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Congratulations to @forgotmyacc for the winning title

Although not strictly put forward as a title suggestion, it was quoted a couple of times as a title by other users and got the most likes.

Closely followed by @Londoncailín with her brilliant "Rent a friend at her baby shower, she's counting down the days to happy hour."

Only a couple of votes between them

So carry on tattling!

(Still cannot believe this one is pregnant NGL)
Yayyyyyyy I've actually never had a thread title before 🤭
It was intended as a title I just forgot to say it 🫣

To celebrate I'm gonna go to the gym, lift some heavy weights then get a 3fe coffee and an almond croissant on the way home 😆
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Deleted all of my social media at Christmas as there’s been loads going on and I didn’t have the headspace for cretins such as this one. Downloaded Insta again earlier and expected to see Shiv back in Bali pickling her liver in margs, having run out of cash to sustain her “oh Clapham” life.

Well, imagine how I HOWLED seeing a pregnancy announcement and then almost pissed myself seeing his picture 🤣 Guys, WTF. Shook is not even the word. I know I am very late to the party but christ on a bike, imagine bleating on for YEARS that you didn’t want kids and openly having contempt for everyone with a conventional lifestyle, then getting knocked up on a ONS, moving home to a pokey, soulless flat on your own and now suddenly pretending that this was the plan all along. After seeing her flinging that barbell over her bump repeatedly I hope to God the little one gets here safely but this really is the plot twist of all plot twists 🍿
It's like an episode of Black Mirror. Or in Siobhán’s case, Dirty Mirror.
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I was asking my mum what she thought the reason would be for a woman to always be talking about alcohol during her pregnancy and is it normal to always have like mock tails and stuff.

Her response was “shes obviously doing well staying away from drinking”.

This means she immediately thought it signals a woman having a drinking problem. I asked her to confirm this is what she thought, and her response was “obviously if she keeps talking about and drinking 0%s, why else would she do it”.
I’ve had some issues with alcohol and thankfully no longer drink. I had to address it head on myself. I had a very traumatic, violent childhood, an abusive alcoholic Mother (I’m in my 40s and up until recently she would get drunk and call me to yell at me and call me every name under the Sun in the middle of the night when she was shit faced until I went ‘no contact’ with her for my mental health and sanity) Alcohol was a very unhealthy coping mechanism for me personally. Some people have no issue with alcohol and can enjoy it responsibly or take/leave it. I have to say the amount of times she mentions not drinking is a huge red flag 🚩 and this is from someone who had an alcohol use disorder (or AUD as it’s called for short) Deep down I suspect Siobhan hates her life and herself and alcohol is a way of drowning that out (temporarily) You can’t do that any more with a baby!
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She will 100% struggle alone but pretend everything is so easy!
This 100%.
I bet my life the first 6 months of coffee thoughts will start with "I'm lucky is feeding well/sleeping well/ my life hasn't changed that much and I know other moms who really struggle with babies first 6 hasn't been challenging for me at all. "
And then next year we'll get a podcast on how hard the babies first 6 months were and how she struggled.

We won't get any vulnerability in the moment. If only she realised how much more likeable she migggghhhht be if she was a little more vulnerable not smug and show off-y
Sorry for double post but just remembered the time she went up north for that baby show and and some vendor posted a picture of her saying Siobhan was the only woman she's met that is hoping for an early riser.

Dear lord give me strength this woman is unbelievable
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What reality pissed me off about that interview was both Shiv she the interviewer making out that Shiv "moved to Bali" for years on end. She didn't not. The timeline is on the wiki. She never went for more than a few months at a time and did a Bali - Portugal - Dublin loop for a few years. The longest she was in Bali was about 7 months in 2021 and that was because of covid and she nearly had a nervous breakdown while there. I think that's when the alcohol issues started.

It was nothing more than a few extended holidays over 5 years. Fuck off.
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I've considered it and I really feel she keeps it "private" cos it's not real.
This is the woman who tells us about her period, her skin picking, videos her morning yoga, her workouts, films family on holidays whilst saying she paid for it, told everyone she had a "holiday romance", etc.

If she had a boyfriend she would be RAMMING it down people's throats. I'd say she's keeping it quiet in the hopes he gives it a go, and he might even but I really doubt it'd last if he does in the future, not a good foundation for a relationship starting.
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She’s selling the Dermott Kennedy ticket cause she can’t walk or stand in a field yet can lift a barbell above her head, deadlift, squat.

I’m certain she bought tickets for her and Ned and he’s turned her down again, I’m sure it was 2 tickets on the screen when she posted it when she booked them. She could get a taxi and take a camping chair if she was that keen to see him.
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Had an essay written there about this one, because she continues to leave me gobsmacked, but I'll just summarise by saying she consistently seems to take the path of least resistance and effort in life, and those chickens will come home to roost very soon. She's created an absolute shit pile for herself to deal with, and she has absolutely noone to blame but herself. Wants a partner and family = purposefully get knocked up on a ONS. It would only ever make sense in Siobhan's brain...absolute nutcase.
Amen to all of this. Cuts corners and takes the lazy, immoral and ethically questionable path every time, and then sugarcoats her circumstances and glosses over her moral failings and dresses her life up as if it's actually aspirational.

In the few years I've followed her on social media, she has dressed her weight gain and binge eating up as "body acceptance", masqueraded as a "nutritional expert" despite surviving on take-away food and having zero cooking skills, glorified a serious alcohol problem, over-charged thousands of women for a shit spreadsheet that she calls a "fitness business" and called it "female empowerment", travelled to the UK to get a free Covid vaccine specifically designated for vulnerable UK citizens, lied about having Covid so she could hop on an international flight, done constant u-turns on her own life plans and then called it "changing values", and perhaps worst of all - gotten the green-eyed monster when she saw her younger sister was happily pregnant with her long-term partner, so loaded up a random with booze and hopped into bed with him while she was ovulating so she too could say she was "settling down". And we thought that was her at her worst - in recent weeks she's been doing heavier workout sessions than we've seen her do in years with not a care in the world for the safety of her unborn child. And using "we" as if her sperm donor is anything more than an unlucky, hoodwinked sperm donor.

She's an absolutely disgusting person and deserves everything she's getting - including the total lack of family support, Darragh to hang her out to dry and whatever financial / emotional issues being a single mother without a viable career is going to bring.
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As recommended by Shiv, I have just done my 10 pages a day, it just happens to be this thread 😅 a long day in work equals loads of Shiv drama 🤣🤣
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Make this make sense!!! Going to the post office is an ordeal when almost 8 months pregnant - totally get that - especially in this heat. The next story is her throwing weights around in the gym!

Going to the post office = too difficult
Lifting weights for an hour = no bother completed it mate

I guess it is priorities! Getting a present for her Dad is not as important as showing the world how superior she is.
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Shiv is an Auntie!! Really like the name!!!
Congrats Raisin on your little currant!!!👶
Siobh’s like ‘can’t wait for you to meet your cousin’ aka can’t wait for me to steal the limelight.

I can’t believe how reckless she is with those weights. I don’t train but I have had several pregnancy losses and to see how she throws those weights around over her growing bump just enrages me. She could not give a shit about anyone else but herself. Like that is insane and she is stupid enough to video it too, wtf is her problem. And then reject the advice like some pregnancy expect. Unbelievably selfish.
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Any time I hear or read breath work it gives me the willies
Good old "breathing" used to be good enough for us all, but no, now we need "breath work"
People making money and shilling crap based on an involuntary human process. :rolleyes:

What's next? Blinking more intentionally can change your whole life! Mindful urination! The "slow bowel" movement! Start the day with a morning crying routine!
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The aul passive aggressive upside down smiley face. Shivvers getting mega triggered this morning.

The toxic denial is just staggering. It's actually almost cartoonishly transparent and cringeworthy. Everything is amazing and brilliant and she's got professionals telling her she's an example to us all for working out as a pregnant woman and midwives telling her getting pissed in the hospital post birth is really common and normal and the circumstances of her pregnancy will not be questioned, she can do as she pleases with no consequences and questioning it means you're a weird old troll.

I've a little bit of experience with narcissistic / neglectful parenting and I can see others around here do too and have the same sense of utter foreboding over how she's about to royally damage an innocent child and give them complexes that will follow them into their adult lives.

She can't get out of her own way enough to see that she has major emotional issues, needs as much help as she can get to raise this child properly so I already know how this is going to turn out. That child will be a placeholder for all of her notions and whims and resentment when she realises she cant live the same carefree thoughtless life, she'll totally neglect him/her emotionally and they'll have no support at all because she's done such a good job of making sure she has no close family or friend relationships.

This is How to Fcuk a Child Up 101.
Personally today's anxiety I'm battling is a direct result of my childhood. I have to run a team meeting at 3.30 and I have all these thoughts in my head of "your not good enough" or "no one respects you" when all evidence is to the opposite. That will persist in my head right throughout the call. The project is fine and on time. Any problem that arises I automatically blame myself even if it is out of control and never take credit for success. Both are absolute characteristics of being the child of alcoholics.

I was that child who was told that someone had a great life before I came along and their career and everything was ruined as they swilled from a bottle.

I've hovered the mouse over the cancel meeting button a few times. Now I'll be able to run that meeting no problem as if nothing is wrong but the internal battles are very very real. None of it was my fault and that is something I'm still coming to terms with and have had a huge wealth of counselling to equip me with the right tools.

And yes all of this is why Shiv triggers me!
It was just her standard ‘fun pouch’ that she seems to have had all her life
Roisin got the looks anyway! 🤣
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asking herself questions because she is bored. 100% she DOES NOT know a mid wife, if she did why has she never mentioned her before, eggs, training etc. She is a liar. It was also her attempt at a flex, trying to show she isn't an alchi and can wait for a drink. Questions she has asked herself could also be to get one over Raisin and maybe some of the "questions' are raisins concerns.

Missing the Craic, is she for fucking real? bored? is she even a person? She should be getting the nursery bits finished, bag packed, checking a check list, doing stuff she can still do as SOH and not a Mam. Once you give birth your single identity is no more and you can never just quickly leave the house to go for a walk without packing bags, nappies, clothes, its endless. She can just fuck right off, she is getting more irritating the more this pregnancy goes on.

The heart rate Q, she gets to about 170 but goes on feel rather than stats. Her whole 'career' and income is based on a spread sheet and stats. Why does she wear 2 watches if she goes on feel?

She is as thick as fuck, and cant keep up with the lies she puts out daily.

SOH is a trigger.
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Well she may not want unsolicited advice now...but she'll be looking for advice from a solicitor before she knows it.

She simply does not know Ned at all & they are about to have a child together!
There are so many potential issues ahead.. rota for visits/ where they live / money & maintenance/ schools etc.

Honestly the pregnancy is the easy bit. And God forbid the baby has any health issues or Shivvers has complications from the birth ( unlikely, as she is the best woman on planet earth)

I still find it hard to imagine her with a baby...a baby Guinness yes, but a human baby?! She is not remotely maternal & seems to be winging it re getting stuff together ( she had ample time earlier in pregnancy but didn't bother!)
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Why are you all calling him a stranger? By the time the baby is born she'll have meet him well over 20 times...... And some of those meet ups were over 2 hours long.
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One of the first 3 post birth photos will be a glass of prosecco.

I would put my house on it! Her mentioning of alcohol has noticeably increased lately - she's battling some serious demons to refrain.
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