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VIP Member
Sorry but she doesn’t need extra money to raise those kids. DLA is for kids who need special equipment/to pay for frequent hospital trips etc not fucking barbies and endless food hauls. It makes me so mad. She doesn’t deserve any additional benefits at all. She’s just a lazy scrounger
Completely agree she may have doctors diagnosis but I reckon she conditions her children into behaving and believing they are the way they are.heard it few times where the older kids and the hubby claim she spoils and babies braxton too much.
Had to laugh on a recent video where she goes "I'm not going to explain about my kids needs on here as I shouldn't have to.." or something along those lines,I was like bitch please you do nothing but bang on about it.
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Honestly she’s got absolutely no reason to be late in the mornings, I mean isn’t she late everyday???🤣 the odd lateness fair enough that’s life but every single day??? She doesn’t work, she’s just waking them up doesn’t she drive them to school too? She’s got absolutely no structure or routine to her days has she, like c’mon get your kids through them gates like everyone else has too ON TIME. You’re withholding everyone else’s education and being late will only just stress your child out (I know it does with my two children)

the whole feeding your child breast still at 4/5 what benefit is it to either now? Is she trying to keep her youngest younger by needing to do so? Surely she needs to get rid them scruffy stained baby bottles too 🤣🤣 I wouldn’t want my 5 year old hanging off my boob no thank you
I mean she surely isn’t gaining any nutrients from it? There diet is shocking and she vapes
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Why is she trying to make herself sound relatable to other people yet spends about £300 a time I supermarket and was doing a Xmas shop not long ago which was absolutle insane.....
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So they BOTH decide to not give in to the demands of B, BUT, she goes behind her fellas back anyway, drags the kids into it and uses L so that he doesn't bollock her because she's the favourite. If he wanted nuggets instead of a roast, why not just cook him some nuggets instead of all that. If I know my kid won't eat something, I make them different but I wouldn't go behind my oh back and order on just eat because the bairn had a meltdown. They need a parent, not a mate.
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My kids have never trashed the house. Sure they have toys out and they get in the way but they know “play with one thing. Put the others away” it’s just my daughter could easily take over her whole room with her dinosaurs. She has a full map. But she loves them so takes care of them. If I was her dad o wouldn’t baby sit again the ungrateful cow
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They clearly feck about in the mornings. I mean if she was getting up at 7 last year, how come she got in so much trouble with the kids being late all the time?

I do get myself up for 6am. Well sometimes I may snooze my alarm haha! Mainly because I need to have a coffee in peace with no child talking to me 😂
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VIP Member
She made a point on her live the other day about not saving for Christmas. She said that she just spends what she wants on them. I find it hard to believe to be honest. Knowing what their house and car looks like. If they had that much disposable cash, they would live better.
But she’s said loads that she saves all year for Xmas. Can’t even remember her own lies then… just dodgy all round.
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Chatty Member
Her fella has got the right arse with her in the latest video. Not surprised really, she did £244 at Asda a couple of days ago and that looks like another couple of hundred she’s just done today. 5 big bars of chocolate because Braxton has one for breakfast every morning?! Fucking hell!
Yeah he’s deffo got a shitter on hasnt he. She could cut her shopping bill loads if she didn’t buy branded everything
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VIP Member
Did she want some bread with that margarine. She had half the bloody tub on it making her kid a sandwich
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She's starting to grind my gears. Another trip to Asda, Aldi and B&M spending a fortune 😵💫
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I don’t understand why she buys all that chicken and it’s packed. Surely it’s better and cheaper to buy from a butcher and freeze what you don’t need. My local Halal greengrocers has a meat counter. It’s much cheaper than super markets and a higher quality. Surely that’s easier.
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Some teachers are striking this week and I think depending on area some school break up earlier, I swear I had counted about £280 cash and she’s spent it all on crap 💩
I counted £350 but wasn’t sure if she showed some of the notes twice.

Yesterday and tomorrow are the strike days (obviously each school is affected differently) but I know a lot of parents who’ve taken their kids on holiday this week or went yesterday for a long weekend - if there are two days off you’re “only” missing three days for the whole week or one day for the long weekend which is below the fine threshold in my county. So to be honest I’m not surprised if she was off yesterday and is tomorrow Sian let her have her birthday off as well… and I find it hard to judge her for it if that’s the case, especially if it meant they could do the trip without Lennox and Braxton making it all about them!
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Yeah, Lennox. Diagnosed by Sian probably to excuse her kids behaviour because she’s been raised by a lazy Mum. I honest to God don’t think I would ever say such a bold thing about any other person, but she is something else.
my son has asd , just suprised me when she said her age and making friends.. my son at that age wouldn’t let anyone in his space, was non verbal and I got a shock when she said it! I realise it’s a spectrum, but my god daughter is finally diagnosed at 6 and her mum has had such a fight!
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I’m convinced she’s doing it for clout! There’s no way this a natural thing to do. For my kids they get cheap as possible. I will buy nicer wrapping paper for the older people mum, brother etc. but I could not justify that price. No way!!
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