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I don’t want to be the arsey, pedantic one but it’s a 12-Step programme, it saved my life. And you’re right, we are meant to carry the message to the stuff suffering alcoholic....I’m just not convinced he does it for the right reasons all the time. I personally think the best way to carry a message is going to meetings to help newcomers and pass on what was given to me. Just my opinion (and a little message-carrying, in case someone needs to see it ❤)
RB seems to reinvent himself every few years, he was an addict then a comedian, then the Hollywood phase with the Hollyood lifestyle and wife, then the acting career seemed to go down hill and the marriage broke up. Then next phase was politics, left wing of course which didnt work out either but he wrote articles in the Spectator who his then girlfriend Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith ) edited and appeared on TV on Questiontime but that fizzled out. He went back to comedy but no huge success and suddenly the very ordinary doormat, (I will pick you up for sex and dump you whenever I like) girlfriend became very attractive and useful.. His latest incarnation seems that of a spiritual guru and family man with a devoted wife and family in tow, and living, ironically in a large house in the very Tory Henley on Thames. I guess he does use his addiction to make money and his tours around the country and USA and beyond are extremely pricey. I am guessing that there will be another incarnation when the kids are older and wifey will be more dispensable not sure what though.
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Thoughts on Holly Willoughby? Feel like her and Ferne Cotton aren’t as good friends any more, they rarely seem to post or congratulate each other on anything? Tho obvs they shouldn’t need to do it publicly to prove anything!

I never really warmed to Holly. She seemed like the “cool girl” persona to me. And it really grates on me that on TM she speaks posh but on Celeb Juice she goes all cockney like. PICK A VOICE.
I've heard first hand she's absolutely vile in person, chainsmokes and talks like a chav. Her nicey nice vibe is all a complete act she's a nasty little bitch!
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First, Paul O’Grady. He’s another professional scouser, who, like Cilla, couldn’t wait to leave, but liked to harp on about the Cavern Club and the fucking Beatles...boring twat. As for Holly, there have been loads of posts about her, but the one I liked the best was where Gino was cutting her a line of coke, and she screamed “What, are you POOR or something”!!!
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Apologizes if I’ve caused offense. Just something I had heard through a grapevine.
Appreciate your apology. That person is ignorant (or was it more than one person?) and it does a massive disservice to autistic kids - and their parents - to perpetuate this myth that their daily struggles aren’t all that.
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Well this thread is an enjoyable read (Fournier’s Gangrene excepted)

A couple of things to add. On the subject of a Chris Martin, a good friend‘s best friend (male) was sleeping with him on and off for years (through Gwyneth). Apparently it’s a well known secret that he’s gay, and that GP was a beard. I’ve googled it since but never found anything, although I trust this friend implicitly! Be interested if anyone knows any more...

As for Peaches, a friend of mine had a thing with her for quite a while, just after she’d been shacking up with David Walliams. Apparently Walliams has a penchant for making women put their knickers in their mouth during sex. He’s such a creep 🤢

And one personal anecdote - some of you may remember the propellerheads (one hit wonder in the late 90s with a Shirley bassey remix). anyway, I met one of the guys from the duo when I was 14 - he was 30ish (c.1996). Met at a train station, he asked me out and we “dated” for a few weeks. Anyway, I’d lied initially and told him I was 17 doing my a levels. He was pressurising me to have sex, I didn’t want to (I was a very young 14 and was getting pretty freaked out by it all). I wanted to get rid of him so thought “if I tell him my real age he’ll definitely dump me”. Told him, he said it didn’t matter, it turned him on more 😔 He then basically stalked me for weeks - at my house, my Saturday job... luckily I worked with a very nice guy (also c.30 years old but protective of me!) who threatened to beat him up which did the trick eventually. That attitude is so grim, and still around now. Just the other day my husbands friend (41) was saying how one of his colleagues was fit (16!!). Ugh 🙄

Because of the info I was privy to, I'm going to say no, CM is definitely not gay. In fact, quite the opposite. He was massively controlling of Gwyneth and extremely jealous of her success. I'm pretty certain she put a halt to her career because of his paranoid ways. He has all the hallmarks of an abuser and his conquests keep getting younger.
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Quite agree on this one. There have been LOADS of Instagramers who have not followed the rules and posted about it. Even if you were doing it don’t bloody share it!!! So annoying! It encourages others to think it’s ok.

also on the subject of Christine McGuin’ and her autistic children. I have it on VERY good authority from people who know the children that yes, they are autistic but that they are no where near as challenging as she likes to make out. In someways I think it’s great she raises awareness on the matter but I often think she goes a bit too far and it becomes a bit of a pitty party for her and Paddy.
Do you know or work with anyone with autism? I think you are uneducated about this. Children on the spectrum have many many difficult things to deal and process on a daily basis. Having one child with autism is difficult but to have 3 that is ultra challenging...i know i work with children in autism for 10 years, hard work but ultimately rewarding. So yea she entitled to be a bit pity me party, she just needs to get grip on other shit she puts out.

Heather died after surgery, sepsis i think the other girl who played her sister was murderec by her partner

Heather died after surgery, sepsis i think the other girl who played her sister was murderec by her partner
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I'm a similar age too, I wasn't even allowed out to the offie, let alone to nightclubs 🤣🤣 I do remember though having adult men following me down the road in their cars trying to talk to me when I was 13 or 14, and although I looked a bit older, I was obviously still a schoolkid in uniform, shoes and socks. Proper creepy. Also at school we used to have to walk along a major A road to get to PE lessons (in short PE skirts), the comments we used to get from passing car and lorry drivers were grim.... I knew a few girls at school who had 'boyfriends' in their late 20s when we were 15 - with their parents full knowledge and approval (which always baffled me, even back then!) It's odd how normalised something like that was comparatively recently.
Yep, it started at 14 for me as well. Just walking down the street was asking for trouble as cars would constantly pull up beside you. It makes me feel sick now.
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Speaking of Peaches Geldof (from last thread), she was in another reality show about a magazine. Seems like a very pretentious bunch:

I think she always thought of herself as “edgy” and was determined to be as controversial as Paula. The difference being that Paula (whatever you thought of her) did have the gift of the gab, and the musicians she interviewed, she already knew through being the wife of Bob Geldof. The problem with Peaches as an interviewer, were that she came across as rude, condescending, and it felt like whoever she interviewed, almost had to arse lick her because of who her parents were. There was only one Paula Yates, and Peaches simply couldn’t complete on that level.

I was intrigued to read about Mandy Smith on thread #15. I have some tea on the Smith sisters, Nicola (the elder, best known for going out with Teddy Sheringham for a bit) and Mandy. I’m from their era, and I’m from the north west, where they live now.

First Nicola. She relocated to Manchester, following Teddy Sheringham, in the nineties when he played for Man U. She lived in a flat with him in Cheshire. Angling for marriage, of course: longing to be a footballer’s wife when that first became a thing. He wasn’t putting a ring on it, though. I heard that she fancied herself as one of the queen bees of the players’ lounge: hanging around with Posh and Mark Bosnich’s then wife and being spiteful to any women they saw as lesser WAGs or a threat. Including Jordan: apparently that story about them singing “who let the dogs out” when she came into the players’ lounge was true, and Nicola Smith later said in an interview, with some satisfaction, that Jordan ‘kept wandering around the room trying to find someone who would talk to her’ when she was going out with Dwight Yorke and going to watch games. Imagine how horrible that was, whilst the bitchy WAGs sneered at her! I’m no fan of KP but come on!

There’s no evidence of Nicola Smith actually having a job during this period. In interviews after Teddy Sheringham dumped her, she reminisces about having ‘girlie lunches’ with Posh and Sarah Bosnich. Like the witches of Eastwick. She also reminisced about being bored whilst Teddy was training etc, being so bored in fact that she even did her own cleaning (!!!) because there was nothing else for her to do, despite having a cleaning lady. I assume that ‘getting a job’ didn’t feature in her deliberations.

She also complained bitterly because Teddy insisted on spending time with his son from his first marriage.

So Teddy Sheringham bins her eventually - can’t think why - and Nicola is first to beat a path to the door of the magazines. Saying that the split was her idea, obviously, and that she’d been unhappy anyway and was missing the London party scene.

Surprisingly, despite missing the London party scene, she settles in Manchester. I’d love to know why. Next thing you know, she’s set up a ’lifestyle magazine’ to be distributed around Cheshire and the posher bits of Manchester. Which I assume was an excuse to flit around air kissing, attending events and getting free stuff at bars and restaurants? Anyway, still not what you’d call a proper job.

The magazine fails after a few years, in 2010 I think, but not because it wasn’t very good (it wasn’t) or because print was being superseded by the internet. No. According to Nicola, the magazine was “a victim of its own success”. How so? Well, apparently, it was doing SO well that the rival publications (which? I can only think of Cheshire Life that ploughs the same rather dull furrow, and the proper magazines aren’t going to be taking advertising from beauty salons in Altrincham, so I don’t believe this bit) reduced their rate card for advertising, and stole away business from Nicola’s magazine. The unfairness! Nicola whines that she has lost £120k of her own money. That’s what being a business owner involves, Nicola. Not sure where she earned £120k...maybe it was the Hello money for the post-breakup interview?

A white knight (sort of) appears in the shape of a North west magazine publishing business which buys the title and appoints Nicola ‘managing director’, although there’s a separate senior management team who actually make the decisions and do the proper work, so not sure what her duties were. Nicola’s former business partner, female, leaves the business. However, mere months later Nicola gives an interview to the Manchester Evening News announcing that she’s going to do something worthwhile instead of just ‘running’ the magazine. So basically she’s had the boot from the mag but tries to dress it up as her selflessly giving up frivolity to do good.

Now she’s going to give her all to a charity, the five stars appeal, which recruited five ‘stars’ (I use the term loosely) each year as ambassadors and held glitzy fundraisers in Manchester to raise funds for scanners and other hospital equipment. What could have attracted Nicola to such a role? Surely not the glitzy events rife with rich men?

Nicola contrives to get Mandy appointed as a trustee too. Glitzy fundraisers and virtue signalling ahoy!

Shortly after giving up the magazine work (or it giving her up) Nicola starts extracting fees from the Five Stars appeal. Now she’s a paid fundraiser, you see. She’s not an employee of the charity; it has no employees. No, she’s a consultant.

it later emerges that the charity spent more on fundraising, including its events and Nicola’s fees, than it raised. The charity was getting 3p from every pound donated. Suspicious? Manchester Children’s Hospital disassociated itself from the charity and told the Five Stars appeal to remove the hospital’s name from its literature. There was an enquiry. The charity doesn’t seem to exist any more. Ther don’t seem to have been any prosecutions, but it’s very dodgy. The trustees were, at best, asleep at the wheel.

I think that the Smith sisters don’t really get the concept of having a proper job. Who knows what they are doing now?
Thanks for sharing your tea!! Yes, I was the poster who mentioned that both Mandy and Nicola were living in Manchester, and that there was some scandal over this “charity” that they set up, but were then found to have taken the money to fund their lifestyles. I know that Mandy eventually had a son (although I don’t think she’s with the dad anymore) and the last I heard of her was that she had “found” religion, and had completely changed her life. The whole Mandy and Bill Wyman affair was so disgusting and disturbing. She was only 13 when she slept with him, and it seems like her mother was totally on board. Also, while the whole sordid Mandy/Wyman stuff was going on, Mandy’s mother decided to get together with Bill Wymans SON - and at one point they were actually engaged
I haven’t seen or heard anything about the Smith girls in a long time, and whether their mother is still with Steven (Bill Wyman’s son) I really don’t know. Also, I remember reading about Nicola being the ringleader in the “Who let the dogs out” drama, and Victoria Beckham was more than happy to join in because Jordan accused Victoria of having a fling with Dane Bowers over the record they made, and apparently Jordan was pregnant with Dane’s baby, and when she lost the baby - she blamed the stress on Victoria flirting with Dane in front of her.
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The Propellarheads just disappeared....I wonder if the illness one of them had might have been girl related......
No, the drummer Will who was early 20s back in the 90s (so not him in the story) had major bowel issues and repeated resections and stomas (I’m involved with a couple of bowel disease organisations!) I can also tell you all about Beth Orton, Dynamo, Pete Davidson and the lad who plays Cain Dingle due to my very specific bowel disease knowledge 🤣🤣🤣

Whose pk and dorit
Ant and Decs short lived pop career names isn’t it?
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Gone With The Wind is one of my favourite films, but it isn’t without its problems, and I absolutely agree with the decision to air it with some historical context.

Just look at the opening poem:

There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South... Here in this pretty world Gallantry took its last bow.. Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and Slave... Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered. A Civilization gone with the wind...

Or the fact that in the second half the heroes of the film form the KKK and it’s presented as something they needed to do.

It’s a heavily romanticised view of an awful time of history, and can’t be written off as just a depiction of history.
Absolutely agree with you but is that not arguably the case for most movies? You wouldn’t watch GWTW and then attempt to write a history paper on it. But it does offer some background to that time in history. As a little girl, I asked questions about the American civil war, 40 acres and a mule, mammy, plantations. That interest carried onto adulthood where I wrote my dissertation on literature on women in slavery and I visited the civil right museum in Greensboro, South Carolina. It should not have happened but we can’t shy away from the fact that it did. We need to educate ourselves and it starts with movies like GWTW.
History should be added to, not taken away from.
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Won’t you have a cup

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Vernon Kay is reduced to doing crap corporate dos. A bit like Alan Partridge at the Dante Fireplaces conference. I know somebody who is a Travel Counsellor (a kind of self-employed travel agent affiliated to a sort-of agency; I don’t think she makes much money doing it, and I think they have to pay for the affiliation). Anyway he compered their annual dinner and prize giving last year. She was quite excited and I couldn’t understand why. Who would be excited about that massive arse turning up at their work do?
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Won’t you have a cup

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Re Sophie Anderton - what a car crash - I never believed the “£10k a night” hooker stories. I expect that she was doing it for much less. She usually claims that she only did it two or three times and used the money to pay off debts and put a deposit on a flat. As if! I bet she took £200 a time and did it far more than she claims. She was addicted to cocaine, she says, and had no other income. How else is she going to fund that lifestyle?
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Not got any real celebrity gossip, but I did go to a nightclub in Aberdeen in about 2008 where Michael Barrymore had gone to after a stint in His Majesty’s. He had clearly fallen off the wagon and was making out with some poor guy known to have an alcohol problem.

I was also on X Factor and got to the judges. Simon made a whispered fat shaming comment about a contestant who worked in Burger King about her eating all the burgers. It was cut out of the edit but he was put in his place by the contestants cup singer.

Cheryl was cold and moody.

We were a joke act to get Fergus onto tv.
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I can only imagine that because Mandy Smith actually married the vile pervert Bill Wyman, and because she had already had such a terrible court battle with him over the divorce, that perhaps bringing it up again- all these years later, made her decide not to proceed with any litigation against him. But, I do remember when the #metoo movement was starting up, people were talking about the Mandy Smith/Bill Wyman affair, and wanted quotes from Mandy, I don’t think she gave any though. Also, I posted a few pages back, on the sordid “baby groupie” scene of the 70’s and 80’s in Los Angeles. I got into a rabbit hole reading about girls such as Lori “Lightning” Maddox, who was just 14 when she was kidnapped by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, and Sable Starr, who was 13 when she became Iggy Pop’s girlfriend. Sable was called “The Queen” of the whole LA baby groupie scene, and although she sadly died from a brain tumour, was still giving interviews as a grown woman bragging about her past!! Also, Bebe Buelle was another teen groupie, and famously had a daughter with Steve Tyler of Aerosmith, that daughter is the actress Liv Tyler...!!
It also rarely gets mentioned but I believe Steven Tyler 'adopted' and underage girl so he could take her on tour. Disgusting.
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