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Chatty Member
I loved those snow flake bars!! Why do Cadbury’s etc stop these bars?? I wish they would bring back Cabana Bars, Texan Bars, Fry’s 5 flavours, and I used to be obsessed with Milky Way’s, until they changed the fucking recipe!!! I still love Kinder Eggs...😍
All Cadbuys 'chocolate' has been crap since it was bought by Mondelez. Nowadays it tastes like they wave a singular cocoa bean at a pile of sugar, then package it up.
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When I was young local carnivals were a big thing. At one the celebrity was Jeremy beadle. This was around the time of game for a laugh and beadles about so sometime in the 80s. I queued for ages at my grans insistence to get a picture and his autograph.
He was really nice and posed for a picture with me which I was chuffed with. My gran later pointed out that he had held my hand with his “little withered hand” and asked what it felt like 🙄
Another celebrity at a carnival was Michaela strachan. She was famous for Hitman and her and I think she had maybe started on the really wild show. She loved the attention of the blokes and was a cow to anyone without a dick.

Oh also met bob carolgyes and spit the dog. My sister swears that dog spat at her as they passed us 😂😂
Any mention of Bob alway reminds me of one of my favourite memes.

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Eamon is an absolute prick though so I tend to doubt any opinion he voices.
Oooh now I worked at a health centre and he came for a health check. I must admit he was charming, not up his own arse at all. No sign of being a pretentious prick. The same cant be said for Gloria Hunniford and Cheryl Baker.
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Years ago X factor was in town and me and my friends seen Cher Lloyd we asked for a photo she told us to f*ck off and she wanted to have her fag in peace.
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Did anyone else watch “Totally Scott-Lee”?? 😂😂
Thankyou @eyeballs for letting me know where to find it, it’s hilarious!! The whole series was a total cringe-fest, but the stand out scenes were, Lisa filming her music video, dressed in a basque and thigh boots combo, and her dad, making really inappropriate comments, like “Look at her boys, can’t believe she’s my daughter, she’s going to turn all the boys on looking like that” 😱. Then there was the phone call from her brother, letting her know that he’d proposed to Michelle in Marbella, and Lisa having a row with him over his OK Mag deal, and saying through gritted teeth “Well, congratulations, but I’m really angry with you, but tell Michelle I said congratulations anyway”...😬
Seemed like there was a lot tension between Lisa and Michelle, and Lisa made plenty of snide remarks about Michelle throughout the series.
Does anyone know what happened to Lisa? Is she still married to Johnny? (And how the fuck did they manage to afford THAT huge house??). I know Michelle went through a tough time a few years ago, when she discovered that she carried the gene that causes certain cancers, and she chose to have a hysterectomy and partial mastectomy. She was also once very close friends with Katie Price, and was in OK/Now/Heat Magazine’s almost every week. But back to “Totally Scott-Lee” - If anyone fancies a giggle, I can highly recommend it, and it’s on YouTube under the name genak2.
And, if anyone knows where I can find the follow up with Michelle Heaton getting married to Andy, and where Michelle wants to go out clubbing/drinking every night- and poor Andy realises he’s made a big mistake in getting married to Michelle...Please let me know!! 😜
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Apparently she did it once to an ex-boyfriend, I don’t think it’s a fetish 😂

There’s one thing that I have to ask because I’ve heard rumours and wasn’t sure if it was true – about your boyfriend’s cornflakes? (Manson reportedly shit on an ex-boyfriend’s cereal. If someone treats you like shit…)

Shirley Manson: That is true.

Allegedly she did it several times. According to a mate who worked as a roadie in the 1990s, Shirley and a guy in her previous band (Goodbye Mr McKenzie) used to have a competition to outgross each other and Shirley's thing was crapping in bowls of cornflakes when they stayed in hotels whilst out on tour.

The Canadian singer Tori Amos was good friends with Shirley and apparently wrote the song "Cornflake Girl" about her.
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April Ludgate

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Oh god it sounds tacky and why lilac?
God knows....but I remember the first time I saw it and even then with the dubious fashion choices of the late 90s/early 00s thinking it was repulsive. The girls in alterations didn't have anything nice to say about her either.
When I was there, Kate Winslet's husband, Richard Branson's nephew Ned was my boss. He changed his surname to Rocknroll after....Least rock n roll person I have ever met. Absolutely clueless and thick as two short planks. Obviously given the job because he didn't want to let him loose on one of the more important Virgin projects. Couldn't believe it when I saw who he ended up marrying.
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My 'lame to fame' (apart from once having had a drink with the guy who walked Roy Keane dog for him) was that I was once on plane to New Zealand with Bryan Ferry. Believe it or not when we got over Turkey(or something), the captain announced that the toilet were malfunctioning and we(e) had to hold it in until we got to Hong Kong, as there was a possibility they would explode if more pressure was exerted. I was imagining the headlines 'Bryan Ferry killed by exploding shit'.
This reminds me of the time I flew to LA, and as we were approaching LA; the pilot came on and spoke about the weather, etc and then said “to the person who smoked a cigarette in the toilet, your seat number has been noted and you will be met by LAPD police on disembarkation!” A loud cheer went up....
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Cindy is in my opinion a narcissist, and they make terrible parents. Seeing their children as extensions of themselves rather than individuals in their own rights. Cindy is old and past it so she pushes her daughter into the industry and lives her life through her instead. Kaias wants and needs won’t matter.

I always admired that Kate Moss kept her daughter out of the public eye until she turned 16. Her face always used to be blurred out of photos when she was younger.
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Someone was mentioning Jerry Hall earlier. She has had an interesting life to say the least!! She was with her twin sister Terry, sunbathing in St.Tropez when she got “Discovered”, and subsequently moved to Paris, where she shared an apartment with Grace Jones, and Jessica Lange.
In 1975, she was earning in excess of £1,000 per day, and she was also a “Muse” for several artists, including Andy Warhol and Lucian Freud.
Jerry got engaged to Bryan Ferry in 1975, and that was after she appeared on the cover of the Roxy Music album “Sirens”. Legend has it, that Mick was at a dinner party with Bryan Ferry and Jerry, and said to her “You can’t marry him, you’re name s ercbe Jerry Ferry, your coming home with me!!!”
Poor Jerry, she thought that once she had the kids, that Mick would curb his womanising ways, but even though they had a “Marriage” ceremony in Bali, the High Court in London, declared the marriage null and void.... Mick was seeing the supermodel Carla Bruni, who dumped Eric Clapton to be with him, and apparently she used to phone Mick at home, and Jerry picked up-and had a screaming row with her.
Mick also had an affair with the model Sophie Dahl, whose mother used to allow Gary Glitter to stay with her family when her kids were smal...
And Sophie was introduced to Mick, by his daughter, Elizabeth, who used to model with her.
Sophie is now married to the singer Jamie Cullen, and they have 2 daughters. She is now a writer, and has had several cookery books published.
So, Mick is still doing what he usually does, which is “Dating” several women at once. Melanie Hanrick mother time his young son Devereaux Octavian, and Noor Alfallah, who is 50 years his junior!! and Masha Rudenko (yet another model). Mick is said to have slept with over 4,000 women, but I suspect the real number is probably nearer 50,000!!!! 😬😱
Sisters Jerry and Terry 😂
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I just remember coach trip where Cheryl baker and David Van day were on opposing teams and she voted him off saying “I’m not sorry, it’s completely personal” - proper beef there!
I’ve just watched the clip on Harry Hill’s TV Burp on YouTube- and absolutely creasing here!!
Chery: Tonight we’re voting for David and Tony, everything personal, I can’t bear you, I dislike you intensely, I know what you’re like off screen, and it’s personal, I really don’t like you.!!
Cheryl then turns to the camera and says, David Van Day is the person I hate most on this planet!!!
OMG!! I haven’t stopped laughing this afternoon!!!
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Chatty Member
Years ago I went to a panto with my John Barrowman obsessed friend. She really wanted to get his autograph afterwards, so we waited at the stage door in the freezing cold, along with loads of little kids with their parents who were desperate to meet Captain Jack Harkness. After about half an hour, someone from security came to say he would be down, soon. And almost an hour after that, someone came to say that he’d already left. I’ll never forget the looks of devastation on the children’s faces. It was dark, cold, getting late, and they’d waited for nothing.

On the other side of the coin, when I lived in Cardiff we’d often see Doctor Who filming, and David Tennant was a delight.
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I’m a bit conflicted on the ‘Anthea Turner as a victim of domestic violence at the hands of Bruno Brookes’ thing.

She comes across as one of those people who would say or do anything for public approval or sympathy. Which makes me less likely to believe her unquestioningly.

The Snowflake photos at her wedding to Grant Bovey, for example. Not for one second do I believe that they were duped into promoting a chocolate bar. Who, at their wedding reception, poses for a photo simultaneously eating a new chocolate bar and gurning for the camera? unless they were being paid, which I have no doubt that they were. Why pretend they were tricked into it? They should have just owned it.

I occasionally watch the BBC4 repeats of TOTP. It’s 1989 at present, and both Anthea and Bruno Brookes regularly pop up as presenters. I am incredulous every time that either of them would ever have been given a job presenting a programme with aspirations to coolness. Both of them are an embarrassment. Anthea Turner, at that time, would do anything to be on the telly, even if it involved making a show of herself. One Christmas day she was on telly dressed as a leprechaun and dancing on her own to Status Quo. I was aghast. I turned 18 in 1989 and she, Bruno Brookes and all they represented were so far from anything I aspired to or found appealing that it was laughable.

So it was with some surprise that I saw Anthea Turner pop up as a highly-paid presenter on GMTV, but it was an endless daily source of humour before I left for work. It was obvious that she and Eamonn Holmes LOATHED each other.

Anthea appeared to hate all the other presenters as well. I once watched her being really awful to Julia Bradbury, who now presents countryside and walking programmes and is a good presenter. At that time Julia was the GMTV showbiz correspondent. One morning she was doing an outside broadcast from the Viper Room in LA - think it must have been the first or second anniversary of River Phoenix’s death or something. Anyway Anthea interrupted Julia with some random question and said something like, “I think you need to come back and talk to us when you know more facts, don’t you?”, accompanied by this awful fake sickly smile of triumph. I really felt for Julia Bradbury but she managed to just about keep her countenance. Even people on the train to work were talking about how horrible Anthea Turner had been that morning!

Re the Grant Bovey thing: that, too, was hilarious. One of the newspapers printed extracts from Anthea’s autobiography when it was released: she was still married to Bovey then and was in full self-justification mode. Whilst she had been friends with Della Bovey, she felt justified in getting off with her husband because she, Anthea, was the victim of an unhappy marriage. Reading between the lines, she had been giving Grant Bovey the ‘poor little me’ act, and she called him from a hotel she was staying in for work to moan about how unhappy she was. He said that he’d come over to see her - they had not yet consummated their great love - and what do you think was her biggest worry? Cheating on her husband? Betraying her friend? Not a bit of it! No, she was most concerned that she was wearing her ‘comfy Hanro knickers’. Because she couldn’t be all sexy for their first night together. Making sure to drop in that her knickers were from an expensive Swiss brand, naturally! No M&S for Anthea.

(The autobiography was not a big seller, despite these details)

Hilariously, after Grant left Della, she wrong-footed him completely. Instead of weeping for her lost love, she got her hair done, got her glad rags on and went dancing with her mates. She also put a sign up in the garden saying that she’d lost a dog and a husband and that there was a reward for the dog. Go Della. Grant slunk back to her before she threw him out again a few months later and he returned to Anthea.

Flake-gate swiftly followed (the headline on the tabloids that day, accompanying the ‘scoffing chocolate at the wedding reception’ picture, was ‘sickener’). Her TV career fell flat on its arse. It was around this time that she made the allegations against Bruno Brookes. She also posed naked with a snake for Tatler and went on celebrity Big Brother.

She made a second bid for fame maybe ten years ago, trying to show us all how to be a ‘perfect housewife’. Bloody hell, Anthea, just accept that your TV career is over!I don’t know what she is doing now but I predict desperate podcasting.
I have to say that my ex worked with Eamonn Holmes and he found him to be lovely; and me too especially when I was introduced to him at a wrap party. So if he did not like Anthea Turner, I am very inclined to believe him. So different to Gary Lineker who did not engage with the production staff (unless they were young and female, just saying).
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Anyone know the full story behind this? Comments seem to suggest there’s more too it. Feel sorry for Daisy May Cooper if it’s true. She seems lovely.
Lol, look at Daisy's Instagram. It's hilarious! She was messaged a week or so ago by one of those scammers trying to build a relationship to get money and she has just gone along with it. It's been so funny to follow.
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Chatty Member

You're all welcome.

And as someone that has to make do with North American chocolate, please count yourselves lucky 😂
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Well to be fair, if theyve pushed him into modelling and he wants to be a computer programmer or an accountant or something, then he was going to push against it. It's their fault more than his.
I don't think he has much interest in a conventional profession, or any profession tbh!! It's a shame because so many people will never get the opportunities he has and he wants to pretend he's straight outta compton. Cringe.

Unpopular opinion - I'm disappointed Cindy has pushed her daughter into the industry at such a young age. Totally irresponsible in my opinion.
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