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VIP Member
As much as I dislike her, she's very clever getting people on board/gaining sympathy with the apparent rude messages she gets - seems like a lovely conversation she had with herself there asking for a discount 🙄 🤣

Also a woman she has had an on/off feud with (apparent police investigations, threats of court, etc) seems to be commenting on posts again!!?? Why, just leave it be, you've learnt your lesson before surely.
God, I've just actually laughed out loud at that message exchange 🤣 It's outrageously specific, blatantly her who has done it. What an embarrassment.
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How on earth she thinks she has the knowledge and experience to advise on business is mind blowing and frankly hilarious. I can't take her seriously at all.
I know! I know she's trying, but she doesn't come across as professional, she just looks like a child who is playing shop.

She's ran Print Me Pretty with some success but then it all went tits up. Then what happened to her other businesses? I sure she started a clothing business, another one was eyelashes and then also a bath bomb business, they all vanished.

I get the impression that she thinks this is an easier way to earn money. If Print Me Pretty was that successful I don't get why she has just finished it? Surely you'd take the couriers to court for loss of earnings.
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If sales of books on amazon make £500 a week, why have the books got only one or two reviews, surely all the books should have multiple reviews ?!?!
Does anyone know what the part time job is ?
Shes apparently a business development manager. Im sure its another lie!
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Active member
How can she home educate when she as 4 brain cells - could it be to do with UC maybe ? Maybe she’s not making enough being self employed and UC were pressuring her to go back to work?
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Chatty Member
The latest live 🙈 as if anyone has 'stolen' her work and resold on etsy for double the price. She cant even sell them herself, so i highly doubt someone has sold 52 copies!
How many times has she supposedly taken people to court now. Its the same story over and over again.
The unprofessional professional is a load of rubbish. You can be relatable, understanding, down to earth and be professional. She will never be taken seriously in business with her current attitude, she is just lazy and her language for somebody in business is awful. Who is hiring her for advice??
I feel like the video about being an unprofessional professional was a reply to my comment on here! 🤣 and I stand by that comment! To respond in that manner proves the point, the language, the passive aggressiveness, the body language - all of it unprofessional!!
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Her seperate ventures have woefully low (if any) engagement. She churns out generic posts daily, but gets nothing. I think the bizniss coach could do with some decent marketing training. The only thing that works for her is making up fictitious stories that her MLM huns can lap up.
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Chatty Member
Oh am I glad this thread exists!! I thought I was the only one watching her! 🤣🤣

I am literally cringing inside out at the added blue tick!!

So glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's incredibly unprofessional for someone trying so hard to look professional! She has no idea how to behave on a business page. Videos of her dancing on her birthday night out and then in bed in her dressing gown the next morning?? Those awful tiktok videos?? Couldn't be further from professional!
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Business babes is now on 20k following yet still only 87 likes and hardly any engagement on posts! Could she make it anymore obvious that she has paid for followers!

What happened to Coach me? We heard about this non stop for weeks then nothing.... another failed business idea!!
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Chatty Member
attached with an image of her in a dressing gown in an unkempt flat? Seems like she’s doing very well in business
I mean, the dressing gown screams professional!
But it's cool, she's addressed my comment in a video about being an unprofessional if there was such a thing!! 🤣🤣
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Documenting her "hair journey" on her buisness page that is nothing to do with hairdressing! Ever the professional! And if she was the boss bitch she makes out she is, she'd be in the salon having her hair coloured! 🙄
She's bleached it 4 times in 2 days!!!!! Seeing it scrunched up, literally, in foils, then just smothered in bleach on that bloody dressing gown...jesus christ. 😱
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VIP Member
The ‘I’m CEO’ makes me laugh. Anyone can set up a business and call themselves that. She is comedy gold.
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New member
Slyina showing her true colours again ranting on and on about something that doesn’t concern her, spewing out loads of information she sourced from a google search 🙄🙄
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VIP Member
I know she has claimed to be dyslexic, but surely spellcheck would pick up 'understaing' instead of 'understanding'. 🤔 Also Selina, here's some business advice, you need to set your spellchecker to British English not American English.
Exactly. This isn't dyslexia, it's just sloppy. Get a bloody proofreader if you're 'publishing' books!
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Chatty Member
Another flash in the pan business venture. Considering she's meant to be a busy, fully booked, business coach she must have a lot of spare time on her hands to churn out shit books and businesses every other day?!
Did you see when she clicked on herself and it took her to her diary? Every day this month looked available! 🤣🤣
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