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Chatty Member
Siobhán...... Go into your local supermarket! Pick up taco sauce, bag of grated cheese (coz I know u won't grate your own), a roll, frozen breaded chicken fillets, and whatever salad tickles your fancy!!! 👏 make 👏 your 👏 own 👏 chicken 👏 fillet 👏 roll!!!!!!! And stop fucking complaining that u can't find one in London!!
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Yet another lurker here posting for the first time. She is just despicable. I’ve followed her for ages since before the famous bikini comp, and I’m nearly embarrassed to say I used to really like her. Unfollowed this morning
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Hello! I am new here but felt compelled to join after her morning coffee thoughts this morning - I messaged her very politely to let her know that her blatant disregard for covid regulations/ advice has hit a new low with the walk-in vaccination centre comments this morning. I stated how they are for the homeless/vulnerable and undocumented migrants etc not for her and wifey (vom - grow up) so they have themselves a hot girl summer (eye roll) she wrote back (almost instantly as well - thought you don't check your DMs Siobhan?) telling me that I have no bearing on how she chooses to live her life and blocked me 😂 heartbroken! As a Londoner who has endured almost two years of lockdowns and restrictions, to see her and her instahun ways swan in and take the piss is TOO MUCH. Fuck her, fuck her shitty business and fuck her shitty life.
I cant believe that was her response. :oops:
Zero humility, zero empathy, zero solidarity.
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Half way through this shit show podcast and I had to take a break 🤪

One thing I had to laugh at was her " I worked for usher"

Please! I drank in the Wright venue when she worked there. She walked around in her underwear serving drinks. Worked for usher ha ! He was there once and she probably handed him a drink. Delusional.
Omg so she worked for you too then!
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Promoting two of JS books??!!! No wonder she’s quiet on her stories....double the fanny flutters. She’s prob exhausted from it 😂
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What about when Sinead says she went off men in 2018 (definite lie) and Shiv chimes in “she’s made up for it since”. 😆
What a cunt, it baffles me why sinead never calls her out.

Also, was trying to find the bit where shiv tells sinead she wouldn’t expect her to understand dogmatic, I couldn’t find it but I skipped through to the end where they were talking about haters and shiobhan said she likes to reply “being really nice” and then waits for the seen and as they’re typing a reply she blocks. Does that not just go to show she loves getting people riled up, as it’s been said here many times before, she is a troll, I’m a firm believer she posts half the shite she does knowing full well she’ll get backlash, and enjoys it, it gives her a reason to say people are miserable when in fact she’s the miserable one. I used to go out with a guy like that, he had a disorder called ODD, literally used to do everything in his power to piss those around him off.
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Nando’s, champagne, Pringles, pizza, magnums, cocktails, ice cream... most people wouldn’t eat that much shite on their summer holidays, never mind any given day of the week. Her insides must be rotting
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Well, that finally confirms it. Her soul is as repulsive as her face.

Straight to the Cunt Club for a lifetime membership.
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Just wanted to say hi Siobhan as we all know that “I’m just working now” means that you are abso GLUED to this page. You’re a disaster of a human being.
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Well-known member
I really think that the sooner everybody is vaccinated, the better, so I'm not totally against Siobhan receiving a vaccination if one is available. However, the thought of her rocking up to an open house style vaccination centre designed for those that are homeless or refugees with no recourse to public funds makes me wince a little. This type of centre hasn't been set up for privileged Insta Huns to take advantage of. So, here is an idea (and we all know she reads here in order to keep track of her one troll) Why not give something back to the community the vaccination centres were set up for? Volunteer at a homeless hostel or even make a big old donation to a charity supporting refugees. Do your bit for society in order to receive a vaccination funded by the taxes of the society you currently live in.
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“I got these new shoes, I can never tell if anything looks nice so I just copy everything Fliss does… are they nice? They’re comfortable… I think….”

She actually sounds demented with insecurity. That’s a really tough place to be… feels a bit like she’s hoping The Gram fills a void.
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Awk Siobhan have some self-respect, Jesus Christ
Note to female readers - though I'm sure most of ye know this - begging a man for notice is about as attractive to us as a dead rat in the kitchen.

I am a parent. If she were my daughter and she was begging this twat for sex in front of 150k people I'd have a fcuking canary. And switch off the Wifi.
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Influencers exposed on instagram
Oh my god 😢 I don’t think I would have believed it until I saw the screenshot! My heart is aching that there are such evil and selfish people walking amongst us.

She has to now be the most hated person in Ireland. How is she ever going to progress in life with all the lies she’s told and evil things she’s done. Instagram will be gone in 5years, even now what new brands would touch her with a barge pole. Shes fucked.
But as soon as she landed in london she got her extensions in, lashes and brows down and her foof waxed and has been drinking cocktails and champagne all weekend up to now and bought a gucci bag. The nails wouldnt be much in the grand scheme of things.
James Smith said in his podcast with Mikhaila Peterson on 9th June:

“I don’t care for material things, now and again I’ll buy something from Gucci to piss off my haters on Instagram”

3 days later
on 12th June Siobhan buys the world’s ugliest and cheapest looking Gucci handbag.

She is a truly awful human. Wonder what her parents think of her taking a vaccine meant for undocumented, vulnerable people. They simply can’t be good people to allow their daughter to behave the way she does without having a severe word. My parents would kill me!
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Chatty Member
Maybe Leo Varadkar saw her morning coffee thoughts seeing as he’s on her email list and insisted she’s welcome to come to Ireland for her vaccine with a sponsored post as long as she wears her DW watch
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Any 1 who is in Ireland, and under 40 who has not been offered the vax - just book yourself a cheap ryanair flight and make your way over to london.
Get yourself to 1 of these walk up clinics and claim your free vax.

Just to be clear - Im not asking ppl to do this.
I'm only writing this as to show how crazy it is to believe that she is eligible for a vax in the UK.

Maybe Leo ask her to take 1 for the team and he will count her in Ireland's vax % numbers
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There is 1 image i cant get out of my head today, and that is SOH sitting in that chair with an NHS worker opposite preparing to give the vax.

The irony of that NHS worker doing something that will protect SOH, yet over the past 12 months she has done a lot to put others in danger.
2 ppl beside each other - whos lives over the past year could not be so different, complete polar opposites.

1 of them has chased the sun around the world on a permanent holiday, and the other, well Im sure they were lucky to get 1 day off a week.

This so so true. There are a lot of us lurkers coming out today. You know she could have come on the stories and be like I got my jab and this is why, she could have turned some speel that she is going to stay in London or the Uk for a while, perhaps she could have said due to cases rising over here she got the chance and wanted to protect herself, she could have said she would rather have it to minimise bringing it to Ireland (albeit I know you can still transmitt). Even if my points just made are being generous she decided to post the picture to celebrate so she could have said a thank you, thank the nhs whatever she wanted but no she posted the picture and when the backlash began she deleted it to push it under the carpet and on with life she goes.

I wonder did she grow up not being the popular girl and now she looks good/lost weight and knows people in places she laps it up? She is academically bright I will give her that given her points in the leaving and to go on further education with maths but I feel like that is what she hangs off of. I have worked with super clever people and those super clever people would never belittle me or make me feel like they are superior to me. I haven't listened to the podcast but I can't believe she treats sinead like that. Love her or hate her at least sinead is branching out and trying to monitise things with her rings, her guides, her meditations and she looks after her appearance so she can draw deals from clothing and beauty companies - sinead might not have her degrees but she has her fingers in all those pies.

Gosh I am on one today with my essays but I have just had enough of it. If you are going to do something own it. Deeep breaths
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Is it just me or is it clear that all of Sinead's interactions with people today just proves that people have been avoiding Shiv? Nobody made an effort with her until Sinead arrived.
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Oh my god, the comments she has written “a lifestyle like ours” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣
View attachment 633777View attachment 633778

It has gotten to the point where I'm actually lost for words.... like SURELY you have some shame ... or ... or some pride?!

Like we know she reads on here. If I were to read even a handful of comments about myself where people had discussed my hygiene, my face picking, my diet, my drinking, my friends or lack of, my infatuation with another influencer (whether valid or off the mark) ... I would be totally fucking mortified.

If you can't log off Instagram because you need it for business then at the very least stop posting about ANY of the above ... but our Shiv seems to be doubling down and I can't understand how you could continue to do that to yourself. Surely she's not right in the head?!

Some of the comments on this thread get 100+ reactions and likes... how is it possible to be so deluded and free of self-reflection 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
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Zero morals, zero class, zero self hygiene, zero respect for guidelines/ rules in a fucking pandemic, the list goes on......

The fact the she had a q+a on fitness and nutrition and then shows the vaccine booklet with a McDonald breakfast show this little girl couldn’t read the room if someone hit her with an a4 pad!
I’m sitting here patiently waiting for karma to bite her red sun scorched arse and watch her crash cause it will come.... and I for one will have the popcorn waiting!
Entitled cunt of a human being!
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She's now promoting his book!!
She is an actual creep, still trying to get his attention, pretty sure James isn’t interested in someone who doesn’t wash themselves regularly, blow drys sweat into their hair, has massive lumps out of the face from picking it, and drinks themselves into kingdom come. It’s a vibe ✌
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