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I got up at 5am

VIP Member
She was never going to enjoy breastfeeding because she finds a problem with literally everything. Fed is best, if it’s not working out use formula. Nobody cares how anyone else feeds their baby. It’s all her, she will have something to moan about all the time. She is draining. Terry deserves a medal for living with her.
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I’m not sure I buy the mice as the reason for the new sofa. They would be overrun by now and just chucking the sofa wouldn’t solve that. I think they just wanted the new one and that’s a good excuse.
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Active member
A birthing story on a renovation account. Good grief.

Change your instagram handle it’s not a reno account and nothing you do is on budget anymore.
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Why oh why were we treated to her birth story? Why do the huns bang on about their birth stories as if we're all waiting with bated breath for it. I literally only care about my own. I don't even know my actual friends birth stories other than they gave birth and here is the baby. Unless it is particularly horrendous and they are telling it in a lessons learnt kind of way Why do we need to know.
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Dear god …
Surely they’ve paid someone to come and deal with them. She’s tried and failed to do it herself so surely you give in a call the experts, especially with the imminent arrival of baby.
I mean not sure I would of let the mice situation go on as long as she has.
What happens if it’s gotten into the baby stuff and settled into the pram etc 😳😳 no thank you
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Be More Pacific

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In my opinion, she's only weaning this early to get her tits and her life back. Should have just given him a fucking bottle like you were advised to on here weeks ago!!!
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I feel bad for starting the thread because my intention was never to be a cow and upset her personally. It was the Aldi ad and the crap aisle that did it for me. And it’s because she is normally so refreshing that it was ffs another one, really?
this is a thread that is one of those to vent about influencers and when you have such an open profile it’s going to happen and if I hadn’t started it, maybe someone else would have.

Jodie I’m sorry it’s upset you, as someone else who is paying off debt having a paid for Aldi aisle spree narked me, because it’s not relatable when you talk about using it for covering your debt, it highlights a kind of privileged influencer lifestyle that takes away that relatability.

ps, never ever would I be nasty about a baby, there’s some tits on here but the majority i’ve come across aren’t like that.
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I used to like her until the constant whinging , foul mouth , begging for items and moaning she can ONLY save £500 a month
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New member
Whether you agree with her ads or disagree, I would say the one thing she definitely is, is transparent. In my opinion she is doing a good thing discussing her debt so openly. She’s always been open on how she pays for things and she really doesn’t have to be. She clearly marks her ads and there are hardly any in the grand scheme of the influncer/Instagram world, I mean I’ve seen some who advertise over 5 adverts in a week compared to hers being over a number of years!
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I got up at 5am

VIP Member
I’ve unfollowed her. She is everything that is wrong with social media. The constant moaning is draining, why does she think people want to hear it? Terry deserves an award for living with her because there is no way there is any fun in that house. I feel sorry for the baby growing up with her.
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I'm not bothered if she's pissed off in her last weeks of pregnancy. The last few weeks are awful. You're just fat and knackered. Just sort the mice out Jody hun
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Abi da Walker

Well-known member
I think she is lost and struggling. She clearly doesn’t get much help from her parents even though they’re next door and despite her responsible job etc, she seems very young in some respects. I didn’t get much help either, but at her age I had 3 children under 3 - the difference being I think I was a lot more mature.
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She has a long way to go if its taken her 5 weeks to get the confidence to put him in a bouncer to dry her hair.

I'm not mum shaming I know it's hard to separate in different ways but I'm soooo confused that Terry seems to be there when this is going on? I hope when she was videoing him playing with Dusty she then got up to make a cuppa or something and left them alone for 2 minutes.

It's all so conflicting. Couldn't put him in the bouncer but can pop him on the arm chair with his Dad. Is Terry allowed to be alone with him or is she stressing about that too ?

I'm just confused and maybe have it all wrong.
I just saw these stories, and she’s blatantly pointing out everything she read here recently.
What I don’t understand, if Terry is there why are you worrying? Leave him with his dad for 30 mins and get on with what you need to do surely. She’s in a more privileged position then most new mums, and yet all she does is moan. She should just be thankful, that she is fortunate to have a child of her own.
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It’s not just the Ads though is it? It’s the free sofas and wedding dresses etc that’s when they lose the interest of their followers. Fair enough she said the wedding dress was from a competition but really? They probably picked her because of her followers.
She’s a midwife. She deserves a free sofa and a wedding dress. I don’t begrudge her them at all and I really like her. I think she’s a breath of fresh air. We have very different tastes but I stay for her stories. I think she’s hilarious.
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She hasn’t mentioned reusable nappies for months so I doubt anyone has popped up asking now. She doesn’t seem to look at her DMs anyway.
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Is it a London thing or is she deluded?!
Honestly I'm baffled now as too why she's money concerned? £700 for personal spends each month?!
Most families are lucky to have £70 pcm left over in the current climate & it wouldn't be personal cash it would be for the family and would I expect get spent on any children's treats.
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Well-known member
Why can't she get Terry to watch Dusty when he comes in from work and go tidy her filthy house. That pile of baby clothes gave me the ick 🤢. It'll take about an hour to do a quick tidy and put a wash in, put the clothes in a basket and sit and fold them in front of the TV. I think she's a spoilt brat tbh.
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