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Arguing with members, we're not here to fight each other either ignore a user or respectfully disagree
It’s not just the Ads though is it? It’s the free sofas and wedding dresses etc that’s when they lose the interest of their followers. Fair enough she said the wedding dress was from a competition but really? They probably picked her because of her followers.
bitter much?! She won it in a competition but you automatically think it’s because of her followers?! You have no proof it was that!! I bet you were one of those out clapping for the NHS every Thursday yet as soon as a hard working midwife wins a wedding dress in a competition for NHS workers you immediately think it’s because of an Instagram following and trash her for it!!
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Can't afford finance on maternity pay 😵💫 this woman 🤣🤣 I understand what they are doing but why does everything get blamed on maternity pay when she's hardly scraping by surely?!
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I don’t think she got into Midwifery because it was her dream job, and was passionate about mother and newborn care. I think she went into it for job security and money. That’s why she’s clueless about it all. Eyes on the money, not on the mums and babies.
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I hope she's speaking to the professionals and is trying to hear their advice as a new mother rather than as a midwife, but from her account I'd take a guess that she's brushing them off and just pushing on trying to do everything the "right way". At the end of the day he is still going to grow up refusing to eat anything other beigie food and crisps 🤣

If this was me with my baby, my partner would step in and tell me to stop being a dick and do what's best for both the baby and ME as I matter too. A physically and mentally exhausted mum is no good to anyone 💔
I imagine Terry wants to do more feeding wise, he appears quite hands on. I reckon he’s tried to offer bottle night feeds to no avail. And if she doesn’t allow the help, she’ll end up resenting the baby. You can tell when she says he is on me ALL the time with detest in her voice. Share the load, it won’t make you a bad Mum!
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It was her disposable income of £700 whilst on maternity leave that got me, whilst the majority of people get less than that and have to pay their bills from it. I don't begrudge her getting more maternity pay, mat pay is a pittance but read the room. All she does is talk about money now its so boring.
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It’s all for attention, she doesn’t even read her DM’s anyway!! Not the few I’ve sent her over the years I’ve followed 💩
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How is she on her third sofa already?!!!!!!!!

And it’s so bloody ugly. The red velvet was ugly and didn’t fit with her decor, her current sofa was actually nice and fitted in well in her living room (minus the mice 🤢). And now she’s gone for a sofa that’s the same colour as the paint in hospitals and care homes!

She already ruined her hallway with the wallpaper and ugly mismatch stair runner, now she’s moved onto ruining her living room decor!!!!!!!!!!

If her maternity is so bad like she makes out, how can she afford a holiday abroad, a new DFS sofa and funds to build a bay window seat?

At least she’s doing some sort of reno I suppose with the bay seat, but stlll she’s not suffering in poverty like she’s made out since going on maternity pay.

And don’t even get me started on the mice!!!!!!!!! If she kept ontop of cleaning the house and routinely had pest control in to keep them at bay she’d not be having to get another sofa.
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Jeepers, what have I started. OK, so she nipped into a shop in her uniform after she’d clocked off. She shouldn’t have according to the rules and it probably wasn’t wise to post it on Insta. But I work in retail and have served plenty of NHS and care workers with their tunics and IDs on display. I’m not going to vilify them for bending a rule when they’re providing an essential service. If buying a pumpkin lantern thingy makes her happy after the recent stress of her bleeding episodes then let her have this one guys.
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Didn’t she get a prescription formula for him though and cut out dairy? I don’t think a baby should be having their gut messed around with with anything.
She did.

I think most of those probiotic supplements are largely useless in that the organisms are either the wrong sort, not diverse enough or quite simply don’t actually survive the journey to the gut but I wholeheartedly agree re mucking about.

As well as being a mum, she also needs to think about being an actively registered HCP (with a code of conduct) when she’s discussing supplements and how that affects her message and level of influence. A lot of her followers will add weight to the things she says and the things she recommends or discusses in relation to pregnancy, birth and baby care because she is a midwife, even if she is just asking about something someone else recommended in passing (like those probiotics). It’s tricky being an ‘out’ HCP on social media (hence why I don’t have public sm profiles !).
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@Katie718 It irritates the shit out of me that someone who boasts that she puts £500 a month away to save links companies and almost begged for those nappies -
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When she said she's got no time or energy to reply to texts... stop doing insta videos to strangers and reply to your friends so you don't lose them!
Jesus Christ!! She really grates on me…I still don’t understand how she’s a midwife but don’t have a clue about babies!! She can spend all day uploading to insta but can’t message friends back or tidy the house…take a step away from social media Jodie!
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Oh no, i am out.
Ive been a huge jodie supporter, but no one, and mean NO ONE, wants to see shitty nappies.
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I dont post about my life on here - but my daughter has a downs syndrome baby he is 4 months now ( proud nana here !) and feeding him and caring for him has been an up hill battle he needed so much support it was scary - but not once did she take to instagram to complain or to cry or to moan - she got on with it ! Jodie should count her effing blessings and get the eff on with it.
sorry if thats harsh but its how i feel - thank christ jodie didnt give birth when i gave birth to mine - because the midwives told you to shut up an get on with it if you cried in hospital
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Abi da Walker

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The hand wringing about money is unnecessary. She needs to take a step back and actually look at how fortunate they are. Me and H don’t have £100 spare each month to save or spend and we both work full time, let alone £700.
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There’s having no time to do things because you’ve a newborn, or there’s having no time but scrolling through Instagram to complain about it. It’s been a long time since I was a first time mum but I also know I had to keep positive and pro active if I wanted to not let it get me down. It’s ok to say today was a hard day, let’s move on. I think she’s lonely; you aren’t forced out of the house when it’s your first, when its multiple you have to pull yourself together because you’re relied upon by other children. It’s a shock to the system going from childless to suddenly this tiny thing occupying your whole world. But in between the tiredness and sore nipples, you have to get on, no one comes to do it for you sadly. It’s a huge lesson in motherhood, not all about you anymore and this is how it is for the next 18 years at least! You can put on your big girl pants and say right let’s do this, or you can moan to people behind a screen who aren’t going to benefit you in the slightest. Welcome to motherhood; the hardest yet most rewarding job you’ll ever do!
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She saves a good amount of money/paid all her debt off in a year. Pulls money out for the house and garden, doesn’t have to worry about baby shopping and always has nice clothes on, can take a years maternity etc.
What’s she got to whinge about?
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