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Chatty Member
I was absolutely gob smacked listening to her about hiding all of Ela's good toys and only keeping out tat to play with. Never in my life have I heard of someone do this, what an awful thing to teach your child. This kid is fucked when she goes to big school, she'll get bullied from the get go and we won't hear the end of it.

I also cannot STAND this woman's pathetic squeaky laugh, it's so fake and she's a patronising cunt. I'll also never understand why Sedat hasn't tried to improve his english after all these years. His sister speaks it well, yet he can barely communicate with his kid and can't go to the shops to sort his precious xbox out without Sevda's dad in tow to translate for him.... Pathetic
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Burgh Gal

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Listen I'm all for not wasting food, but saving the spaghetti hoops that your 7 year old has been double dipping a spoon in for her dinner and then reheating for lunch the next day is a step too far! Just put fewer hoops in for her if she's not going to eat them

Also the noise of Ela eating that porridge, Sev needs to teach that girl some manners but considering she has none herself that'll be hard!
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I can't believe what she is saying about the brat not being bothered about chocolate. She's not fussed about it because Sevda had lots around the house when she was growing up and that's why she prefers other healthy snacks and has a great diet/relationship with food. WHAT FUCKING PLANET IS SHE ON?! The kid has a terrible diet and a ton of sugar on a daily basis!!
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Anything you like

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I’ve noticed when she’s busy talking and looking around dumbly, she forgets to mmm then remembers and does it randomly, what an idiot you look like a fool
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what an awkward post 😂 probably all partied out from Xmas Eve 😂. She’d rather cheers to her phone than give the hubby a kiss first, I’d of thrown that pwocessco over her, what a pathetic family. Happy new twolls 🥂 fingers crossed this is the year of sevda being cancelled
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Her mother is feeding that child in hairy daddy's video with the flowers. Absolutely insane.
So much to unpick in that video! The mum feeding Ela again like a baby, sedat turning his cheek when sevda goes to give him a kiss, Sevda moaning that sedat spent £20 on the flowers 🤦‍♀️
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The way she’s goes on about how she gets abused from twolls, what a word to use really. It’s not abuse sevda you wench, far from, it’s just the truth which you cannot take.
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Wasn’t the whole point in getting Wocco to help her get moving and a reason she didn’t have to go on the cwoss trainer every morning? She says she works from home so would have the time for him but since ‘working from home’ she’s becoming even more unable to do basic, every day tasks. I work from home in a proper job, 5 days a week. Minimum of 8 hours sat at the laptop doing actual work, Sevda. I still find the time to keep my house in order, do our washing, make a fresh meal for the evening meal, get out for my steps and deal with a baby under 1… Ela is in school… it should be so much easier for her. Everyone else manages it without a pat on the back but she can’t and has her mum round most days? She’s so weird!
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Did you know she made festive coleslaw
With cranberries in it
It’s like a coleslaw, a festive one with cranberries in it
It’s an undisclosed ad for hello fresh she said in her previous video.. in case someone reports her .. it’s me I keep reporting her to the asa 😂😂
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So she’s going to eat a cheesecake for breakfast because ‘the date is short’ soo why don’t you just have it at lunch? Like a normal person would….
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Chatty Member
So the SiL didn’t want to pay for specific seats on the flight, meaning Lara is sat on her own, so she is going to ask someone to swap with Lara… the audacity of some people, honestly. If you don’t want to pay for your seat then you accept the fact you have random allocation.

she knows Lara has additional needs when it comes to social situations but has refused to pay to have her sit with them, what a cow.

If I paid for a seat I definitely wouldn’t swap with someone on a flight

kind of her to also tell the whole of tiktok before actually letting Lara know as well…
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How does Ela not like jam on toast when regular she takes jam sandwiches to school? She's just getting spoilt too much with this and that. You eat what you are given might work.
She is acting up for attention. She regularly claim she doesn't like things Sevda give her to try, pretty much before it has even passed her lips.
It doesn't help that Seagull very often tells her she won't like a food/drink instead of encouraging her to give it a go. Her parenting skills are unbelievably poor yet she has the nerve to call other children "fussy".
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Just seen on the other site that her youngest niece is autistic, so why’s she moaning about her being fussy with food. Maybe get some education on autism sev and stop being a bitch. Oh and also maybe look at your own child, wench
It boils my blood when people are ignorant towards any kind of additional needs, speaking from experience it is so hard to feed a child with Autism, even a trip to mc Donalds can be challenging if they say put a gherkin on the burger but you asked specifically not to put it on, the "fussy eater" wont touch that whole meal not just the burger. She really needs to step outside of her phone and interact with humans, then she will know what is actually around her and maybe address her family issues first. Bitch!
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What in the FUCK is this outfit?! 😂😂😂


She gets it so wrong every time, don't even get me started on Ela's outfits.

I get the impression that when Sedat is home he literally doesn't lift a finger. He always seems to be in the lounge either watching Turkish TV or playing on his Xbox. I think the family come round because he can't be trusted to do anything, like walk the dog or make Ela dinner. I wouldn't be surprised if she wiped his arse for him when he's been to the loo. I think that's why she resents him so much too, she's never got anything nice to say about him, it's just complaint after complaint. She's done it to herself, if she hadn't babied him then maybe he could be trusted to be alone. He's lazy, I mean he can't even be bothered to make an effort to speak Turkish with Ela or improve his english, sad really.
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Why does the window cleaner coming go onto her ridiculous “busy” list for the day? My window cleaner just comes and does the windows, sticks a card through the letterbox for payment and goes. I don’t even interact with him. What could she possibly be doing that warrants it counting as a daily task?????
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