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Those workout videos do not impress anyone. She can do them at 7 months because she can then go nap and lie on her couch for the rest of the day.

Most pregnancy women have jobs, maybe other kids to take care of, family responsibilities, friends to see, hobbies, or organisations that they are involved in.

Shiv had none of those things. That one hour in the gym is her only outlet. The only thing she has in her life before coming back to that depressing apartment. It's very very sad.
I wrote this before seeing her reel. I see now that she said all this except how lonely and sad her life is.

I hope she's not having a baby thinking that he or she will make he life less lonely and sad. Having a baby can make you feel so lonely. You can feel as if everyone else is having a great time and your stuck at home. Yes, you love your baby more than anything but it's still a lonely time. Even popping to the shops is an ordeal.

And she will be doing this alone. When Ned moves in, it will only be temporary. I can't imagine she will be easy to live with so it could cause a huge rift between them.
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Yayyyyyyy I've actually never had a thread title before 🤭
It was intended as a title I just forgot to say it 🫣

To celebrate I'm gonna go to the gym, lift some heavy weights then get a 3fe coffee and an almond croissant on the way home 😆
Push the boat out & get yourself a family sized dominos pizza, a magnum & wash it down with some 0.0% beer!

Congrats!🍾🥳 a very accurate title!
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What a sad existence still needing to beat people on the rower when she’s growing a baby. She is actually ridiculous. Grow up. Who actually cares?

She’ll be exactly the same with the baby, because her baby’s not like other babies. I genuinely feel so sorry for the competition her sister has to come, she must be dreading it.
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As the Nedster said to himself at 3am in Dubai on that faithful night; “Indeed, why wouldn’t I?”

View attachment 2276288
The general air of smugness and superiority complex that ooozes out of her is something else.

Like - she is utterly delighted with this situation she is in. Delighted with herself and how she got herself into it. But she is delighted with it for all the wrong reasons. Every reason except the fact there is a little human that will wholly depend on her.

She's really really odd. And really really triggering. I can't see this whole story being a fairytale ending.
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Jesus lads am I the only one who thinks it’s absolutely crazy that he’s even moving in??? Sorry now but he’s effectively a stranger. He shouldn’t even be going into the labour ward with her what the hell 🫣🫣🫣 does she not have an ounce of support from anyone else? I just can’t get my head around it.
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Good god her story from the gym this morning!! 🫣🫣 How is the gym allowing her to do that?!! maybe it's because I had several losses before my LO but my god I would have done anything to protect my wee bump. I went to my gym up until 36 weeks but my PT gave me completely modified exercises just to keep me moving and keep mobility up. Can't get over her training like that.
I just came on to say this. Why is she bothering with this absolute charade of weights etc? Why not go swimming now that she’s so far gone? She is an actual disgrace to be honest. And please no one talk about this type of training being ok so far along because I’m sorry it isn’t. Anyone that would do that has serious issues in my opinion. Plenty of baby friendly exercises she could be doing.
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Give me strength.
hello fresh makes her feel creative. Fuck me. She gets delivered ingredients in a bag literally cooks what they give her yet she feels creative.
Also does she contour her nose now to make it look so giant?
Showing my age here but her nose looks the the Child Catcher's nose in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 😂
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She's backtracking now. How unlike Shiv 😜😏😁😁 And being her usual cunty self. She's never judged anyone of course 😇
Someone must have had a word!

The other story about thinking she was showing early on but it was just Christmas weight - ffs!! We were all saying that at the time. She had the same belly she always had just wasn't trying to hide it anymore.

The mortification of her cradling her Dominoes pizza belly 🫣🫣
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Aside from the exercises looking/being dangerous, I just think if I personally couldn’t walk to the post office without needing a sit down/complaining, I would simply choose living my daily life over 40 minutes of killing my self to prove something to people who couldn’t give a shit 😂
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The only person that saw my 'bump' kicking was my husband. The idea of videoing it and sharing it online to randomers just blows my mind tbh. I have zero issues with pregnancy etc but watching that really gives me the ick?!
It’s possibly because she doesn’t have a really close or intimate relationship to share the special moments in… so instead, she shares it with her followers 🤷‍♀️
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What is she going to do when she's got a newborn to mind and won't be able to feck off to the gym day a week followed by a nap followed by yoga followed by a ready-made meal and bed by 9pm?

Seriously. Some days I just sit up in the middle of my working day and remember that this absolute clown is pregnant. She will have a CHILD in a few weeks. She's not done an honest day's work in her life, she's set up the most unsustainable daily schedule EVER for a non-single person - and she doesn't even have the basics of a supportive network around her. She doesn't talk to her mam and Ned is MIA. She lives in a tiny mess of an apartment that could't be less baby friendly. She's not even done the basics in prep and getting ready for this child.

Honestly lads, it's already neglectful parenting. That child is fucked.
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Binge eating, binge drinking and now binge exercising. This woman simply cannot be alone with her thoughts. God forbid she would show a glimpse of vulnerability. She's is so detached. It must be exhausting trying to keep up the false pretence that she isn't nervous about the birth and parenting. We can all see through it.
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Chatty Member
If they really were dating and in that new happy lovey dovey bubble she would have posted something gushing about him for Father’s Day and how excited she was to be parenting with him etc. or at least how she thinks he’ll be a good dad or something, the silence tells me they aren’t remotely a thing more than co parents. This was the perfect opportunity for her to lay her claim to him and rub her baby daddy in peoples faces and she didn’t post a thing.
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Yeah I think Fliss figured out who her real friends were when she started seeing the new guy. I bet Shiv was the first person to slate Felicity to Diren saying her pregnancy was quick after they split.

She 100% used her for the dirt on Diren. Fliss knows that and most likely Diren knows that too.

Shiv doesn’t like any of Fliss’ pics! You’d think being pregnant and “maternal” she’d be liking all of her baby photos.
It's another thing to add to the list of Siobhan O Hagan's unethical behaviours.

On Shivs earlier stint in London, when Fliss was seeing Diren, Siobhan swanned into London and brought her to Alvor for a trip. This was a few years back same stint as her helping herself to a vaccine I think. She was always calling over to her and meeting for dinners/coffees etc. Shiv gushingly posted about Fliss collecting her from the airport. Fliss was her best friend.

Diren for his part NEVER publically posted about Felicity. He went out of his way to hide her from the world. Never put her on his socials at all, pushed her down in essence. She wasn't good enough for him in his mind.

She built her courage to realise how badly she was being treated and left that toxic relationship. Diren in the meantime visited his sister in Bali and Shiv harangued him for company. She done everything to try and impress him and turned up at bars he was drinking in. Shiv also tried to get close to his sister to maintain the link. A few people wrote on Shivs stories asking Shiv are her and Diren an item to which she put on her stories "jokingly" (not really - she was wanting it). She did her breath work session and somehow thought she needs to move to London to be with Diren and have a family.

Shiv on her last stint in London harangued Diren and completely ignored Felicity. That friendship meant absolutely nothing to her. She used Felicity to get close to Diren and James Smith and sided with Diren when they broke up as she no longer needed her.

And now Diren has washed his hands of Shiv that she is gone from London. A nest of vipers the lot of them!
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Look at this engagement compared to Shiv's!!!

Calculated on the last 6 posts:
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  • About 0.71% of the followers of darragh_c_molloy likes the contents, and about 0.031% write a comment for every post.
Calculated on the last 12 posts:
  • The average of the likes received is 2526.
  • The average of the comments received is 27.
  • About 0.02% of the followers of siobh.ohagan likes the contents, and about 0% write a comment for every post.
She has 160k followers he has less than 8k. She has 20 times his followers but he gets twice her number of likes and 10 times her comments.
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Well I think it's safe to say that question box was a mistake :oops: the defensiveness, the bitchiness, my god she's a mess. Just log off for a few months Shiv, you're embarrassing yourself.
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