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VIP Member
Would you advise everyone to just hop on a plane to London for non essential travel (a holiday) and just go & get vaccinated while they are there???
That article Siobhan posted is from 1st June. From looking at the actual up to date article on the Evening Standard site (posted around an hour ago) it’s pretty obvious from reading through the full list of vaccine centres and qualification criteria that this is not meant for globe trotting instahuns. I’d actually be fully entitled to one over there. Would I do what she’s done?? No fucking way as it would be totally irresponsible. Siobhan you’re a bag of dicks with stinky feet ✌🏼
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Ah she could of already got it in NI - dont get ahead of yourself there just yet
Well at least getting it in NI she’s from there and even if she doesn’t her family contribute to the tax and health system there so I’d understand that whereas there is absolutely zero redeeming factors for that disgusting snake to slither her way in getting a vaccine for vulnerable people in a country she has contributed absolutely zero to. The fact she couldn’t even keep it private shows even more what a person she is. I’ve unfollowed she’s not even worth the hate follow at this stage
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I am absolutely RAGING - without going all Brexit gammon, what right has she to get a vaccine in a country she has no claim to and hasn't contributed to in terms of national insurance etc? The walk in centers are specifically for VULNERABLE UK RESIDENTS - including the homeless, undocumented migrants and UK residents who struggled to get an appointment at the centres on the NHS website when they entered their details. What fucking right has she to abuse that? Also does this mean she's staying here to get her second? And the celebration breakfast - gobsmacked.
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New member
Long time lurker first time poster - the fact she has swanned into a country that’s not her home and gone to get a vaccine she is not entitled to has made me furious, and a slap in the face to all the people especially at home who haven’t got there’s yet and have basically been locked up at home for 18 months. If this doesn’t get her cancelled I don’t know what will, I actually feel sick to my stomach that she is this entitled what a disgusting disgrace of a human
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I got up at 5am

VIP Member
I cant believe we have reached the stage of Siobhan annoying us so much people have started to like Sinead 😶🌫 Whenever she opens her mouth all I hear is the Scatman 😩😂
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Watched part of the podcast and its a hard watch. They both don't come across the brightest. It comes across that Sinead believes everything she hears and reads. I have a few friends like that whose niavity is endearing in some ways but the fact she then spreads information to a huge amount of ppl with such conviction, which is not based on facts or evidence, is worrying. Especially as Sinead seems to be self aware that she does believe anything that she can relate to. Siobhan makes a sly comment about knowing Sinead does this but she will let her believe what she wants if she's not harming anyone and smirks.. Strange way to talk to a friend and shows she doesn't think Sinead is the brightest.

I agree with other comments regarding when Siobhan talks about Thailand-as if they are sitting in the street wanting to serve. This is not about having a different work ethic, it's because they literally need to earn money to put food on the table and so don't have the luxury of only working set hours, they have to be there as long as it takes to get enough money for their family day on day, week on week. She also seemed wierdly unaware that thailand has a collective culture, when she mentioned that they share money in massage parlours. They have extended families that go beyond blood and they always think in the collective and not as an individual.

It worries me when young people look up to people like this and think all these behaviours are correct
This. 100%.

Sinead is younger, prettier and harmless and needs to drop me wan like a hot snot.

I've said it earlier but its worth saying again: Siobhan O'Hagan is not someone to look up to or take advice from. Just the opposite.
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VIP Member
Diren left those comments up just long enough for folk to read and for Shiv to see. He was being diplomatic stating that she's a sound person. If shes so sound, why didn't he delete/disable those comments right away? If she's a sound person, why haven't himself and James made an effort to hang out with her more? James hasn't mentioned her since her arrival in London. I'd say he's allergic at the thoughts of her. If a friend of yours arrived in a city you lived in.. Wouldn't you meet up with them? Show them around? Invite them on lunches/drinks out etc?
Exactly. They no more think she's "a sound person" than we believe Joanne Larby is anything less than a size 18.
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VIP Member
I messaged her. I think that means I’ve broken tattle rules but I honestly don’t care anymore 😭😭
FairPlay to you. I also messaged her and blocked her before she could reply. I’m sorry for all you’ve been through I hope your pregnancy is going ok. You are one of the hero’s of this whole crisis don’t leave a selfish horrible disgusting human being like soh get you down x
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VIP Member
Dear Diary,

I don’t quite know how it happened but I manifested the break up of Sinead and Jack.

Sinead and Jack < Sinead and Siobhan.

I’ve written a little poetic diary insert for my trolls x

Alarm goes off at six am,
And out of bed I jump.
Self help books and yoga too,
But my yoga face is a grump.

I scan the socials,
What is James up to today?
It’s almost been a month now
And he’s always far away

I’ve tried his gym, I’ve tried his pub,
I’ve even met his besties,
My smooth waxed vag is prim and primed,
For his sweaty golden testes 🥵

I’ve even bought a Gucci bag,
I thought I would look classy,
And Fliss has even gave me tips
On how to act more sassy

Calories weight different here,
A dominos is the same as an Apple,
I comfort ate dominos after BJJ
When James didn’t show up to grapple.

Jack has told Sinead to fuck off,
I think that I know why,
It’s probably cos she doesn’t have a degree,
But I won’t say that because she’ll cry.

I went to an English soccer match,
And I couldn’t help but cheer,
When England scored & the crowd went mad,
I felt Michael Collins jeer 🤨

I might head today, up London Town
And walk in for a Pfizer,
I think I heard JS say once
‘If a girl was vaxxed I’d ride her’

Initially I thought he said,
‘Waxed’ not ‘vaxxed’ you see,
And that is why I sit here now,
With a silky smooth but sweaty gee.

I might open furnace spaces today,
The demand has been quite high,
Swipe up if you’re interested,
And hand over your 79

I must go now and wake Sinead,
I must remind her to stay single,
You then don’t have to share,
Your dominos, eggs or Pringles.

I miss my family back home,
I promise it’s not lies,
Now how could I manage a sneaky flight home,
And a shocking front door surprise 🤪

I’ll sign off now, I’ve work to do
And I’m most productive before nine
I’m lucky that I live so differently
And that all my work is online

The talent that keeps giving! Take a bow!
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VIP Member
We’ve gotten so much new blood into this thread today - its great to see. I urge all you newcomers to keep contributing because this whole ongoing community of “haters” is a real gift. When things are back to normal we should book out a conference room in a hotel somewhere and do a big “troll group” meetup 😆😆😆 maybe an annual summit in Hawaii or Las Vegas😆😆
@brandambassador to open it with an iconic journal entry 😂

What sort of activities should we have at this summit?

I think daily morning yoga. Defiantly cocktail thoughts instead of coffee thoughts. Instead of an Easter egg hunt we can scatter raisins around and try find them 😂
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Active member
What mystifies me is she volunteered to do the body competition. She signed up and paid Recalibrated Bodies to support her throughout.

Now it’s “Oh, I’ve seen the light” … that’s fine, definitely don’t do a body comp again but… nobody made you sign up to it in the first place except you 🤔😑
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Biscuit or cake

VIP Member
Dear Diary,

I don’t quite know how it happened but I manifested the break up of Sinead and Jack.

Sinead and Jack < Sinead and Siobhan.

I’ve written a little poetic diary insert for my trolls x

Alarm goes off at six am,
And out of bed I jump.
Self help books and yoga too,
But my yoga face is a grump.

I scan the socials,
What is James up to today?
It’s almost been a month now
And he’s always far away

I’ve tried his gym, I’ve tried his pub,
I’ve even met his besties,
My smooth waxed vag is prim and primed,
For his sweaty golden testes 🥵

I’ve even bought a Gucci bag,
I thought I would look classy,
And Fliss has even gave me tips
On how to act more sassy

Calories weight different here,
A dominos is the same as an Apple,
I comfort ate dominos after BJJ
When James didn’t show up to grapple.

Jack has told Sinead to fuck off,
I think that I know why,
It’s probably cos she doesn’t have a degree,
But I won’t say that because she’ll cry.

I went to an English soccer match,
And I couldn’t help but cheer,
When England scored & the crowd went mad,
I felt Michael Collins jeer 🤨

I might head today, up London Town
And walk in for a Pfizer,
I think I heard JS say once
‘If a girl was vaxxed I’d ride her’

Initially I thought he said,
‘Waxed’ not ‘vaxxed’ you see,
And that is why I sit here now,
With a silky smooth but sweaty gee.

I might open furnace spaces today,
The demand has been quite high,
Swipe up if you’re interested,
And hand over your 79

I must go now and wake Sinead,
I must remind her to stay single,
You then don’t have to share,
Your dominos, eggs or Pringles.

I miss my family back home,
I promise it’s not lies,
Now how could I manage a sneaky flight home,
And a shocking front door surprise 🤪

I’ll sign off now, I’ve work to do
And I’m most productive before nine
I’m lucky that I live so differently
And that all my work is online

Better content than Siobhan herself!
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VIP Member
Ok she’s gotta be taking the piss at this stage 🤣 Last night James Smith put up a story sitting next to his washing machine saying he was washing and drying his gear ready for the morning. She is unbelievable. 😂😂😂

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Active member
Maeve Kavanagh had a rant on her stories today, I think she's annoyed by Siobhans post today 😂, I noticed she liked a comment on Siobhans post about turning off comments if she doesn't want comments on her body. She's basically saying in her stories a coach should live the lifestyle they're selling
Oh my, I just watched her story there, everything she has said today is 100% aimed at SOH and how badly she eats and how she doesn't lead her clients by example by the lifestyle she is living. Brilliant! prettyprincess_fitness if anyone else is looking
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Active member
I think I need to watch this podcast in full show, I only seen the first 3 or 4 mins and it was enough, Sinead came across so sweet and chill but she was taking over interupting I had to turn it off. I really hope Sinead has opened her eyes sinead doesn't need her and is clearly capable of making friends easily.
It's bad. Theres a really nasty part in it where they are talking about how they met and SOH puts on this voice trying to copy SH saying 'oh my god I cant believe I'm here (thailand maybe) and my idol is here, I love everything she does and I just found her here and I'm totally fangirlling over her' and then says so she follows me everywhere I go now, and diren is like.... well that's what you do to me, why else are you in london. And SOH is like 'damn, he figured it out' and they do an awkward laugh. It's so awkward and cringey the whole way through
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Well-known member
I can’t actually watch it all the way through, I’ve taken 5/10 min clips at a time. Someone mentioned it above but there’s one particular part where it really clicks with me that Siobhan isn’t actually bright at all. Sinead is making a somewhat valid point about religion helping with anxiety in previous generations and Siobhan just chimes in with something completely unrelated and disjointed. “I love learning, something something, right and left brain concept, books bla bla” and she’s fidgeting throughout. I mean that’s just plain rambling and nonsensical, lay off the booze, drink water and please gather your thoughts next time Siobhan.
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Chatty Member
If anyone suffers with insomnia, throw the headphones in and off you go 😴
She looks so uncomfortable in her tight jeans.

also when Diren is explaining his upbringing and experience as a refugee, Shiv nods acting like she knows exactly what he’s talking about 😂

she’s so woke! Pro-Palestine wearing Zara everything. Get it, girl!
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