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I can't understand why she doesn't have any pride in her home, I'd be mortified to have it looking the way it does all over the internet
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£251 on a weekly shop? Not doing monthly shops because she wants to lose weight and it'll help her not to buy shit, then films herself buying said shit.


Why do you think you idiot 🙄
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She’s too thick to understand that when people mention the mess they are NOT talking about the toys on the floor as that’s how she always tries to twist it, although those kids should be taught to treat their toys with more respect than they currently do. The mess that is blowing people’s minds is the rubbish and food scattered everywhere. That is NOT normal and you 100% should be teaching your kids better than that. Not one person is saying force your kids to be OCD and never get toys out and force them to do chores for hours but for fucks sake teach them to use the bin! Kids should be kids but they also shouldn’t be pigs.
My house is messy as in toys, but never dirty and my washing goes in a bloody basket until I put it away.. not on the floor! How the hell can’t she see it’s vile having so much food and drink lying around.
I don’t get sleep hence my username , but I can’t settle until my living room especially is tidy?!
The reason her house is a shit hole is cuz she lets them chuck stuff on the floor. My 2 year old will put her clothes away, put stuff in the bin, it’s called teaching them life skills Sian. Not rocket science. My kids even help tidy up, I put a tidy up song on from them being little and guess what? They learnt to tidy up after themselves 😂 she’s lazy as fuck
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Oh god the state of her house 😱 I’m sorry but that’s just lazy cans of coke everywhere even the little girl is getting her mum to open a can for her. Multi packs of crisps down the side of the sofa so taya doesn’t have to get up from her bed to eat or shall I say sofa. Clothes EVERYWHERE on the floor in each room. There are so many people in that house that need to show some respect and HELP!!!! Braxtons hair is greasy as anything sorry Sian you might have 1 more child than me but come on. Also get rid of that table and skanky chairs 🤢 in the kitchen it’s literally just used as a dumping ground

Nah there’s absolutely no excuse for that my kids are 6 and 8 and house is spotless because they understand the basic rules of placing things in bins or what not. What’s the point her decorating if they’ve all got no respect she’s so lazy. Doesn’t take much to take pride in your living area she’s a fat lazy mess, honestly she makes me soo angry. Those kids just sit in front of tv and stuff anyways I’m sure not as hard work as she makes out any excuse for her not to burn 50 calories moving her lazy arse
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Can you please define “proper meals”? My son has autism and his diet is awful, he had sausage rolls for breakfast, because that is the ONLY things he eats and no he wouldn’t eat something else if he was hungry, he would literally starve! Yes I agree, her kids could have a bit of a stricter routine but why are we judging what the additional needs kids are eating when don’t have a clue how bat their needs are 🤷🏻‍♀️
my son hasnt been diagnosed, but will not touch hot food, no matter how hard i try. He eats bland cold stuff, wont touch meat, fish anything like that. This isnt my doing, he had very severe reflux when he was a baby & this has unfortunatly resulted in him been very picky. my daughter, who was bought up the exact same, wiill eat anything & everything, she tries new foods all the time. Ive lost count of how many times ive cried because im getting told just to feed him and he will eat it, he went 3 days with no food because i done this (with paeditrcians supervision & recomendation), he WILL NOT touch hot food nevermind put it in his mouth.
its so easy for someone who has never experienced it to tell you to just feed them this and that, its not that simple & its hard and very upsetting work, for both you & your child
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I don’t understand how she can’t get up. I mean, I understand that it’s not the nicest thing in the world waking up earlier than you’d like but go to bed at a decent time. Why should it be her daughter’s responsibility to wake her up.
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That’s what I mean! Most people on benefits could never afford this lifestyle but there are flaws to the system (I have worked as a UC advisor so know how it works) such as the removal of the benefit cap for anyone who claims DLA etc so she will be claiming child element for all 5 kids plus DLA, carers and whatever else she can get which will be around £2000 a month which is a joke!

It used to knock me sick seeing how much some people get a month and it’s really not fair. she’s also probably “single” on her claim
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Why spend £20 in The Works when you can spend £60 in WH Smith for the clout 💁🏼‍♀️
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The way she's talking about the McDonald's staff, how rude and aggressive?! Same with the GP receptionist a while back. Spoken like someone who's never worked a day in their life yet feels entitled to throw her toys out the pram over any minor inconvenience. There's ways of resolving problems and kicking off and swearing ain't it.
Her kids will grow up to be just like her.
Exactly lol the state of the fat mess too I'd of spat in her burger if she give me shit like that.
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Not to stick up for her but I get highly stressed out when it's raining and my dog has muddy paws all over my kitchen. But as much as I complain to myself I know one day they'll come a time where I'll miss the muddy paws 
So very true I'd give anything to be able to speak to my dog again yes I know that sounds weird and I'm not a complete loaner but I'd offload so much to my dog I couldn't deal with in person.i miss him 😢
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I do think the school have to shoulder some of the blame about the phoning home. Some of the things she says they’ve called for are fair enough but others are just bizarre for both Braxton and Lennox.

It doesn’t help anyone either because all it does is reinforce to the kids if they act out or refuse something m the school will get Mum to come in to sort it.
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I didn’t really have an opinion on her until I noticed how awful/minty her house is yet she’s easily spent 6k on Christmas presents for her kids.
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my son hasnt been diagnosed, but will not touch hot food, no matter how hard i try. He eats bland cold stuff, wont touch meat, fish anything like that. This isnt my doing, he had very severe reflux when he was a baby & this has unfortunatly resulted in him been very picky. my daughter, who was bought up the exact same, wiill eat anything & everything, she tries new foods all the time. Ive lost count of how many times ive cried because im getting told just to feed him and he will eat it, he went 3 days with no food because i done this (with paeditrcians supervision & recomendation), he WILL NOT touch hot food nevermind put it in his mouth.
its so easy for someone who has never experienced it to tell you to just feed them this and that, its not that simple & its hard and very upsetting work, for both you & your child
100% agree with you and I stick by the old saying of “mum knows best”, I’ve lost count of how many doctors/paediatricians have told me just try yoghurts just try soup etc.. it DOES NOT work! My son has severe selective eating disorder, he eats sausage rolls and sausage rolls only for breakfast dinner tea and snacks and if he doesn’t eat sausage rolls he will literally starve to death. I’m all for this thread talking about better routines etc but judging a child’s diet when we have no clue of their needs just doesn’t sit right with me
That’s more what I was getting at. I have two very different children on the spectrum. One eats borderline nothing. The other will eat most things. The point I was trying to make, and maybe I worded it wrong. Is that, we have seen for example Braxton eating proper food. We’ve seen the toast in the morning. Cereal etc. So he can and will eat it. Then she will make him fresh cookies for breakfast and say things like “because this is all he will eat”. Despite the fact we’ve seen him eat other things.
I get where you are coming from and maybe I took it the wrong way as this is also something which really grinds my gears.. people who say they will only eat this or that but then you see them eating McDonald’s or a Chinese 🤷🏻‍♀️ When I say sausage rolls is all my son eats I mean it is all he eats morning noon and night
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Hey everyone. Oooooomg. So glad I’ve found this thread. Genuinely cannot believe how LAZY she is?! She is such an enabler too! “I get to park in the school car park because the kids will be late otherwise”. Imagine if every parent parked there?! She’s soooooo lazy!
She says it as if they'd Darent not let her.
She goes on like everyone should be shot scared of her when in a reality she's just got a vile mouth on her.
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She spent £50 just on wrapping paper for the kids Christmas presents?! Sorry am I the only one who thinks this is just ridiculous and so out of touch with reality!
I was talking about this at work funnily enough. All the effort to wrap it all just for it to get ripped off and chucked away. I buy the cheapest possible. It’s her choice but she’s out of touch with reality, I’m guessing she’s bored out of her nut hence the shopping addictions.
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Unfortunately dogs do leave muddy paw prints. It’s a fact of life. If you can’t deal with it, don’t get a dog. I’ve got cats so I have to deal with them sitting on my knee and kneading my leg. If I couldn’t I wouldn’t have for cats
I do wonder how much her kids have Special eduction needs over how much is learnt behaviour. I do believe a firm and proper routine and structure and decent meals would help so much more
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She owns another house but never said about the one she lives in. Not surprised she is renting she’s just confirmed to me that she is 10000000000% claiming UC as a single parent and she will be getting her rent paid so that’s why she’s renting that house when she owns one. Her fella will be being paid cash in hand so won’t be paying much tax and she will be getting rent from that other property along with all the dla from the children with special needs, child benefit won’t be capped 🤬 no wonder she spends it all like it’s free money because it is to her
I don't doubt there's something dodgy going on with their finances but I don't know if she'd get away with owning a house and getting housing benefit/UC to cover her rent aswell. Unless it's in her hubby or dad's name maybe?
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Isn’t renting out a house to someone considered earnings? She’s married also so she can’t claim she’s single if she’s married. To be fair if her kids are disabled and she gets money for them then that’s fair enough also. Just a pity she doesn’t spend it better instead of spending thousands of pounds on toys at Christmas that her kids don’t need.

She posted Lennox’s haul the other day and I thought it was last years one as she basically buys the same shit every time. Where’s last years barbie clothes and shoes? Probably in the bin. I’m all for spoiling your kids but she takes it too far. Plus I assumed with her kids having autism they’d get overwhelmed with all the excessive gifts as it’s way too much.

She also said the girls have already wrecked their room and she isn’t happy with them, I assume she means Lennox has trashed it because the other girl is older. So why buy them loads more stuff if they can’t appreciate and take care of what they already have? I don’t understand any of it. It’s like she has a shopping addiction or only feels she’s being a good parent when she spends money on unnecessary piles of crap. Why not take them abroad for 2 weeks in summer and make memories? She drives and could easily take them for some trips out instead of them being indoors all day. She has the money to splash on toys so why not save for something better? The kids would probably enjoy the holiday/days out more.
I’m pretty sure Lennox still sleeps in there bed (a mattress on the floor) it wasn’t long ago she said and I quote “ I was dying for a piss last night so bad but i couldn’t go because Lennox was stuck to my tit” she breastfeeds her still or only very recently stopped as this wasn’t that long ago
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