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Just seen on the other site that her youngest niece is autistic, so why’s she moaning about her being fussy with food. Maybe get some education on autism sev and stop being a bitch. Oh and also maybe look at your own child, wench
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I don’t follow her because she’s a boring fud but she occasionally pops up on my fyp. Does she not do anything with that wee girl of hers? When mine were that age we always had something on like rainbows, gymnastics, swimming and play dates. Her whole childhood just seems to be the iPad and watching adults get pissed. Where’s the family time, doing arts and crafts, building Lego, playing board games, going to museums or the cinema? It’s not like she can’t afford it. I know she’s really annoying but so feel so sorry for Ella.
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Moaning on her ig stories about Sedat sleeping whilst she folds laundry. He's been up at the crack of dawn working whilst she swanned of for breakfast. Is he not allowed a rest seeing as that's all she does all week?! She's truly a horrible woman.
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It’s made me so mad seeing she’s been gifted a trip to Lapland UK when if she really wanted to go she could easily afford it!! These companies should be ashamed of themselves for who they gift to, it isn’t like Lapland UK struggles for business I personally know 3 families that have saved every single month in the past to take their kids there. They should be gifting it to children who won’t have much this year, or ahi have never been to see Santa (because most places are extortionate now) not “influencers” who can afford 5 holidays a year but a day out for her kid is too much unless it’s gifted!!!
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Funny it is mentioned on here that Ela doesn't go to any clubs or activities and suddenly Sev is mentioning art club. Speaks volumes her saying how exhausted Ela will be going back to school AND art club too. It is laughable 🥴
Most kids are running around doing swimming, dancing, brownies etc. why would a 7 year old be exhausted from sitting painting or drawing?! A reflection of Sev who is SOOOO BUSY and overwhelmingly exhausted replying to 2 emails and watching the window cleaner.
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Sedat actually encouraging Ela to eat her greens and how it’s good for you, and Seagull is saying don’t give it all to her some can be left for wocco… yet she piles the kids plate with cheese and loaded sugar lunches for school. The look she gave sedat when he said no she eat it (the broccoli) it’s good for her!
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Asks the poor brat what she wants for Christmas and it’s Barbie stuff. Shame she’s getting a lunch box and some trainers 🙃
That, or she’s purposely asking her on camera in her usual beggy way so a brand sends her what she’s too tight to buy herself..

Imagine scolding the poor pup and calling him a beast for chewing up his bed. Maybe if you didn’t pass him from pilar to post and actually spent some time training him, he wouldn’t do this. The dog is massively under-stimulated and neglected.
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Can imagine the conversation over breakfast
*looks up from tattle* “Ewa Darwin do you remember the art club you asked to go to but mummy said Ewa not like it. Do you want mummy to take you?”
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I didn’t show you what Ela got because I don’t like showing off. But look at what I got. Look at this, look at that.

Shut up Sevda. You are insufferable. That Christmas was all about you, booze and food. That little girl didn’t get a look in.
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She is so dense and obvious. Her management have obviously had a word about building her Instagram platform and given her pointers but she is doing her usual Sev and making absolute mince meat of it. It is so forced and unnatural like her shitty ads.

Did anyone spy how much Just Spices tubs she had in the open cupboard in her video of Ela eating breakfast this morning? If you were so generous and kind, surely you would have donated them instead of hoarding them like a greedy cow. AND STOP FILMING YOUR KID EATING. IT IS BEYOND INTRUSIVE!!!
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Chatty Member
Going by the last couple of pages this is an unpopular opinion but I cannot stand the SiL. She’s so forced it’s cringe

I reckon Sasha is a secret tattler too (reads here at least) cos she’s mortified at the thought of being in her mum or simple aunties videos
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She’s such a vile mother. Chuckling away that Ela might have a sore tummy because she’s eaten too much sweetcorn? You’re cooked in the head Sevda. Your daughter is pretending to have a sorry tummy because she doesn’t want to go to school as per usual. And if it is a genuine stomach ache, it’s from the mountains of crap and sugar you feed her, not from eating vegetables. Dumb fuck
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Chatty Member
I know some of you really don’t mind the SiL but I have to say I really dislike her more and more with every video she posts

why was she filming loads of kids at the ice skating? Why does she bark at Tom if he talks when she’s filming? Why does she still get Lara in shot sometimes when Lara has specifically said she doesn’t want to be on camera? Why does she eat like a wobbly weirdo going all OTT with how ‘delightful’ it is?

because she’s a cunt. Just like Sevda.
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The swallowing noise 😩 I honestly though the dog was having a drink at first, and then she continued to swallow a few more times with nothing in her mouth and it was worse


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I’m actually quite speechless, not only did she give her own child fuck all for Christmas despite being able to afford plenty, she’s publicly admitting she’s going to give away half of her gifts.

I don’t believe for a second that ela willingly volunteers to give her gifts away. I understand not spoiling children but you can go too far the other way if you ask me!
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