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Chatty Member
Remember when she married Chris Evans? When she was eighteen and he was well into his 30’s. Imagine if that happened now? It’s so icky looking back
And they basically spent the duration of their relatively short marriage shit-faced in the pub. They seem to have remained on good terms but it was a very odd union in the first place. I think being a child celebrity really messes people up.
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Jim Davidson once tried to chat me up. I was late teens and he must have been pushing 50. As if that wasn't stomach churning enough as he walked away I noticed he had very thin linen trousers on and was quite obviously wearing a thong 🤢.
Sickest thing I've read in a long time.🤮🤮🤮
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Exactly this, why would he at his age be pursuing a much older woman who looks like that. I mean it’s harsh but 17 year old boys are thinking with their dicks and not much else, they aren’t going for much more than looks.
Said it on the last thread- as a woman at a similar age to what Sam TJ was- if a 17 year old lad started making advances you'd give yourself a good talking to, remind yourself you are old enough to be his mum and send him on his way. Flattered- maybe but wouldnt entertain it.
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"Just tried to obliterate half my family but he meant well. RIP in peace lol"

Mr bored and I always laugh whenever someone is killed or murdered etc, news reports are always full of people commenting what angels they were. Always kind hearted and good people. Seems no arseholes ever seem to die .
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Chatty Member
I think the blinds at the time insinuated AG was encouraging it but there were also camps saying BP was planting those stories 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think Ange dealt with it in the right way, she allowed Shiloh to experiment. Shiloh cut her hair, dressed very Tom boyish and if I remember correctly went by a boys name for a while. Angelina was a wild child wasn’t she? Married Johnny quite young, then Billy Bob (he was so fit and i am not even sorry for saying that haha!) So she probably thought if I leave her to it, she’ll get bored, just like I did with the fads back in my day. It’s definitely the way to deal with it and you hope that common sense prevails. Charlize Theron is a different story! Reading her interview on it, regarding her child was just 😳

It’s interesting to read that Shiloh is now wanting to see Brad more. She’s angry with the elder kids running him down! Well, this is according to the latest celeb gossip!

I always look at this trans cult as more of a middle/upper class problem with kids. It’s the older men with fetishes who seem to be on the lower end of the scale! This is just based on what I see on Social media!
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Pesky Tarian

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Me either… he just looks like Craig David’s dad 😆 we all change facially as we age (👀🙋‍♀️) Cowell on the other hand, looks like he’s had all his facial features taken off, put through a slightly too hot wash, dried on a radiator, and a drunk person has stuck them back on in slightly the wrong place. So weird 🥴
Perfect explanation of Cowell 👏👏👏.

Reminds me of the lady who took it upon herself to restore the Jesus fresco maybe she's moved in to aesthetics.

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People do strange things under the influence of booze and coke 😂

I vaguely recall she married him to escape the mayhem and rumoured parents control over her career. He was very protective of her and they just ‘had fun’ until she had the strength to focus on herself.

I’ve said this yonks ago, but an ex work colleague randomly met him on a night out and he took her and her pals along with whoever he was with for a night out. He was sober at the time, but I recall my colleague said he was such fun and a real gent. I think he’s got a good heart
Weren’t there rumours about him getting his dick out in the studio in front of female colleagues?

Also Billie was a teenager. I don’t care that she was ‘legal’. We all like to hate (and rightfully so) on Aaron Taylor getting with his nannan wife on here, because he was 17 and she was 42. Billie and Chris have the same power imbalance and the fact that Billie happened to be legally an adult by one year makes no odds to me.
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Les Dennis has been in showbiz a while. She saw an opportunity for an easier route to stardom probably?
Her ex boyfriend sold a story on her claiming that she was all over Les from the moment she met him, rabidly pursued him and then dumped the boyfriend for him. She absolutely saw an opportunity and ran with it and there is no way on earth she’d have looked at him if he wasn’t famous, Les has never been a looker.
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I really don't like Mrs Brown's Boys, and I didn't see that episode of Who Do You Think You Are, but his mother was an awesome woman.
Back in the 1950s, when the Catholic Church had a lock on pretty much all of the levers of power here, she won a seat in the Daily (parliament). I think she was the first TD (or MP) to give birth during her term in the Dail... that baby being Brendan. (Apols if this was covered in the show. I'm no BOC stan!)
Wow, just looked her up and apparently she was responsible for women being able to join the Garda (they provided the guard of honour at her funeral) and for the word 'Illegitimate' being removed from birth certificates. Plus having eleven children!
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I don’t agree with him on lots of things but the always think of that heartless comment by Jack Monroe about his deceased child when I think of him.
I can't stand his politics, at all, but losing a child and Jack trying to score points from that situation makes me furious and sick to the stomach. Hateful wench.
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Yeah, my mum's 80 and she likes Mrs Brown's Boys. I suppose O'Carroll really tapped into an older audience that wasn't having its comedy needs met. And boy has he made a fortune from it.

The one I'm baffled at being re-commissioned for the past 25 years is Silent bloody Witness. Surely they've covered all possible murders at this point?
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I think it’s crappy that Sydney and Justin, Nicole’s children, had a relationship with OJ after he murdered their mother. Even if they lie to themselves and say that he wasn’t involved in the killing there is so much evidence that he abused and assaulted her, sometimes sexually. And to play happy families with a man like that is just another betrayal to their mother.
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The Devils Arse

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Jim Davidson once tried to chat me up. I was late teens and he must have been pushing 50. As if that wasn't stomach churning enough as he walked away I noticed he had very thin linen trousers on and was quite obviously wearing a thong 🤢.
I accidentally hearted this comment! It makes my soul hurt that people may have seen that! :-/
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Serene Serena

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That reminds me of something my mother used to say ' they ay buried a bad un yet'🙈
( in a female Noddy Holder accent, for reference 😂)
Round my way a particularly unpleasant man lost his life. He’d been a nasty piece of work and a lot of people were scared of him. When he died, someone tied a bunch of stinging nettles to the nearest lamp post and the only accolade the local paper could come up with was ‘he attended xxxx school as a child’ - not one person had anything remotely nice to say, not even his mam.
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Gary was middle aged as a teen he just needs to accept and embrace it!
Haha, you're right. I remember seeing a clip of him on something like Pebble Mill on one of those throwback programmes. He was in some singing competition and was only a teenager but seemed about 42.
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