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I’ve heard lots of good things about Robbie Williams, including a friend of mine from Stoke who’s parents were pals with Robbie’s mum and dad.

My friend threw a birthday party for her dad’s 70th, to which Mr Williams Senior was invited. Robbie was back in the UK at the time and turned up to the party too, even giving a quick blast of some classic swing hits on the karaoke. Apparently he was a really lovely guy.
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We're here voicing our concern over her health, meanwhile the tabloids are saying things like "enviable figure" and "impressive physique". It's so damaging!

I'm not body shaming her, but part of the problem is this idea that no matter who you are or what (natural) size/shape you usually are, if you're extremely thin, that's the perfection that we all strive for and it must be noted that the rest of us are jealous. We're not. I don't want to read that nor do I want those struggling with eating disorders to hear that extremely thin is the only enviable option. We'd rather you were healthy.
as someone who struggled with an eating disorder and is still dealing with it today, this comment was so nice to read. Healthy is most beautiful
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I miss 'Yoga Guru Geri'. Gutted we never got to see her pre Spice Girls days when she was a presenter on a random Turkish game show. But, my fave was 'Gobshite Geri' who loved a little flirt with Prince Charles. 'My Shit Doesn't Stink Geri' is my least fave.
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When you consider the supermodels back in the day (except Moss) they looked so healthy and robust. Not hefty just slim, but heavier than the models today. I am thinking of Claudia Shiffer, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Helena Christianson etc
Helena Christiansen is still beautiful to this day.
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Always felt a bit weird about Noel Fielding after reading this…

Yeah that’s a bit disturbing. What would a 33yo have in common with a 16yo? Yuck. And he wouldn’t even have had the excuse of not knowing how old she was either.
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Rio used Rebecca’s death to the best of his ability to gain sympathy because a lot of people already knew what a Tom cat and arrogant tw@t he is, He’s absolutely vile and I know this because I witnessed a girl leave a nightclub because he wouldn’t leave her alone.
I remember reading years ago he gave Emma Bunton chlamydia when they had a fling :sick:
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Sideboard Bob

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There was a post here thats always stuck with me about Robbie Williams, from @Anon_toread I really hope it’s true.

So remember in 2002 when Robbie Williams signed the EMI record contract for 80 million!?

Well he donated exactly half to Great Ormond St as part of a huge redevelopment project, under the condition it was never publicised- an insider told me that and I thought it was really nice as he can often come across as a bit of a bell end!
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I’ve just watched Reclaiming Amy on BBC2, a tough documentary and unbearably sad. Lots of denial going on amongst friends and family, as there often is, when premature death is due to addiction.
I am related to Mitch. It’s complicated because I know how hard it was with Amy. She just wouldn’t accept any help. It’s late and it’s bedtime and I will gather my thoughts tomorrow.
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Wow, they are SO BITCHY. My god. Cheryl is the worst, Kimberley just agrees with everything Cheryl says. Nicola gets in a few digs as well, she is tougher than she appears. The other two just sit there, although Nadine's face says it all.
The other thing I notice (and this is very superficial) How did nobody notice that Nicola is without question the beauty of the band? The other four are blonde fake tanned clones. Cheryl is pretty when she is her natural colour, as a blonde she is just incredibly average. But Nicola is stunning! That gorgeous voluminous Titian hair and that skin. What amazing colouring and she has great bone structure as well. I can't believe that she felt she was 'the ugly one'.
I agree. She's the only one who is at all striking or remotely interesting looking in a way a photographer would be interested in. The others simply fit a very common mould - the fake tanned bleached blonde. It's the whole idea of signalling sexual availability I think, how a look is read by a certain kind of chump who immediately dismisses any girl outside that mould or with a more elegant or individualistic look as ugly or stuck up.

I think back then though the mainstream ideal of beauty or rather sexual attractiveness in very young women, which isn't remotely the same thing, was plastered on head to toe orangey fake tan, bleached blonde hair, lots of make-up, boobs. Literally that formulaic. Things have changed and maybe diversified a bit but really, not that much). For some reason it's been a thing in this country for far too long to worship overly tanned appearances (fake or real) and run down pale skin as opposed to valuing your own natural skintone and understanding the more you try to change it, the worse you usually look. Then there's the weird and stupid prejudice against natural red hair, when dyed red hair is incredibly popular and coveted (go count the range of red/ginger/auburn hair dye shades available in Boots, it's bizarre how people give real redheads shit while copping their colour, usually badly), figure that one out.
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Caitlin Jenner is in Australia to film VIP Big Brother, she was papped on a hotel balcony having a cigarette then flicking the butt down to the street. I'll ignore the fact we aren't letting nearly enough ex-pat/stuck OS actual citizens back in the country yet it's ok for her and dickface K Hopkins to breeze in....

Don't pollute our beautiful land with your stanky filthy butts, imagine it landed on an OAP or a child? Ugh. Entitled witch.
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Re David Dickerson - he was adopted. When he found out he tracked down his biological mother (I think she lived on Jersey). She acknowledged him, but wouldn’t meet him, only speak to him on the phone. Very sad.
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Summer house

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Not a fan of Burchill either, but nepotism is off the flipping scale, reading that!! :eek: Plus the now not so famous mummies and daddies are getting in on the act by directing their children's projects.

Even Kerry Katona's oldest child was offered, Love Island but she turned it down, I'm not sure why, I would have thought it would be easy money and surely better than OnlyFans like her Mum and Grandma are doing.
Really! 😲 Kerry's mum does OF?? 😱🤢
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Tom Jones always struck me as a sweaty pig of a man, I’ve never met him thankfully, and (aside from the obvious: fame) have never understood the hysteria that built up around him. Agree that he was a real shitbag to his wife as well.

I find Tom’s tears over the death of his wife a bit hollow. He treated her like shite, multiple affairs, secret kids. I wonder why she did not leave him? He has said she did not like living in the US, but she lived there most of her life, and died there, I think. She could have divorced him, got herself a tidy sum, and returned to Wales. But the reality is we don’t know what goes on in marriages. We think that a marriage should be hearts and flowers forever, but as you get older marriages change, and she might have been pleased that he sought his pleasures elsewhere. The thought of him having sex makes me 🤢 . As for him, he is an old man now, who will want to have sex with him. He probably doesn’t want a sexual relationship either but maybe the loss of his companion, the one who knew him before he was famous, has hit him hard. She was probably his best friend.
I’m not sure anyone would treat their best friend the way he treated her, but you’re probably right in that he didn’t realise what he had until it was gone…
I wonder if any of these famous men who (allegedly) get up to all manner of horrendous things ever get to a point in their lives where they look back on what they’ve done and feel ashamed? Or do you think they’re just so entitled and arrogant it doesn’t even occur to them that they’ve done anything wrong?
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House of Tea

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Geri’s latest reincarnation as a Stepford Wife bagged her the man. He is a dick, but an un flashy (apart from his ill judged Cosmo photoshoot) and low key one. A million miles away from the real brash Geri. We all change over the years but her change is so drastic as to be unbelievable. A bit like Madonna trying to be Lady of the Manor to complement Guy Richie. I genuinely don’t know how a woman can be happy knowing that she has broken up a relationship and left a new born with a part time father. I bet Bluebell thinks of him more as a dad than his own kid.

I’m sorry, I know a lot of people are anti-cosmetic surgery, but 63? She is an absolute goddess!
Sharon Stone - Her confidence is of the scale. Hats’s off to her.
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Jelly Bean

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This was Vanessa in June. She has kept the weight off

Vanessa is marmite. She is one of the highest paid presenters on the BBC. She does a very early radio show on Radio 2, finishes that and does a 3 hour show on BBC Radio London. Plenty of talking. She also appears on This Morning regularly after her second radio show has finished. Nobody can accuse her of not putting a shift in. She has to stay on top of current events for the BBC London radio show, I don’t know how she does it. I like her in small doses, she sometimes goes too shrill. She has a fierce intellect and her use of vocabulary is awesome, I often learn a new word when I listen to her. I much prefer her to Jeremy Vine when she covers for him on his lunchtime Radio 2 show.
You will never hear Vanessa going um or aw or stumbling for words. As you say her vocabulary is quite amazing. I don't particularly like her radio presenting style - a bit fast and unrestful for me - but I do admire it from.a distance.
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If Avril was on meth, it wouldn’t be a secret. Meth is a drug habit you can’t hide. She would pick at her skin, would be prone to erratic behaviour and her looks would’ve degraded quickly. She would also be tweaking the fuck out.

I have a friend who lives in Aus and she was telling me how Meth is genuinely terrifying and if someone is having a bad episode, they gain superhero strength and can’t feel pain or form a coherent thought. She told me a story where she seen a woman covered in her own blood after she smashed a window through with her bare hand and that she witnessed the woman having to be pinned down by several policemen as she was so unbelievably strong during her high. So it is more than likely a rumour.
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What's going on with J Lo and Ben? Loads of pics in the Daily Mail and Insta of them all over each other two seconds after she splits from the last guy. Those poor kids.
Yes I agree. It's such a shitty thing to do imo. She was engaged to be married and her children and A Rod's children loved each other apparently. She literally just split up with the guy and 2 seconds later is going for days out with her kids and Ben Affleck. How utterly bewildering when you are an impressionable teen and learning about what love is, creating boundaries etc.

As for Ben...well I can only assume J Lo is doing it for publicity, why would you go there given his track record? I'd understand if she didn't know any better as a young 20-something, but its just laughable now.

Also Jennifer Garner must just constantly be rolling her eyes into the back of her head. I do not envy her having to pick up the pieces everytime he fucks up.
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Joan of Narc

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Sarah’s cancer was pretty advanced when it was diagnosed. I imagine she’s just getting through enough hardcore treatment to keep her alive for as long as possible.
An aesthetics clinic I follow on Instagram posted a photo of her the other day as as she had visited them (they've since taken in down). She looked very poorly, her face very swollen, probably from steroids and it looked like she was possibly wearing a wig. But I suppose it is positive that she is at least out and about and probably trying to enjoy a few luxuries in whatever time she has left.
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