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Hmm, when did Ryder have his 6 week imms? Apparently she's had her very first visit with Plunket today, which should be the 4-6 week check. I know for a fact that check is supposed to be done before the baby is actually 6 weeks (i.e. up to 5 weeks 6 days). So, he has his imms early, his plunket visit late, or this is actually his second (eight to 10 week) visit masquerading as his first....
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So we learned our lesson not buying a NZ product and slamming the Aussie one and how you should support local EXCEPT you are more than happy to take everything Australia gives you for FREE.

What is she wearing? I don't see a baby in there ? Who wears a baby carrier minus the baby?

So whoever said show us that you have drunk the green concoction HAH here you go
But NO Simmo that doesn't cut it You probably threw it down the sink

Why do we need a app to tell us when the service is due? The Motor Dealer / car mechanics sends out reminders and if not you have a Calender

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Mercedes cars tell you when your service is due on the dashboard 😂 so she doesn’t even need the app for it
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#gifted weekend accommodation, and then the friends provide their dinner! Does this b*tch ever pay for anything?! 😡
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Not defending Simone at all but I don’t like the sentiment that “why wouldn’t you breastfeed if you can esp if you’re a stay at home mum” - I chose not to breastfeed even though I could (kind of, it was rough going after a SCBU stay at the hospital) because mentally for me it was too draining and bottle feeding/formula was just way easier for everyone. Breast is best is imo a shitty sentiment that puts way too much pressure on new mums because breastfeeding is ridiculously difficult.

I do think that Simone should be talking about sharing the load with bottle feeding, a lot of people do it and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t know why she’s trying to come across as everything is perfect when I’m reality talking about any struggles is both more interesting and actually relatable - esp if she’s trying to get into the “mummy blogger” field (🙄)
Absolutely - I’m in no way are trying to start a debate for breast feeding - everyone has different journeys. I did a combo of breast/bottle.
I’ve come to my own conclusion that the reason Asher is on the bottle in some stories is because Simone is getting sloshed 🍾🍸🥂
If she posts a photo with no context - I’ll make my own assumptions.

The thing is when you have a history of lying, people think you lie about everything. You read the nitpicking here and I can’t help but think - well this is what happens. You lie/tell untruths about random things or timelines - you will get people dissecting every little thing you say & do.
I think this is why people sit here & pull apart/pick at every little thing she says or does or the photos she posts.
Simone bought all this attention to herself when she was found to be lying about the women’s refuge donations. If she had just been a decent person from the start & didn’t scam all that money then she wouldn’t have such a shitty reputation. Or if she had owned up to her behaviour a few years ago we would have let it all go & been like “yep, she made a mistake, she owned her behaviour & now she’s trying to rectify it”…. But she hasn’t & it won’t go away until she addresses it….but will she ever do that 🤔
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Wonder how many will enquire if, like Scamone, it's ok to bring a little dog.
Never did use the pool, Asher loves his swimming lessons, and she did pack his swim nappy. Guess it was all too hard. And that comment about Asher teething hard and his fingers never leaving his mouth. Never saw that in the pics she posted, except that really sad one. Hope Asher had a good weekend😢
This person did.
Wondering also how long this last comment will be up there for. Or will she just reply with her usual 'course xx'.

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Bang on target, 4 minutes to be exact. There is something else about this post that is wrong but I'm going to hang the fruit high so she can't reach it.

Ffs more lies. It's not a non alcoholic wine, we can see the top of the bottle and it had 3 medals. No non alcoholic wines have that TC. Just jumping for tattle
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Thoughts while watching her your cycle reel.
"My hair is dry because (Ryder) is taking all the nutrients". No, it's because you bleach the fuck out of your hair!
"Point of difference is our giving model" why has this company aligned with someone who said she'd give many thousands to a charity and kept it?! 🤯🤯
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She’s got to have all these fancy machines and gadgets because while the gastric band may have lost the weight, it didn’t get rid of the laziness
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Are you trying to tell me Asher can understand that when the owl turns green he knows it's time to get up? Please tell me how you explain that to him Simon.
And if he wakes up scared or worried and it's the wrong colour, he will know he can't get out of bed.😥 That's really sad baby training. You'll never get these years back, and the damage done to these children will last them a lifetime😥
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One of my children brought their house in Hobsonville at the same time for similar $$ (but in the actual point not the Scott Rd area). I know what my kids earn (not nearly 600k or even 300k) and what their deposit was. They had banks crawling over them to lend. They now, on very ordinary incomes (compared to the FARTs) have a rental, and a full time stay home mum with no need for daycare. Once again - her narrative doesn’t stack up.
Exactly. If they were on $600k, banks wouldn’t have rejected them and they’d have a much bigger house in a much more expensive area.
Yea I was brought up you don't discuss money, politics or sex. It isn't anyone's business.
she discusses money and sex but doesn’t have the intellect for politics
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Of course pikkler triangles are safe.
You know whats not safe, ungated stairs and a toddler left alone in a room next to a large glass vase/ lamp
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She doesn’t even need to lie about it, there would be no issue with her having an alcoholic wine. If she’s safe to drive, she’s safe to feed. Of course she has to lie about everything though!
Nothing wrong with drinking wine while breastfeeding… I’ve done it!
But she’s covering her triangular ass…for no reason…
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Imagine a weekend away in a gorgeous house - like what you aspire to - and then returning to Scott Point (the cheap street end of Hobsonville Point) to your beige and dull box. Must kill her!
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Just got around to watching Scammo’s stories over the last two days.

scammo, you can’t liken yourself to innocent people who have legitimately been bullied online. Our intent is not to harass you, it’s to hold you accountable for your shitty, toxic behaviour.
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