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That message about her drinking a while back must of really triggered her… she rarely posts about alcohol or mentions it .. and it used to be daily…
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She's really struggling. There's no plan or script she follows for these videos. She says something she's not entirely confident in saying, then back tracks / becomes passive aggressive when people call her out. If she knew what she wanted to say, and it was backed up with research etc then she wouldn't feel the need to come on and be like oh they coming at me. Its like the peri-menopause video, random statements , disingenuous tone then gives out because it's hard to create content.
It's 2024, alot of people are educating themselves health, diet exercise etc, and are no longer buying these spoof reels. She comes across as judgemental, arrogant, her tone is so negative all the time..siobh stop treating women as If they are stupid, stop trying to make them think you know best.
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Nothing more frightening than having to rush a baby to a and e. I do hope the baby is ok.

Strange dig at Ned there though, he seems to dote on that little girl and I'd be surprised if he stayed at home intentionally? Also ... where were her parents??!
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“Can’t believe someone would buy that kind of car”

said the woman who spent a fortune on a gold bmw convertible…. To use in Ireland… 😂 😂
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Signed up to do the UPDATED pre/post natal course, she's SO full of shit!! She didn't finish it the first time round (she said so on her stories when leaving Bali- she cba carrying her course material home!) so of course she has to start from scratch.
Another attempt to fleece money from unsuspecting, breath work, pregnant/new mums- she's definitely been told to get her finger out work wise...
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I can't deal with the comments under that reel, amazing you're doing this all alone while working. If I was Ned I would be livid with her, one person actually says you are doing this all alone..she is not doing it alone. She is able to flit about doing training and eating out and going out and off to Portugal. She does not work a full time job, she's emailing for freebies. That's not work. Anyone who also believes she cooks 3 meals a day would wanna cop themselves on. Then she calls is a lifestyle reel...give me strength.
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Who would've thought that a one night stand with a stranger that resulted in a pregnancy would be so complicated further down the road 🤷🏻‍♀️😮 I am shocked that it's not all working out! Shocked I tell you!

Also if Siobhan is so quick to diss Ned online then what is she saying to baby CoCo and that is only going to get worse as the baby grows and is able to understand what's going on. I grew up being stuck in the middle with both parents bitching about each other to me and my siblings. It wasn't nice
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Of course it's better to be single than in a bad relationship but Shivvers hasn't been in any relationship in years and would jump at the chance if Ned was interested 😂
The bitterness absolutely hanging out of her today watching peoples instagram stories, assuming they all MUST be so unhappy because anyone living a different life to shiv is. Does she hear herself?! She is a jealous cunt. She is 100% wishing she was in a relationship with Ned and is trying to convince herself and others of the opposite.
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My partner leaves the house at 6am and gets home at 6pm. I feed, wash and look after 2 babies all day/night feeds. Does this make me a single mam?😠 also wish I had a mam and dad that could easily pop over so I can even have a wee in peace never mind go to the gym multiple times a week and have 48hrs a week off🤣🤣
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DM Me Hun

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So now the narrative is that the stars have aligned and her plan was to be a Dublin-based yoga teacher all along? She was thinking about Yogahub in December 2022 because she’d just been knocked up by a guy from Dublin and finally had an excuse to go back. She was probably looking at wedding dresses and venues at that time as well. Nothing “woo woo” about it.
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Oh wow lads...just when you think she cannot do more damage to her 'brand' and she goes and releases that robocop video with information that may as well be from the 80s. Surely she's not going to leave that up when several and more well educated platforms are schooling her....on her own page. All she has done is make me follow those people who clearly talk more sense. The embarrassment is off the charts!!!

She should be the one producing research, not asking for it. She should be trawling through current papers and fact checking everything before she posts so she WON'T be called out on her own lazy confusing misinformation. If I did this in my own job I would be shot down and pulled up on it...which has happened today with her, finally.

Sometimes I feel bad for the girl but she just constantly proves over and over again how out of her depth she is. The crap Yoga and 'skimming through' the pre and post natal work is another terrifying example of her wanting to know everything but not willing to put the long haul in (she thinks she has though) to be an expert. She's a jack of all trades and master of none. Everyone is seeing through the charade now.

I am delighted people are finally pulling her up on her bullshit tbh. She had sooo much potential and it's clear as day now how far behind in her industry she is. She also admitted she had Imposter Syndrome.... absolute lol 😂😂😂
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DM Me Hun

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Thanks for showing us that you 100% now live the sort of life you spent years telling everyone you were too good for and putting down everyone else who lived this way.
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Chatty Member
She spends a whole day going a day in the life of a single mam who is self employed..then turns around and hires a cleaner. For a house with 1 adult and 1 child. How is she relatable.
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Posts a video shiteing all over going for a run, while she gets ready to go for a run, after weeks and weeks of running content. Can someone help me make sense of it? Is she subtlety implying that she has the capabilities required to run whilst others don’t?
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You see the thing with shiv is she thinks she knows best and every other woman on a fitness journey is below her

I remember a few years ago she decided to run 5km everyday for the month of Jan (this is not a normal thing to do and any training/exercise professional would not recommend this, actually most people with a bit of cop on wouldnt do this) anyways after about 10 days of her running with no rest to let her bone and joints recover she got an injury on her foot. and seemed very shocked about it. And therefore running was the problem not her bizarre challenge (which as it was Jan was probably for her to lose weight as quickly as possible)

Anyways my point is she thinks this is normal behaviour that everyone would participate in (didn't her comment say something about 5km everyday) when in fact most ordinary Jane's with no fitness experience would know better than to run everyday and as said before would probably engage in a couch to 5k

Thank god there is so much information available for anyone who wants to start a running journey that this numptys bizarre actions get silenced in the process.

Also the im "one of you now" comment really irked me. Runners (unlike bodybuilders or insta fitness models) are not an elite section of the fitness world, everyone is or can be a runner. Just another example of pick me behaviour by shiv.
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