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Imagine trying to defend a man who had an obsession with children, children who’s parents he groomed with gifts so he could then gain their trust to then eventually groom their kids, A man who knew what he was doing was sick and twisted and obviously disliked himself that’s why he changed his image so much. If that was your next door neighbour would you defend him???
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House of Tea

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Hancock has always looked a bit too glib, smug and cocky throughout this. He had no reason to look smug. When we look back at this strange time, he will be in the history books as a philandering, out of his depth, buffoon. As will Boris.

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I hope this is true. Give the money to someone who genuinely needs it, not a millionaire.
Not sure you can 'pay it back' Giovanna !
First of all, you knew you were claiming immorally, but still claimed it.
Secondly, you claimed for yourself as an employee, hmmmm, okay...
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Rylan has been missing from his Radio 2 show for more than a month, dropped out of Eurovision presenting last minute and seems to be on a social media hiatus. Hope he’s OK.
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I believe Corey. The paedos are fucking rife. Look at Michael Jackson FFS

as soon as you bring up Michael Jackson, you lose any kind of credibility for me. That man is innocent as fuck and anyone who takes 5 minutes away from the tabloids to read a single court document will see that. It's 2021 and people are still this blind? Come the fuck on. If he was guilty, he would be protected by the media. Wise up.
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Giovanna is no different to those other IG mummies, faking their perfect lives, playing so hard up whilst being gifted left right and centre.
The two of them have always made my teeth itch. I’ve read the McFly autobiography and he comes across as so sanctimonious and absolutely no fun. How she won the jungle? It was all the ‘full time yummy mummys’ who studied at ‘hogwarts’ who voted for her.
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Apparently, the audio of the video has Hancock saying 'I'm gonna hump ya, like Deputy Dawg would hump ya'. :sick:
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Brian Butterfield

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No massive tea and I can't say too much as it could out how I knew/worked with her.

Suffice it to say, she is a complete bitch, I had to deal with her on a daily basis for quite a while, she was always rude, aggressive, and nasty. She was never grateful for anything you did for her and I don't think the word thank you is in her vocabulary. I always dreaded having to call her. She really thought/thinks she's the bee's knees.

I was pretty young at the time as well which I feel makes her treatment of me worse.
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Who would have thought a thread discussing scurrilous rumours would reach the grand old age of 50? We have also spawned our baby threads Weird Crushes and Silver Foxes. N’awww I feel quite emosh!
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Chatty Member
I'm sorry but we're going to have to just disagree.
Quite honestly, I find your responses slightly disturbing.

I think it's horrific how so many adults sweep away the fact that he did have young kids in his bed frequently and still seem to think that's acceptable.

I honestly don't care if you think I'm a sheep.
Now I'll leave you to go back to your MJ shrine and LP collection.
If people had someone living in the street who was like Michael but without his millions there is no way they’d defend him never mind let their kids near him long enough to have a sleepover . It’s sad people can’t differentiate between liking his music and how sick he was.
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Not sure you can 'pay it back' Giovanna !
First of all, you knew you were claiming immorally, but still claimed it.
Secondly, you claimed for yourself as an employee, hmmmm, okay...
Exactly this. I came round to GF as my children love/d “The Baby Club” and even though I find her voice shrill, affected and hella annoying I thought she was a good one.

this shows me that she’s just a grabby fucker and that the classless TOWIE apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

plus he’s a big chinned prick too.
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Miss Demeanour

Chatty Member
Ugh, just saw this video on Twitter. A video of Phil Cunting Spencer with a beautiful deer he shot.

*Trigger warning* Not gory, but very upsetting. It seems it was originally posted a year ago, but he's deservedly getting shit off people right now over it.

How anyone can derive pleasure from taking a life is just beyond me. Absolutely revolting.
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Its all attention seeking bullshit. Every young generation can't possibly be the same as their boring old mums and dads. They have to be new and original and special.
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Miss Demeanour

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Miss Despmeanour
How are you? I’ve often wondered if you were ok.
Good to have you back

I won’t get into any discussion re famous non-pedalo Wacko Jacks who did impressions of pedophiles.
Except anyone interested should look up items found in Neverland, particularly the books. Although there was plenty of disturbing stuff there.
Hey lovely!

Still working 60/70 hours a week sadly. Covid completely effed us up financially, we both lost our jobs and both had to take jobs paying £10k less. Plus my partner's job isn't guaranteed hours. So we are both working as food delivery drivers on top of full time jobs. It sucks, but there's others worse off, so trying to count our blessings. Hope things get back to normal soon.

I saw the MJ posts. Some of his fans are so deluded.

Hope you're well?

I think trying to catch up on here triggered my "celeb" dream last night. It was hilarious.

Dreamt I was in an all-female bailiff team, and we went to a fancy scmanzy property with a writ, for... Darren Day!!! 🤮

He ended up seducing one of the other bailiffs and when I woke up, the debt was still outstanding. 🤣
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Im almost certain there was a poster on here not long ago who freely admitted they’d bang Hancock like a bat in a biscuit tin. ( If I can be arsed I might go and look for them and publicly shame them )
I’m now wondering if it wasn’t actually Hancock himself, testing the waters to see how the general public feel about his new status as cabinet sex god.
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Chatty Member
They never would have paid that money back if they weren’t found out. Took them long enough to come out with a statement as well. Was pretty stupid of them to even claim given the backlash Victoria beckham got last year. Wouldn’t be surprised if all the celebs are at it mind you.
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New member
Sorry but I don’t care if she paid it back, it is so not the point. I was entitled to a penny when I was sick with pneumonia and these c**ts just line their already overinflated pockets with impunity on the back of others living on foodbanks (ok I wasn’t one of those, but still!). She’s such a great mother earth, she didn’t care about other mothers struggling. She really deserves to be cancelled.
Quite right my mum has been hanging on by the skin of her teeth to her business because there was no help from the government due to not enough profit over the last 3 years even though she only started 3 years ago there is plenty more to moan about but I'm fed up of it. Then you see stories like this it makes me sick
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