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Why is she sharing that shite she’s highlighted like some child that finally got permission to use markers? Like either come out and say you don’t agree with restrictions or whatever it is you’re alluding to with your highlighter or whatever, but have the balls to stand behind whatever it is you’re trying to imply. Lord she boils my blood
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Her skin is bad because she has poor personal hygiene and her diet.
Her skin is also not that bloody bad either. A good face wash with some salacylic acid and some Vit A and she will see huge improvements.
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Not wanting kids for me was nothing to do with the environment, I didn’t want to be responsible for another life, or have anyone dependent on me (didn’t work out well, as I have one 😂), or to have to look after anyone else emotionally and financially. It’s ok to not want kids and to be completely selfish about, but Jesus does she go on about it.
I doubt very much that this Bali food drive thing was only established on the wake of Sinead’s arrival. Wtf has Siobhan been doing for locals since she arrived apart from lording it over them
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Yeah I'm not a fan of Sinead or Becca but they both come across sooo much better than Siobhan 😂 They seem sound compared to her.
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What's with the whole throwing in you're on your period? Is it supposed to inspire me? I mean fair fucks to ya Siobhy but I could not care less.

I'm done with thinking Siobhan wants to live differently. The whole don't have kids, veganism post blah blah. I just get the feeling she'd enjoy a fella, kids, love a bit of sex on the reg and a stable 9-5 job(not so sure). I think the whole insta fame chasing candle has reached the end. And I'm all for watching it😁
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I wonder will she donate too ? Or was it enough to be there.
You can search the donor list by name. So if you type in Sinead is comes up that she donated €3,000. If you type in Siobhan nothing comes up.

Now she could be one of the anonymous donors... cough not likely. 😂
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Chatty Member
If she was just honest and say the unpopular thing like guys I wasn't feeling going this week it's not my scene. I have given money but I prefer not to be up close and personal with it because it's upsetting. But I don't think she wants to admit something so real. She defo didn't give money, she couldn't be arsed to go because she is happy to live in a lovely villa away from the poor villages and poor Balinese. She can't even say I didn't want to go even though her body language and words screamed it last week.
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She’s so patronising to every single person who doesn’t live the way she is choosing to at that moment in time. Dope.
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Shes back in Bali months..knows so many locals struggling there all that time..never mentioned it once or tried to help/fundraise like i'v seen a lot of others ie Janet Newnenham do there🙌But now Begs is here she realises how people are struggling..please🙄🙄Beyond selfish & self centered😡
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Her mother is so high risk that she flew to Portugal. Her mother is so high risk that Siobhan gave her a bite of her half eaten chicken fillet roll after her spending weeks hanging out with waaaay to many people
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Logging on to tell everyone how hungover she is! Nothing wrong with doing the dog on it, it should be a personal account she's posting that too. If she was under any kind of management or had any sort of professional guidance someone would be coaching her saying what to post public and private.

How on earth does anyone in their right mind follow her and think what she's posting is professional, fitness, athlete or what ever she's calling herself in her latest bio!
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O my god 100% loneliness! Thrives on approval and acceptance! If only she actually read and absorbed the books she underlined! Very very very sad existence, nothing wrong with travelling on your own I've done it plenty of times, like others have said go and explore a place instead of staying in the same place, same gym, same pubs, same bars. And that's living differently...wake up an smell that morning coffee Siobhan.
I totally agree with this, just to add I have travelled loads on my own and actually it’s the least lonely I have ever been. People generally are looking to meet people and in the backpacking travelling world they will spot a solo traveller and be friendly to them.
People are less likely to chat to a couple because they already have company but when you are on your own other solo travellers, couples, groups kind of adopt you.

People always say ‘you are so brave to travel alone’. I try and tell them, it isn’t brave...I get to sit at an airport and not have to worry about anyone else, I can go anywhere and work to my own time scale but also will always meet people.

There is a huge myth around this bravery of solo travel, she talks about independence and being alone but clearly she loves the social side of meeting people...which happens but not so much when there is a pandemic putting off visitors! It is clear she is in Bali more for the night life than the solo spiritual existence she underlines in her books!
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I’ve been planning posting for a while but kept putting it off but the skin email motivated me.

Now... the skin issue, I get it... if you’re insecure about something, you hate unsolicited advice. So the ideal thing to do is to not mention it. (At least not publicly to 50,000 or however many it is) She goes ON about it, and shows videos of herself picking her face and clearly not showering/cleaning herself as often as she should which is where people will say something.
You’ve put your life (in this case, your bad skin) online, yet expect nobody to pass on advice? Just simply do not post about it. I actually would have advice for her but if she’s got the best skin expert ever in the world, then carry on with it and don’t mention it.

Living differently, this is such a nice idea. But, doesn’t everyone “live differently”? My sister and her husband have teaching jobs, married, children, all before 30 - that’s not for everybody, but it’s a wonderful life I see them having and they’re completely happy and content. SOH makes out as if that life is you being tied down or unhappy and unable to travel. They love that path they chose, and have travelled the world together, doesn’t sound so bad does it?
“Have you ever tried not being tied” or whatever she put on her Twitter, ok ok ok we get it you don’t “want” a boyfriend (or girlfriend), and you’re totally content answering to nobody. But have you had a healthy relationship? Because her Valentine’s posts reeked of bitterness. I’ve been burnt by men before and it hurts and almost drives you to the “I hate everyone/men” attitude, but I’ve actually let my walls down and been pleasantly surprised with how a nice low-key relationship is. You really can have a well rounded relationship with freedom and space, it doesn’t mean you have to be tied down. Now I get it if she actively does not want a relationship, but a lot of her posts are a bit “the lady doth protests too much”, again - just don’t go on about it?! Or don’t judge other for wanting the opposite of what you have.

Winnie the dog is where I get really angry. I’m a complete dog lover, I’ve adopted dogs my whole life - I had my first dog when I was 3 and she saw my whole life. Dogs need a lot, and it upsets and angers me to see people using dogs as an Instagram toy, or even a cure for boredom. The adoption centre I work closely with, check those who want to adopt so closely - they do home checks, ensure you’re experienced or at least show that you will commit (they’ll do check ups), everything I see she did not go through. I’m not saying she’s a bad person or where she lives is not dog friendly, but I will say she is not a dog person, nor should she be caring for a dog.
The posts saying “too tired to walk” - sis, you tap on your computer all day, glued to your phone and workout an insane amount, maybe you are too tired, but you’re also not actually committing time to a dog that requires it. The idea of a foster home for a dog is that you care the dog back to a “home ready” state to then be adopted. She doesn’t care for the dog or it’s welfare, she lets it eat cooked bones and then tries to have an in-joke with herself about it. You dickhead. Any dog lover or someone who owns a dog should know that as a basic fact what you can and can’t feed a dog. There’s so many points I could put on this but it’ll just anger me and I haven’t got the time, I just needed to rant it out. Someone please rescue that poor dog and allow it to have a proper home life!!!!

As for her being a PT/athlete/coach, I’ve followed her for over 5 years, she was one of if not the person who inspired me into fitness, her progress pics at the start and the meal prepping, gymming and seemingly hard work, I loved it.
But now, if I’d have come across her as a newbie or even as I am now, a PT promoting nutrition within their course/plan/furnace whilst ordering takeaways 3-4 times a day which include a hell of a lot of fried food and sugary foods, it really puts me off and I wouldn’t think twice about not doing her plan. Personally, I believe in leading by example, because it just looks like she can’t be arsed caring for herself but wants money from people doing her course, and these days in the fitness industry, people can spot the bullshit easily.

Lastly, her attitude stinks. Her attitude is as bad as her poor nutrition so if that puts people off then god knows her attitude would. If she’s so content and happy, why is she not happier?? Or at least nicer? The question boxes she puts up is for people to message her, but every other reply is her being rude to people, even when a question is valid or seeks a reply.

Whew, that’s off my chest. As you were x
Absolutely love every word of this. Siobhán love when you read this get your highlighter out and all jokes aside , take some notes.
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Has Siobhan mentioned anything about the book she was supposedly writing? She mentioned it for about a week but hasn’t mentioned anything in ages? I mean, we knew that’d happen, she just wanted attention, but... anything?
With the amount of highlighting it’s prob more a colouring book now
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“Burgers with friends” - after reading here that she doesn’t seem to have friends (uncharacteristically doesn’t tag anyone).
“Canggu appreciation post” - after reading here that people said it wasn’t so nice there.
“Am I being materialistic?” - about the bike, no. Of all the things she could have asked this about in the past year 🙄🙄🙄

Who is going to send her the bill for content creation?
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I have a screen recording of her saying it 💁🏽‍♀️ It’s still there. The first snap where the q box appears.

I really hope she’s stricken down with it badly. Bed bound. Almost hospitalised. It’s what she deserves with her carry on for mocking the world last year and then jaunting around dublin all summer (gaf parties, looking for lock ins, sleeping around with randomers) and Portugal (with her family on holiday). She’s mocking it now too. I know it’s horrible to say but her smugness has gone too far. She’s showing symptoms and her first concern is going to an eye lash bar when she probably has pink eye from not washing her grubby hands.
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What is with the slurping of saliva when she talks? I get that she talks complete diarrhea, it's almost as disgusting as when she handled eds cookie.
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Why the need to say she was deleting insta for a while to then come back about 8 hours later???
I guess it was to save all messages asking if she was ok😂😂😂
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