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Honestly she’s got absolutely no reason to be late in the mornings, I mean isn’t she late everyday???🤣 the odd lateness fair enough that’s life but every single day??? She doesn’t work, she’s just waking them up doesn’t she drive them to school too? She’s got absolutely no structure or routine to her days has she, like c’mon get your kids through them gates like everyone else has too ON TIME. You’re withholding everyone else’s education and being late will only just stress your child out (I know it does with my two children)

the whole feeding your child breast still at 4/5 what benefit is it to either now? Is she trying to keep her youngest younger by needing to do so? Surely she needs to get rid them scruffy stained baby bottles too 🤣🤣 I wouldn’t want my 5 year old hanging off my boob no thank you
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Why is she in her vest and knickers mixing pancake batter with an electric drill?
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She’s replied to comments about going to Aldi etc instead by saying she’s not worried about the cost. How the hell can she afford £250 a week for food and she’s not done yet cos she said she needs to get drinks. That’s over £1000 a month alone. She must be rinsing the system some how cos she’s not got a job and I can’t see her partner having a job paying much either
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Her cousin has said that her Dad (Sian’s Uncle) who was living in the house had a brain tumour and they also suspected Carbon Monoxide poisoning but Sian refused permission for a gas engineer to enter the property. Sian has done a video about it…. Why is this playing out over Tik Tok??? Shameful!
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Does she work? I’m shocked how she affords her shopping, her hauls. £250 on makeup? £1255 on Christmas gifts…..
I think her partner does. Her children have special needs so I would guess she gets money there. I think she is aware that she spends too much on food as she has said it’s her choice to do that. I watch with my jaw on the floor at the amount she stuffs in to that fridge!
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The extended breastfeeding doesn't really bother me, but I've just watched one of her videos where lennox bit her and the vile swearing at her that was coming out of sians mouth was disgusting. She thinks she's cool and hip with her disgusting mouth but she just sounds chavvy and common. She's proper grim.
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Complaining about the state her rental has been left in but surely just laziness the fact she’s not carried out inspections 🤣 it’s not like she works!
Exactly and tbh her own homes no better I thought it was hers at first lol
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Here’s my thing. And I say it as a parent of autism. Yes my daughters do like routine. If I made pasta for example and used a new brand sauce. Jesus would I know about it. Even if they change the recipe of the sauce we use. Yes they would know.
If we were witnessingBraxton having the exact same thing, every single day. I’d be inclind to agree it was an autism thing. However, he switches and changes more often than the weather. Which to me, really says it all.
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Then kids have been conditioned to believe they’re autistic. I don’t believe for one second there’s anything going on with then. She’s just a lazy twat who knows how to extract as much money as possible out of the benefits system.
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There is always a couple of takeaways during the week as well. Which is fine, but with a fridge and freezer fit to burst it amazes me!
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Chatty Member
Don't know where she gets the money from really. She spends so much, I know she has lots of kids but still the dad my must have a good or they get lots in benefits
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But I’m not convinced she will be getting DLA for all of them. I mean, I’m not saying they aren’t autistic or whatever but I do think a lot of their behaviour and traits are more learned behaviour based and not autism
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Can guarantee than when Lennox woke up as well, she was bouncing around the living room, watching tv and eating shite rather than actually being put back to bed and settled back down
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I think the thing with her house is….there’s a line between lived in and just lazy. I haven’t caught up on her latest videos BUT her house is just lazy. We all have mess in our house. They are not show homes but her whole tiktok is just prioritiy less (that’s not even a word I just couldn’t think!)

With Braxton and the lunch video. Maybe I’m on too many other Dickheads thread aha, but I wonder if she read here and the chat we had the other day about his eating and now OOOOH Braxton won’t eat things he’s going hungry 🙈
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I heard her say that I gasped and was like are you fking joking? The amount of cups in there why can’t he bring them down her kids are SO lazy
Cos he's autistic....

It's her excuse for everything.

The firework video was a mockery of this,moaning they had to go back for ear defenders for lennox but when she was outside she wasn't even wearing them.
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It sounds like the daughters is much more serious, I wonder if her other half is ok with “may contain” but for the daughter they need to be completely clear… that said, if it’s gluten surely the whole household will need to go GF because of the cross contamination risk for her anaphylaxis.
Could be. I’m a cynical old witch though and don’t think he lives there so she can get benefits. Her shopping never seems to include gluten free food (bread for instance) and since she mentioned ‘the other house’ coupled with she hasn’t shown him much recently but posted him quite a bit after his op (I think he was just there to recover) oh and there doesn’t seem to be anywhere for him to sleep. Despite what this post suggests I don’t think about it too much lol 🙈. I just think she would have more of an idea than what she is saying about having to learn everything about gluten free food and meals. I have no evidence, just clearly too much time on my hands 😂
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What a load of shit sian,you don't understand how ridiculous you sound "one thing for lennox is you don't over buy because lennox doesn't like it..." yeah ok explain christmas and birthdays..
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So she could be getting nearly £3000 a month then with the DLA if she gets it. That’s bloody ridiculous it really is. That’s like a £40000+ salary which I’m sorry but is a joke. She doesn’t need that much money. It’s literally so unfair. I don’t ever see anything extra that she buys then either to help them. She never shows any special toys/trips/groups or anything she takes them to. Surely this is what the extra money is for. Might just quit work, pop out some more sprogs and spend my days eating, making TikTok’s and taking in the benefits
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