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Fuck she annoys the shit out of me. I did BLW with my oldest and she still didn't really eat until 18 months (was still breastfeeding too) and is still the pickiest eater. Simone, the fact ryder eats so well has jackshit to do with your 'hard work' and more to do with his temperament and who he is. Stop crediting yourself for this shit.
Absolutely 💯 agree. Same here, we did BLW and my wee fella who is nearly two is going through a picky stage now aswell. It is all part of their development and temperament as you say, and VERY normal.

Is she saying that parents who don't follow BLW aren't 'working hard'? If anything BLW is easier as you're just giving your kid portions of your meal ( that's why I did it, laziness!).
Parents who spend time making lovely nutricious puree's for their kids are also putting in alot of 'hard work' and it's so ridiculous to claim one method is better than the other.
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Omg Simmy! I know you’re trying to find your new niche and lean into the whole “oMg TiReD mUm BrAiN aMiRiGhT?!” 🥴🥴🤦🏼‍♀️
…but HON!!’ve tagged your sunnies, outfit, boots and coat but you’ve forgotten (again!) to tag your fake real and totally authentic YSL bag!! You silly billy!! 🤣🙄🙄
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What in the cultural appropriation is this outfit?
Simone, I mean @tryhards, I mean @tagitbaby, I mean @theotherman, where thems receipts, Bebe?
Just took a trip down memory lane. Weird how Simmo bought her investment properties now 3.5 and 2 years ago respectively but they still haven’t had titles issued in her name. You’d think with all the time she’d spent with lawyers recently she would have been able to get that sorted out.


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Bit disrespectful to joke about the ASA Scammo. Shows that you don’t care about doing the right thing or being seen to be above board
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Scammy you 100 percent told Asher what to do over the speaker. "Take the clothes out, throw them on the ground, good boy, now climb inside, take 4 you have to get it right Asher, start again"

What have you actually done. What if he gets into this hamper in the middle of the night when you aren't there to tell him what to do, and it tips over and he can't free himself. He won't cry even if he could because he knows you won't come for him.

Scammy, Elle, LFYD should have a "children performing for the gram club" You all forget they are small humans with feelings and not money generating units


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Eww so tacky who pulls all the tags out like that, pathetic!
“Buying in bulk” is such strange phrasing to use with regards to “faaaaaasssshhhhuuun” 🤷‍♀️
Also read the f*cking room Simon! How many NZ families would love to be able to “buy in bulk” things they actually NEED like food, but cannot even afford the very basics! 🤬🤮🤢
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Oh man I had an early night last night so opened the thread this afternoon to 'theotherman' and 4 new pages to catch up on so had a slight shiver of excitement for some real tea.
Funny nonetheless.
It’s funny cos Simmo always seems to start her tattle handles with a “t” thinking tryhards and tagitbaby. @theotherman we still waiting on the hand and iPad to prove you’re not tent and/or scammo 😂
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Because no media outlet will expose her untold story of deceit 😔😌 She is clearly the most despised inFLueZer in NZ but the big companies & even smaller brands don't care about that, just get the product out there with whoever. 🤔
It’s really bad and how’s her going to a gifted Peppa pig experience this morning. Asher wouldn’t even know what Peppa Pig as she has said he doesn’t watch TV!
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I don’t have children, so am in NO WAY qualified to comment/know what is “right” or appropriate for feeding(or anything else) BUT even I can say WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F*CK?!?!?!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Meat like that is a good way for babies to figure out “mouth mapping”. But fuck me, she is so unsafe. Should not be doing it before 6 months and definitely not holding him like that. If he can’t sit in a high chair, he shouldn’t be eating it.
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Any Sherlock Holmes along at us to see if all this is a crock of shite spilled by Simmie
Farken hate you ya smelly fish flapper
This is, at the same time, both true and false. What Simone is saying here is that she did donate, and that she donated in her maiden name to the charities she mentioned. This is true. She did donate to these charities, in her maiden name. But these donations did not happen until after June 2020 when Simone was called out by some of her followers and by Pebbles Hooper and Makaia Carr.

This is part of the ’spin’ that was used to ‘cleanup’ the resulting damage to Simone’s reputation after the donations scandal broke. It still confuses people to this day. Makaia Carr’s legal statement proves without doubt that here were no donations before June 2020.

“”Spin”, in this sense, is a term to describe the art of controlling the communication of a message in a manner that presents a biased interpretation of events, which in turn is intended to manipulate public opinion.” Bruce Cotterill.
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Never a truer word spoken. Not an ounce of genuine joy or care shown. They are props. The. End.
It's amazing she wants to be a mummy blogger but doesn't address where she leaves her kids to flit away or the weaning of Babe #2 (who had been exclusively BF for so long 🥹) & is suddenly onto solids. How amazing her boys are at achieving milestones ( but yet to see these) She plays/lies with what gets her the most attention on the day.

Her kids are so her props because Casserole you are not worth following anymore.

Please someone expose this wannabe.
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I have a reported sighting of simone in the wild. Friend of mine lives in Hobsonville and saw her at the library dressed in glam from head to toe with her kids. Apparently according to my friend she looked the same in RL. That's probably not good news for ya'll 🤣, but I'm just the messenger
Any other tea? Was she signing autographs? Asking for lollipops and $5.00 notes?
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She posts all the times how she still makes purées for Asher? Which goes against what BLW is and Asher is old enough to not need puree anymore anyway.
She's was litreally making puree in cubes a few days ago. 🫠 thick shit talks so much 💩 she dosnt even know left to right.
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Oh Simone………we don’t care that you have Gin and Tonics on your bench……we care about you using your children in ads to advertise alcohol and promoting alcohol while you were pregnant. You really are Simple Simon. But good for you trying to make a little joke.

Enjoy your gang bang tonight beautiful xx 😘 tell Trenti to get some lube on the way home for “date night”
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