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For those of us newer to the thread, can we get some context / history of this supposed property in Ireland? Is there any actual evidence of it 🤔

Also, these apartments in Manchester are taking forever to build. And why buy in Manchester?! Sounds like another fabrication
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She mostly seems to do BJJ and Lime bikes/walking around her apartment these days though. Not going to do anything much for muscle. And she's not particularly lean, even if she's smaller. The thighs are tricky because we all store fat differently - I can have visible veins and ribs in my upper body but still chubby thighs! Thought she'd have more of a muscle base though. She doesn't look particularly like an athlete
The first picture is only 2yrs ago, and I don't think there's much photoshopping/editing there (I could be wrong though)
That's a big difference in a relatively short period of time for an 'athlete'.
She absolutely would not be fit for crossfit these days, nowter strength or endurance wise- I suspect that's why she's currently obsessed with BJJ.


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She also says she has "no idea" how long it was broken.

She didn't notice her sales completely dried up overnight?! If so,that really hammers home how fucked her business is that she couldn't tell the difference between genuinely no sales and her website being broken!

It's like a shop not noticing the shutters were down. She's an absolute fucking clown.
I wouldn't hire her if I was paid too. She's stone useless.
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JP Bangers

Chatty Member
Apologies if someone has already posted it, but in my excitement to put it up I haven’t even read it yet! 😂🤣

Subject : The pictures on the MP website 😱

Hello and happy Monday!

I've been slacking on my daily emails but I am finally looking at a week with no travel and no major social events.

Last week I travelled to Ireland for the launch of myself and Sinead's line with MyProtein, which is a brand I have worked with for 6 years!

This has been in talks for a long long time, but we were finally able to shoot the campaign in the middle of June.

I spoke a lot in May/June on my emails and socials about how I wasn't willing to diet down for a photoshoot.

If anything I did the complete opposite.

I left Bali (biz class so loads of food and drink), landed home to a weekend with my family (loads of food and drink), then I went to Paris (loads of wine and cheese), and then I went to Portugal for a month (loads of green wine, bread and Lays).

I felt like cr*p but I knew it was only temporary. I actually think it is better for my mental health not to resist the environment I am in, and just lean into it.

I could feel my clothes getting smaller and internally I felt huge but when I looked at myself objectively, I knew I hadn't changed that much.

I journaled every day about how I felt and drilled down on questions like "so what if I put on weight?"

Years of posting about my body and acknowledging any physical changes week-to-week means I still have thoughts like that.

But I've a bit more life under my belt now to realise that nobody actually cares if you put on weight.

Anyway, I think a lot of you signed up to the email list today because you saw that I looked quite different in the selfie I posted this morning, compared to the website pictures that were taken in June.

Reasons there is a difference in the pictures:

1. Selfies are always more flattering because you naturally contort your body into a flattering angle (well I do anyway!).
On the left my hips are pushed back and legs are open. On the right, that was just one of hundreds of shots of me just moving.

2. Lenses make a huge difference in a picture. I remember I learnt this a few years ago when somebody took a pic on the iPhone at the same time as the professional shot and I looked way bigger on the professional shot.
I checked with a photographer once and they said that the iPhone is probably closer to what we look like in real life. But even at that, do you ever notice that you change shape a bit when you switch to portrait mode? That's because it is a different size lens.

3. I have actually lost weight. I will do an email with more detail on the specifics during the week, but I cut out all the green wine and bread with every meal and I just went back to a similar shape to what I was before I left Bali.

I have noticed it in myself but I decided not to point it on on Instagram, but people are asking questions now. I could use these two pics and sell you my program but I could actually save you a few quid and just let you know that if you do have wine and bread on top of all your usual food, without any of the training that you love, you will probably gain a bit of weight.

And remember - that's ok.

Thanks for reading,

Siobhan "Go with the flow" O'Hagan
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Madeline 74

VIP Member
Wonder will she acknowledge at all that poor irish elderly man that was stabbed in London yesterday.

And on a side note is she ever going to mention the passport!
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There is just something not right about the amount of training she does and her shape. I speak from experience and those were the days trust me I need to see the inside of a gym now, but going back a few years I found a class I loved. I prob went 5 times a week and I wasn’t dieting and I was young free and single so out every weekend. I have to say my body was in the best shape ever, toned thighs the works. I’m not telling this story to be big headed and I know there is some of her super fit and real athletes here, my point is something just is not adding up for her shape and the amount of training, steps, cycling etc she is doing.
She mostly seems to do BJJ and Lime bikes/walking around her apartment these days though. Not going to do anything much for muscle. And she's not particularly lean, even if she's smaller. The thighs are tricky because we all store fat differently - I can have visible veins and ribs in my upper body but still chubby thighs! Thought she'd have more of a muscle base though. She doesn't look particularly like an athlete
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Chatty Member
There's also a lesser known condition called cuntitis which Siobhan is the patron saint off.

Please don't insult our wonderful aspergers/autism community by putting this shallow professional athlete wanker in the same bracket

Agree ! Sometimes people are just selfish and cunt like .
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Starts her reel with "I've been quiet today havent I" like we were all waiting on tenterhooks for her pearls of wisdom. An absolutely deluded throbber. Does she really think like this? Yes she does. The more I see the more I think that she is not just a bit of a bitch but actually has real issues beyond the obvious alcoholism.
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Well-known member
There's also a lesser known condition called cuntitis which Siobhan is the patron saint off.

Please don't insult our wonderful aspergers/autism community by putting this shallow professional athlete wanker in the same bracket
😂 Should have known better than to give her the benefit of the doubt on thread 35!
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New member
Cory has an interesting story up ... about life not all about cocktails and holidays ..and people having to tell you they are living their best life really aren't. Remind you of anyone 👀
Interestingly enough that's a post from Steven Bartlett who siobhan has regularly shared posts from....wonder why she didn't share this one???

EDIT: Upon reading this post I'm not sure it "Interestingly" is the appropriate word!
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Why is look fantastic working with this cretin!! Can't they see the irony... she only looks decent when she's dressed up for margs 😂
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