing you to become a customer not a follower. The following images speak for themselves....... ☕

She's a joke and that comment on her story " not an ad before anyone cries that I got free trainers "

well no, you'd only get free trainers if you tagged a load of small businesses and said " I reaaaaally want some new trainuuuuhs but from like a independent businesssss " and I'm sure it won't be long til you're doing that

She'll be @ing Right Move soon wanting a free house from a small independent online estate agent 😂
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Yessss! My thoughts exactly! SCRAMBLED BEG
Scrambled beg 🤣🤣

Looooool the ad thing is just becoming hilarious to me now. I think I'm gonna suggest we all play the following drinking game:

Brittany says 'literally' in one of her stories - one shot
Brittany videos her daughter being a little madam and saying "hi guys" to the camera - two shots
Brittany shows you how to apply the epoch mud mask for the 30th time that day - down the rest of your drink
Brittany tries to "discretely" sell something by mentioning how much she loves it/often she uses it/how good it is - pour yourself another full drink
Brittany goes shopping for the 4th time that day - down your full drink, upend the table and smash your foot through your neighbour's living room window

It's just beyond a parody now and the worst part is all the people who comment on her posts saying how amazing [insert overpriced tat she has advertised to them] is - do they not realise that she is only using Instagram as a cash cow now and she doesn't give a monkeys whether you like the stuff or not?!
Amazes me how people don’t see through it all, she’s so sneaky the way she posts her products she sells, she never comes out and says I’m selling these, it’s ‘oh I can get 20% off this toothpaste here’s the code’ or ‘here’s the code load of people have messaged me for’ NO you’re repping for this company and you want to be sneaky and not look like all you do is use your SLIMMING WORLD Instagram account for constant Ad’s

Not being funny but if this expensive face mask was working she wouldn’t have spots all the time, so easy to blame ‘time of the month’ on having spots, she uses it twice a week but is always getting rid of spots for the weekend 🤔🤔
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We must really get under her skin the fact she has to tell us not cry on every single story. She must think we're jealous, bless 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Wow Beggy Mitchell wins again. She asked for that orange top on her story other day and voila! She got it. Makes me actually sick I would be ASHAMED to do that! Fucking beggy tramp.
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