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Well-known member
Fully agree. He’s been living HER life. How could any “normal” man feel any way about himself with her bank account? You earn more- you spend more. She should have seen it coming. This happened the last time too, went on a holiday and then broke up.
Agree with you completely.
She seems to bleed the fuck out of any man she is with, not monetarily as per se but she seems to demand way more than any man can ever give her.
She was like this with her ex in Liverpool ended up doing the dirt on him with this creepy DJ. (This is the ex she says ditched her just before travelling Australia the first time)

She’ll never be happy until she’s with someone exactly like her and she’ll not find him at home.
As you said, Irish men are laid back and want a simple life even if they have a bit of money!
She needs to just find an Australian boyfriend on her level.
(But she also needs to figure out what she wants because a 10 kids life & a digital nomad, hippy life do not go hand in hand)

In all honesty and reflecting on everything I wrote she is just deeply immature for someone her age and not to be a Sinead Heg, she just reminds me of a person who was never heard as a child and craves attention and love.

(Jesoo - I need to go to bed 🤦🏼‍♀️😂)
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Well-known member
He must be under a lot of pressure from her....give the insta worthy presents....have the babies sooner rather than later because of her condition....get engaged....etc etc
Wont be surprised if he jumps ship in Oz and back to the derg sir😉
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Chatty Member
So they didn’t bother going paddle boarding this morning then ? So strange, she changed her hotel to dingle so she could go drinking, then went home early so they could go paddle boarding this morning and looks like they just went straight home !! Such a long journey for less than 2 days
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The first time ever she’s posted her little niece on her stories since she was born and she just acts like it’s a normal regular thing. Wonder was she having a snoop on here :ROFLMAO:
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I would hope for €2500 I would be having food prepared by a proper chef or someone with experience in cooking for a large number of people. Can only imagine how much of a shit show meal times are
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I really don’t know what gives the influenzas the right to spout this bullshit online... because they have a few followers!! Sinead would want to come back down to earth. people didn’t start following her because of manifesting and meditation rubbish, she got her following because she was a broke gobshite scamming her way and acting the eijit in OZ.

I feel like it is so undermining to healthcare professionals, who spent years training, obtaining qualifications, on top of years of life/work experience in these fields to have someone as dumb as Sinead dangerously spread misinformation online. Her sheep are worse IMO
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VIP Member
She doesn’t really have great style does she. All
She wears is MP tat. Remember she used to get free stuff from get that trend :sick:
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Yeah, maybe he couldn't play along with her BS any longer. It might be lucrative, but I don't think Jack is morally bankrupt like most of the gang and would be willing to sell himself out without it really bothering him. Remember, she learned the ropes from Shiv.

As another poster mentioned, Irish lads like earning a few quid, playing ball or whatever, a few pints and a bit of craic at the weekend with the lads, and privacy. The simple life. Jack most definitely comes across that way.
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Now she's anaemic and doesnt know where her tiredness is coming from! Surely it's from the week in Spain and then nights out over the weekend
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‘If you want to get back to aligned’ honestly what kind of bullshit is this. Doesn’t she realise that most people work 9-5 or shift work that can’t plan to do their washing in the middle of the day. Or feel that getting up for coffee in the morning means getting your shit together :rolleyes:


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Well-known member
I havent heard her name the doctor but just her referring to them as the top specialist in endo is making me think of someone in particular, but they aren't an endo specialist they are just a gynae consultant

i think we are thinking of the same doctor

i said i wouldnt comment on sinead but just a bit of information as im suspected adeynomosis (as they cannot definitely confirm until hysterectomy)…. this condition makes the womb a bit inhospitable for embryos. Both from a “sticking” perspective and also it can somewhat try to attack embryos as it sees it as foreign. Both endo and adeynomosis can be linked to not only blockages so makes the egg hard to get out but also problems with implantation due to adhesions and scaring (due to surgery) and also links to poor egg quality. As its so complex, I highly doubt a doctor would give her the all clear fertility wise as fertility is so complex that on top of this the person may have low AMH, poor FSH etc. Just giving some information for those reading that just by having a laproscopy doesnt mean you will then have peak fertility; it is very complex.

back to my lurking 😘
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Well-known member
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ah man I needed a laugh today thank you.
Course sinead looks healthy coz she is altho she will have you believe she's the sickess person to walk God's green earth.....all part of the con but sure you keep believing everything she says/does, more fool you
I'd be healthy too if I didn't have to work and got to swan around doing things I enjoy and talking rubbish, all while brainwashing people to make me lots of money 🥰
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Chatty Member
I’m really confused, I thought the only way to
diagnose endo was through surgery. She had a surgery date but it was cancelled. Now she’s talking about getting a second opinion. That makes no sense.
I don't think she even knows at this stage what she's talking about.
If it were as bad as she makes out she would have jumped at the second appointment holiday or not!
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Thankfully I am lucky enough to be one of the few that does not have endo, but her stories are actually shocking. Like if your coming on to explain it all atleast do it right and get your spellings right like holy god she has so much bother with her womb and can't even spell it! The difference in her explanation and Olivia mcveighs is night and day! Olivia has went off the drink and everything properly to try and help ease her pain she's been put into a medically induced menopause and here's this doll puts the surgery off for holidays but she's in so much pain
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She’s not a nutritionist she’s a nutritional therapist which is about the same qualification as Sinead has
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Chatty Member
What's wrong with her saying the doctor found endo on her "waterpipe". .

Endometriosis can be found on ureters . Doctors refer to ureters as waterpipes when speaking to non medics frequently. So sinead is likely just quoting what was said to her.

I also would say the doctor tried to reassure her about her fertility but like all patients . sinead heard what she wants to hear.

Also she is exaggerating and delighted to report the doctors found disease.
I think that's common reaction for patients when they've spend years knowing they were suffering and getting dismissed.

I relate very much to her on this. I had a flat muscle stomach. No bloating. I could do lots of exercise. I looked fine. But at home by myself, i could collapse in agony after going to the toilet. .as the endo was around "water pipes".
I have zero period pain! ! . I was called a hypochondriac by a "friend".
Surgery found "severe endo"
Infertility later on. Surgery was too late for me as i was dismissed.

I was like Sinead. Living normal life. Looking normal, but having pain on and off when alone.

People should not be judged negatively on how they react to surgery. .
Everyone is different.
She is dramatic. That's her personality.
The issue is she has told that many lies in the past that it's hard to take her seriously or believe what she says.
Another issue is she's given out serious misinformation in the past and no doubt will do again in the future, she has young women who take her word as gospel truth so that's why we come to tattle so we can right her misinformation.

I'm sorry you have went through a tough time, no one on this thread is doubting endo, in fact we all have the utmost respect for those living a day to day life while struggling with pain. That's never been the issue, the issue is sinead and her lies/dramatics
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Well-known member
Does she really think she got a special doctor? Most who work in Ballykelly are employed in NHS...perfectly wonderful at their work no doubt but just because you pay to go privately does not mean you get better treatment.
She talks such rubbish. Saying how great the midulster doc was... did she not say a while after her 1st visit she might look to go to another private doc? Obv the midulster one wasnt telling her what she wanted to hear.
As for being in constant pain for so long🤣🤣🤣 but i struggled through my holiday and put my surgery on hold.
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Chatty Member
Omg literally have never heard of the girl so I went to have a look. That is fucking unnecessary! Who does she think she is? I’m so cross at this. That poor fella can you imagine?
If I was going about my normal day to day business and some insta wannabe did this id be so upset
Don't like that at all!! Why is it giving her life exactly? Her and Sinead like to act like greater than good and spiritual but deep down they're nasty bitches!! Mind when Sinead was loving it when her friend had a phone case with Britney on it when she had her breakdown!
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I wondered this too. She gives the impression jack is starting to give her the ick. Incidents like the dingle hotel just shout that she wants a man not an immature boy. She didnt seem to miss him much when he was away, barely any mention of him at all and all over the place living her best life. I feel sorry for jack he looks like he tries his best for her but his best isn’t good enough for sinead.
I defo think she’s getting the ick. She never used to shut up about him now he’s never mentioned
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