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I'm not watching. I'll need to watch alone as my ex husband done things to me that I haven't told my partner and don't want to be upset.
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Well I've woken up hungover to fuck reading this thread and getting acquainted with the ignore button.
I would just like to say I found every story revealed here moving and I wish I would add mine but I'm not strong enough like all of you.
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Straight up sociopath.
I called him "shark eyed" earlier, but reading two women describing a strange, glazed look that came over him as he assaulted them really made me shiver. That is him, not the cheeky vagabond persona, he is a shark-eyed dark-soul rapist.
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I'm not defending it but having researched, there's no recent reports. He talks about changing his ways. Maybe he has. If he hasn't then bring on some criminal charges.
oh well if he’s changed his ways then that’s the main thing, you’re right.

out of curiosity, how long does a man have to not assault a woman for before we can completely discount his entire past? just wondering 🧐
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So this is stuff that’s been known about for years.
Many Tattlers knew he was a wrong ‘un.
It was an “open secret” in the industry, and people who employed him knew that his behaviour was problematic - putting it very mildly.
And yet he still got work.
And yet bosses chose to employ people he was unlikely to be attracted to, as though the women themselves were the problem and not this actual POS.
When will this kind of complicity stop???? 😡 😡 😡
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That's awful, sorry that happened to you. I'm thinking that if anyone feels strong enough in the moment biting down might be the way to go? I realise this is irrelevant to you now but it could help anyone who's reading this? Jeez,
If you bite down they could punch you in the head, strangle you, kill you. Also please look into fight/flight/freeze/fawn. When I was raped I froze, trauma responses are not optional. It felt as though I left my body and was watching it happen to me. It took me years to realise what had happened wasn’t my fault, that it was his fault for raping me, and my body was just responding to the terror I felt, trying to protect me from further harm by a) dissociating b) not moving to prevent antagonising him more. I just wanted it to be over. it’s not as simple as ‘just get away’ or ‘fight Back’.
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That topic could easily be made into a documentary on it's own; Creepers in 12 Step.

Come on ladies, who here hasn't been touched without their permission? If you haven't, you are truly a unicorn.
I don't know one single woman or girl that hasn't had her arse grabbed, the unnecessary 'waist touch' when a guy walks past, creepy hand kissing instead of a handshake. It makes me feel hot and angry to think about it.
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Chatty Member
I didn’t report mine. His own mother said I deserved it. I told a friend then they spoke to him then he threatened to come round to my house and burn it down. Never told my family until last year, well I trusted a family member and they broke their word and told them. I didn’t tell as I didn’t want them thinking I was making it all up.
I also didn’t report. It would have been my word against his and no evidence. I didn’t think I would be believed. So I didn’t see the point in retraumatising myself.
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People on Twitter are the worst ‘why didn’t they go to the police’ there’s a similar narrative with the Greenwood stuff that individuals will only believe it if someone is convicted in court. By that logic, Saville’s innocent then.

Why don’t they look up the conviction rates for rape. Let alone accusing a rapist with millions at their disposal for an elite legal team.
Re Greenwood, people always say why would she get back with him if he attempted to rape her. My pertinent question is always why would he want to be with someone making false accusations?
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Chatty Member
I will never understand the argument of “well they went willingly..”

They can go willingly, I could go willingly, I could go for drinks, be walked home, go back for coffee, start kissing, go further and still be able to change my mind. It could be with someone new, it could be with a long term partner.. I can still say no and it still withstands.

It’s seems it’s an all or nothing approach? Well the though was there so that’s it, I’m sleeping with you as at one point it maybe have been on the agenda.. so bloody righteous and I’m shocked at my personal FB/Instagram having such support for Brand. Really stunned
All or nothing is exactly how it appears. You kissed him/flirted/went home with him WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? You slept with him once, of course he has access to your body from thereon in.

I hesitate to say this because it's so insignificant compared to stuff others have gone through but I asked someone once if we could perhaps not have sex and if he'd settle for oral (sorry), he said oh and I felt bad, later during it I asked him if he would get off, I was sitting like a little curled up monkey up above my own shoulder watching it happen, he didn't get off. I felt so disgusting and yet I still kissed him goodbye and gave him a lift home. I tried overdosing a couple of days later because I had had a boyfriend at the time, I didn't want to sleep with him but I did. I was addicted to valium at the time and drank on it, so it was my own fault really, it wasn't rape but I didn't feel I had a choice.
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Thank you to everyone for sharing and continuing to share. The onus shouldn’t be on you to educate and illuminate but I’ll be forever grateful for the courage and grace you’ve shown.

I wanted to include a few words from Megan Nolan’s Acts of Desperation as she wrote it better than I ever could. For those who can’t relate or understand these sentiments, then you should be appreciative rather than argumentative. It’s been a reality for far too many of us, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

“He kept touching me and eventually I did what I had to do to stop him from wanting to have sex with me, which was to have sex with him.

I thought, not for the first time, that wheedling of the sort he had employed should be forbidden in men. It was already so near to impossible to say no to a man, so difficult to accept the possibility of being hurt or disliked or shouted at. It takes so much out of you to make yourself say no when you have been taught to say yes, to be accommodating, to make men happy.

Once you’ve said no, a man wheedling feels unbearable. Even if he does it politely, or gently, it overrides the clearly expressed intention. It says: Your choice does not really matter. What I desire matters, and I don’t want to feel bad for forcing you into it. So perhaps you ought to reconsider? Wheedling is cowardly, and violent. When you change someone’s no to yes by wheedling, you have stolen from them what does not belong to you. It was the last thing I wanted to do, and I did it.”
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I agree but I think what I'm hearing here is that young women urgently need to learn healthy boundaries and that men don't just 'tell them what to do' then they 'go along with it' because they 'felt flattered' and then they realise later they feel groomed. There's going to be sh*tty predators in every area of life. Some of these people are just expressing regret not describing crime. I'm sorry they went through that but it's not a crime if they went round his house to actually have the consented act take place.

I do think the people who platformed him and celebrated him for the way he was being are sick as heck too.
Women need to learn healthy boundaries? So it's women's fault these horrendous things happened to them? How about men learning a healthy way of respecting another person and not treat them like a piece of meat.
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Please just click on Dr.CM's name and hit the ignore button that appears. They are a troll. They trolled a thread about murdered newborns who were killed by a serial killer. They are not worth your time or stress.
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Fact is that some people (mostly men) just don’t believe SA survivors. Or worse, they believe it but they think women exist for men’s pleasure and the women were asking for it, probably loved it anyway, or their views just don’t matter.

I will never not be shocked by the number of men who think this way deep down or subconsciously
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Im so sorry.

It’s only today I realised that my firstborn is essentially a child that came from an assault. It wasn’t straight forward but it wasn’t a honest situation, it’s so complicated. No wonder I struggle with motherhood so much.
I was also told “I’m going to rape your mouth” by him weeks after I gave birth. It’s just too much to bear.
There are so many of us. I stand with you and all other victims. My ex had a countdown calendar (it was before smartphones) to the day he could assault me again after giving birth. We are made to feel like it’s normal, like it’s how people who love you romantically are supposed to feel. I am on two different types of tablets now, probably for the rest of my life, because of my trauma. I have had talking therapy and all it did was bring it all back. I am so sorry for everyone who have shared their experiences on here, and even if it just makes ONE person avoid being assaulted, it’s worth it. ✊

also, to the people who don’t understand, that’s fine, no one can understand who hasn’t experienced it, because it defies logic. Just trust us, life can actually be this crap and people can coerce you into doing things without you even realising before it’s too late. It’s not hate directed towards you, it’s just victims trying to demonstrate that assaults are on a very strange emotional spectrum, and that what can initially start out as exciting, or loving, can descend very quickly.

I hope this whole thing gives others the strength to share their experiences. I am sure that within entertainment there is much much more to be exposed.
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This is not a comment on Brand or his awful actions but just seeing all these toxic clips of old TV and radio shows and the way the culture just encouraged and rewarded all these excessive, addicted celebs and built them up. Lowest-common denominator culture gave us shit content and awful, undeserving celebrities - famous for being offensive and excessive rather than for being good at anything.

It started with X Factor and Big Brother - where the MO was “we can fast track these no names
towards stardom because they are sociopaths and it’s all they want.” It doesn’t matter if they aren’t the most talented or the best in their field because the public were manipulated to want them to succeed above all others. A healthy society wouldn’t have allowed Brand to be famous in the first place. Sickening.
Me and a friend have been discussing it this morning. I was a teen / early 20s in the 00s and we were looking back at the things that were acceptable then. I used to read magazines at 15 that had position of the month in, and how to make myself attractive and flirt with men. Girls were groomed by MSM to be available to men. And it’s still a skewed way of thinking I almost hold now. When I look back, I never suffered a sexual assault thankfully, but I have moments of shame when I realise that I spent a lot of time doing sexual things that yes I “consented to” but didn’t really want to or feel comfortable doing and it makes me cringe/squirm now.
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