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I don’t have children, so am in NO WAY qualified to comment/know what is “right” or appropriate for feeding(or anything else) BUT even I can say WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F*CK?!?!?!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Nah quite common for BLW. They suck on it and get all the goodness, so very common.
But they should be fully able to sit upright unassisted before starting BLW.
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That difference in the opaqueness between the photo and the videos 🤔 righto Simone I-don't-edit-photos Scamderson

Aww Simmo, is this a 'look at my opaque tights in a video' story? Cute. Perhaps you could get a better hobby?
She is so obsessed with Tattle. It has consumed her whole life. Pretending it doesn’t get to her, by demonstrating that it clearly does get to her.

I honestly wish she was donated some intensive psychology sessions.
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So im not sure if i should be doing this but my friends told me about this page and after reading the comments im tipsy and mad. I have been with Trent for the last 13 months and he dumped me today for ANOTHER FUCKING MAN. he always said he would never leave his miserable, abusive wife and i was just like whatever im fine with that. He always said he wishes we could have spent our lives together and all that bullshit. So when he told me he had to end it because "she knows" i wasnt happy but it is what it is. Until i find out hes with some other 20 something. Yes i met trent when i turned 19 im 20 now. So my question is. Do i just let this slide? Or is their anything i can do without breaking the law. I have texts, videos, voice notes and yes even stuff from the bedroom. Im just mad the wife is an abuser, hes an adulterer and the poor kids have no idea. Im a student so hiring a lawyer is pretty wild. Or i just leak all this shit and see what happens.
Pics or it didn't happen 🧐
Receipts or it didn't happen, mmkay?
Simone is not great with receipts....
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Quick question Casserole- do you take these new collegen, vitamins etc that you are so pumped about along with your adashiko, my new tum, naked nectar, blackmores & naked harvest. I can't remember which one is your most favourite 🤫🤔.

Also why excited about the vege hero - don't both your boys eat everything especially A - how many was it again, over 500 foods?

Happy Friday, when's your next date night. We're waiting for the 🫖🫖🫖


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If it is they on their date night it must have been really hard for Scammy to acknowledge what we've all guessed but Trenti has kept closeted.

Sometimes true words are spoken in jest, and if this is the case, it's really gong to come back to bite you Scammy. Don't play with fire unless you aren't scared of getting burnt
They might think it’s hilarious whilst their on the G&T’s on date night, however the internet is forever and they have further planted seeds about Trent’s sexuality. Not sure it will be so funny when they’ve sobered up or Wendz reads it.
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If I was Simone’s mum (or babysitter) the first thing I would be doing is either turning that camera off or facing it in the opposite direction. It’s creepy that she can just turn it on and essentially check up on her mum. I bet she had to just double check that the kids were being put to bed right at 7pm and not a minute later.
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This is giving “look guys I am a good person. See I’m delivering food” vibes.

Most would just do this quietly without seeking praise, but not you Simone.
Lol doesn’t mean shit Simmie. You arranged it nicely in your car, took a snap for the gram then put it all back into your pantry. Ya all just for show 😂
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It just baffles me that she always has people around at her home. Shes never alone in the home with Trenti and the boys. Maybe the silence is too loud in her head and she has time to think about all the stuff she has done.... O wait a minute, she has no empathy so that's definitely not it 🤣
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I hope she asked that poster if that private conversation was ok to post. She asked for the link to be posted.

That was private, between two people. Scammy, you could have posted a synopsis of what has happened and the link to the give a little page.

Posts like that are nothing more than preying on a follower's distress to increase your engagement and get head pats. 😡

That's low Scammy, you should feel ashamed you will sell out followers like that for likes


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This mornings filmed unnatural interactions with Roo, clearly shows he's not speaking words very clearly. Only she could understand the bunny and we all know she's thick as pig 💩 so prolly went by him pointing.

Scamone please listen to us, you normally do, Asher is not advanced, he will need help with speech and that's ok but don't make him out to be something he's not... We get enough of that from you.
Even with this interaction, she's not using any words for Asher to try and replicate. It's just laughing and making weird noises and sounds. I see a lot of my 2 kids in Asher. They were both speech delayed and were still only really babbling at this age with a few words. Unlike Simone I noticed something wasn't quite right, a little bit down the track we started seeing a speech therapist privately until they were seen by MoE, we then went through them at Kindy/School. Also, Simone please get onto it sooner rather that later. Mine had Learning Assistants through school until they were about 7. But, you also need to put in the effort, give them words to use, sound those words out. Not just laugh at everything they do. Today you wouldn't even know they had been delayed.
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Correct me please, she’s just shared a TikTok of a Jordan Peterson? He’s quite controversial and I know everyone is allowed an opinion but if that’s the way she’s going she’s certainly choosing an anti climate change, anti lgbtq, anti women path.
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You know what Simmo. You prove time and time again that Tattle rattles you to your core. We can all see it. All your friends who secretly read here can see it. You are scrambling to stay relevant in a world where you are losing followers, losing money and most importantly losing reputation.

I challenge you to prove us all wrong. Go a cool 2 weeks without posting any reaction to anything said on tattle. Take your own advice and don’t get bothered by it. Not a single post in retaliation.

see if you can do it.
see if this thread dies because of it.
see if you have an inch of self control like you harp on about.

Go on. I dare you.
I love this!! It's 100% true. She does nothing asides from respond to tattle observations/comments. It's a real tell me you read tattle without actually saying, Yeah Im full of shit, I read it and it triggers me.
Her friends must of said , look we will come for dinner or have you over for dinner but absolutely no showing our faces or bodies or distinguishing features on your instagram. There has been a real disconnect over the last few weeks of people. Her reputation is damaging and it looks as tho others do not want to be associated. Look at the fiji trip. Not a group post or even a wives trip out. She is on the way out!
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Chatty Member
May I ask who you think the first favourite is since you said Hobsonville Housewife is second favourite? Is it Simone? She is not my favourite 😂
A thousand apologies, as punishment I will take the bedroom curtain tie back whips out of the frame and chastise myself.
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