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Whoops i said it

VIP Member
She was aware of how dangerous it is but continued to fly across the globe during a pandemic, continuously touches her face and bent the rules as much as possible.

These things don’t add up, Hun.
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Her skin is bad because bali is dirty. So is Portugal and ireland dirty too? Common denominator here is you love
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Madeline 74

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Support a local charity - great, good for you.
But before you stick a video up on your Insta for likes - at least practice the lines from your script ffs.
Awful to watch. So uninterested. And that mask under the chin like why ? So there is fruit, she could support local while not bingeing on cinnamon rolls every day. Best of luck with Visa now you have done 1 good turn, maybe heg is a good influence after all. She really does not care one bit about the local economy - and her being a mathlete, it shouldn't take an excel sheet for you to know how the locals live. One thing tho, I really wish she could shower daily. The dirt of her feet doing the yoga 🤮
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I messaged saying her story saying she had all that tech wasn’t in good taste and she’s just blocked me 🤣

Also has she removed those stories now?
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How, HOW, can someone see her doing workouts like that and think "yep, sign me up for the furnace"?

She can't do ten push ups in a row? Sponsored athlete my hole.
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She's sooooo ignorant about veganism and vegetarianism 😥. Wish she would shut up about stuff she doesn't know anything about. Everything she said was not factual.

She is saying you need to take supplements to be a healthy vegetarian which isn't true.

I can totally imagine her being one of those idiots that cuts out meat but eats a poor diet and says being vegetarian left them with no energy etc. etc. When we know she doesnt know how to cook one healthy meal at all 😂.

Also she doesn't give a fuck about the environment why does she keep mentioning that 😂. Said she went vegetarian for the environment 🙃.
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So she's actually not having kids for the environment rather than be vegetarian!! What a sacrifice, well done siobhan!!
Did she say that????
Wow - well if you stop taking first class fights, then you could use the carbon credits that you save to have a load of kids.
FFS - what a statement - this girl has lost it!!!
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Long time lurker here... so the other day I messaged Siobhan on the call to prayer comments ... and also on why she constantly is copying Dr. Michelle (PHD) from the Fit Clinic... and passing her content off as her own...
Needless to say I am now blocked. Also I am blocked by the looks of it by Sinead too, even though I didn't follow her ... hi Siobhan 👋 hi Sinead 👋
You must be confused, siobhan doesn’t read DMs 🤭
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Well-known member
I get that balance is a good thing but drinking to excess is not balance? Drinking so much you can barely speak or eat the next day is not balance. Its fine if that's your thing but don't call it 'balance' 🤣🤣🤣

She has a real problem with drink, she has a very wierd relationship with it. Slippery slope.
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" She finds the OH Oven instagram and can't believe her luck that there is an online coach who protects the identify of their clients at all costs! Amazing! " :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Screenshots whatsapp msg from Furnace graduate - showing her mobile number to the 50,000 people (her boast not mine) who watch her stories daily.
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^ Exactly. It's not possible for anyone else to exercise that much unless they are unemployed. Not to mention that fact that she is very tall so can eat a lot more than more petite people. What a boring life, gorging on takeaways and then over exercising to burn it off. Who the fuck buys the furnance based off of her insta????
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Chatty Member
I don't think I'll ever regret all the money i spent on flights....... Does she think we are jealous like🙈you'd think she was the only one with money for a flight 🙄 she soon won't have a pot to pi$$ in id say but at least she can say she enjoyed the cinnamon buns. She will have to set up a GFM page soon.....please sponsor me so I can go on avoiding the real world and eat like a queen. Being a foster mom is so hard Poor winny also needs new shoes swipe up here ⬇
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Chatty Member
I agree with the above poster, I don’t think she’s spoiled I just think she’s ignorant, lazy and emotionally stupid. Her carry on over the last year just says it all, there’s no pandemic in her mind. I can’t believe she was planning on spending the summer in dublin like
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How is she not embarrassed about the fixation with Sinead? Moving villa for her, getting rid of the dog for her, being so excited for her to arrive?
How many bedrooms was her own villa? Surely if there was room for Ed and he is leaving, then there was room for sinead.. I don’t understand why she’s moving if she has a lease on it...
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Siobhan wants to come home to Dublin for the summer what part of not travelling in a pandemic does she not understand
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Just incase she deletes the story she just put up 10 mins ago, she has come on with what are clear covid symptoms after her fucking idiots brigade day sesh, and explained it away as the sniffles because she was out in the heat and now sleeping in air she does be every day?? And then at the end "unlesssss it could be......👀" and cuts it off there with a big shit eating grin. I fucking CANNOT deal with her anymore. She has a question box up and I hope so many people write in it and ask her is she seriously still going to fawn all over the beg today like a dog in heat and mix with her housemates when she may have covid symptoms that she just dismisses as yes even higher beings as yourself can get covid siobhan??!! The neck of her!! Is it bad that I hope she has it and gives it to the beg and the rest of the idiot brigade immediately.🙄😒
either that or she was snorting coke at the weekend
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Chatty Member
"Stay at Pink Coco Bali - for cool adults only" wow what a heading over the Saturday and Sunday plans. Hair is also in there for Saturday at 11. Must be when she plans to wash it.
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I would not deem or classify anyone she hangs around with as a friend. A friend would pull her aside and say "listen i know you don't mean but those question box things you come across passive agressive" or " maybe if you didn't mention your skin or show your face when you're having a bad skin day you wouldn't get so many DMs about it". That's what friends do and that's what you do as a friend. They're not easy conversations but sometimes you have to call your friends out on their shit. Why? Cause they're your mate. These are all Instagramers following each other for likes and numbers. Not true authentic friendships.
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