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The Devils Arse

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I adore Rylan. He tweeted a while back about his new show to thank all of the crew behind the scenes who made the show possible. A lot of the "celebs" seem to forget that. He is a sweetie.
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I have to say I am enjoying Daily Mails morning reporting of their daily coffee run(its all they seem to do).

He looks miserable and is getting gradually worse,by her due date I reckon he will have a noose in his hand.

On a side note,I've always found something very off about Jamie Redknapp,cant put my finger on it but my gut just doesn't like this guy at all.
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Chatty Member
Louise has kids with Jamie, of course her ex should have told her out of courtesy and also because of the blended nature of the families going forward.
I was in the same situation 13 years ago. My ex and new partner were expecting. We have a daughter. I heard it secondhand. It wouldn't have killed him to tell me out of respect for me and our daughter.
When you have children with someone, unfortunately you still have to have some sort of relationship or communication with your ex, if you are any decent person.
Jamie is not a nice person, or a good father.
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An old work colleague, when his wife was pregnant (twice), had a bit on the side through the pregnancies - a different woman both times. The second one was another work colleague, who was promptly dropped when baby arrived. She didn’t take it well, made a scene in a pub, thought she had been used. She had been used, but absolutely no sympathy for her. When we were all gossiping about this, somebody told us about the first woman during the first pregnancy, it was a sister of another work colleague. She too got the elbow when baby arrived.

The strange thing was, when you say he’s name, a lot of women say, oh he’s lovely, such a family man.

Editing to add, he told me, with a rueful grin once, that women’s bodies weren’t the same after they had given birth. Charming. He basically told me that his wife was now lacking in the hot body department. His wife was lovely, felt sorry for her.
What a little shit. Women’s bodies aren’t the same after growing a person or two, why on earth should they be? Some men are just so shit.

ETA maybe she needs to drop some dead weight (him) and acquire some pounds (from his bank). Even if you thought that you never tell other people. Wanker.
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Never got why she's popular. Always preferred Jay who had a successful career and then seemed pushed in to the spotlight of her reality show to make her happy when he would have probably liked it better being hidden away. Size 2 is far too small too. Men love curves :)
She's absolutely gorgeous. Also, different men like different things. Plenty of men like slim women. The same guy can find a really curvy girl attractive whilst also finding a slim girl really attractive.

Plus, different people are naturally different sizes. Some people are just slim. It's better that people be their natural size with a health lifestyle. For some people that's a slim body. The whole "real woman" thing frustrates as slim women are real women too.
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Restless Native

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political site Guido Fawks reports that Anne Diamond,s son who works at Sky News is considering action against her former TVAM colleague Kay Burley

he says Burley bullied harassed and intimidated him

shes now attempting to silence him via her lawyers
Burley seems like a right witch
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Wow that’s scant, I’ve seen Eddie Redmayne, Mark Almond, Gillian Anderson, David Mitchell, Rhys Ifans, Clare Balding, Tom Aitken (chef), Gary Rhodes(RIP), Josh Widdicombe, Eddie Izzard to name a few either around London walking/on public transport. Oh and Catherine Tate.

At events a few more...but that doesn’t count.
I was skim reading and thinking that's a lot of celebs going to Pontins!
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My comments below on the last Celeb Gossip thread has caused some reaction, & I’d like to clarify what I have said as this is such an important matter.

So the person I spoke of was my own niece.
My experience of supporting her through this desperately dark period of her life lasted over three years, where I & her immediate family were terrified for her at the hands of her abuser, & the impact on her first born child who he did not like. Every day brought fresh worries as she moved in & out of contract with her family & the agencies who supported her.

I spent numerous hours on the phone to NDV helpline finding resources, & liaised with the local Women‘s Aid group. I was her Advocate in meetings with local Social Services MDT meetings, wrote letters, read & responded to Child Protection reports that set the pace for removing her child. We fought hard for her to be given leeway & understanding. We helped move her remaining belongings over 200 miles away from where her abuser lived.

My niece completed the Freedom Programme, was rehoused in a lovely new house far away from him, but close to extended family so she had social support. She also had dedicated therapy to help her address her own responsibility to herself & her children, & part of any personal growth though therapeutic intervention is to ‘sit with’ difficult feelings - challenging at first but it is a strong element of recovery & gaining insight. Of course it is difficult.

Did we condemn or scold her as she went through this?
No, because it would not help & clearly she was in the grip of something bigger than she could manage on her own.
We were the only people in the extended family who know where she lived & worked hard with the whole family to maintain her safety. Her recovery looked promising until she invited her abuser to make the 200 mile journey to her safe house. He assaulted her & her first child, & threaten to remove the baby (result of co-excise sex). Move moves, more assaults, more Police & Child Protection engagement.

BTW, have I ever felt so desperate that I have done things that may harm me or not be in my best interest - of course I have, I am human. I do not lack compassion or insight, quite the opposite, but speak of the complex dynamics from a different perspective.

My key point is that there comes a point where the realisation sinks in that the abuser- victim dynamic is not as straight forward as it may seem, that it is not enough to provide escape & refuge, & it is Erin Pizzey, based on her extensive work at Chiswick Women’s Refuge, who raised this in the public domain. In essence we agree.

But the moment I spoke of when I realised how much we had all done to support & help her was brushed away by her choice to engage with her abuser was literally ‘spinechilling’. My dear niece who I had known since the day she was born was prepared to expose her own small defenceless children to a man who was violent & out of control.

So if you think me judgemental, so be that.
’Tough love’ as it quaintly called means strong boundaries, difficult choices & direct communication.

‘Judge much? There's a lot more going on than 'she invited her abuser round to her safe house because she was ‘lonely’ '
what must have brought her to a point in her life that she would make this shattering decision rather than 'sit with her ‘difficult’ feelings, thank her lucky stars'.
Have you ever felt so desperate, worthless and alone that you would choose to be in a situation or with a person who could feasibly kill you?
How many addicts and vulnerable people are damaged partly because they *can't* sit with their difficult feelings?
Why do people repeatedly turn to drugs and alcohol when those difficult feelings come up?
Or turn to self harm, shopping, gambling, dangerous situations or binge eating?
Why does someone who's been repeatedly abused seek out the abuse again and again? Why are there patterns to destructive behaviour?
Rose tinted specs and a Liberal attitude are fine but they are not getting to the root of any of the issues.
In order to help the children we have to help the parents.
The services who support dv victims are very limited, these people need as much input as someone in rehab but there just aren't enough resources and until the root cause is treated people will return again and again to what hurts them. Its familiarity which is perversely comfortable. They feel its all they're worth, it's all they understand or they believe this time it will be different. They have nobody else to support them.
And a million other reasons why

I recommend Gabor Mate as a starting point if you want to learn more about how to compassionately support people with trauma and self destructive behaviours.

Eta : Reading this kind of thing could be enough to send women back to the person who hurts them, thinking everyone thinks bad of them.
it's very easy for an abuser and groomer to reassure that person that he is on their side and the only one who really understands etc. It's not crystal clear’
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Talking of Rylan, I get tattooed a lot and one of the artists at the shop I go to, his wife is Rylans MUA for everything he does and they’re really close friends and everything I’ve heard about him is wonderful, he sends their kids birthday presents and let’s them visit the sets and play around there, he’s such a lovely guy. I really hope he’s okay ☹
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Anyone know anything about Timothy Spall? I hope he's a good 'un, he always seems to be!
I saw him trying to get out of a small boat in Padstow about 10 years ago. It was heaving and everyone just stood around watching him struggle. His wife looked like Colonel Gaddafi.
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On the subject of Cummings, I once worked with his wife and needless to say, they're well suited in disdainful attitudes to people... for her it's a case of snootiness and posh haughtiness beyond belief, which is quite ironic when you consider her husband based his whole Brexit campaign on regular people vs. the 'elites'

Additionally, from her manner when I worked with her, the whole Barnard Castle trip was entirely unsurprising - she's one of those poshos who is so out of touch with normal people that no doubt it was never considered their trip would go down so badly.
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I think we have a different sense of humour re the ‘ungratefuls’ and I assume you don’t have teens? They are frequently ungrateful, selfish and manipulative (as well as at times hilarious, sweet, charming, kind and thoughtful).
We refer to our son’s teens as the “dickhead years”
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I’m just wondering does anyone know does she pull her weight at work or does she just coast on the title?
Peter is too sweet to be wholesome I think
I remember watching Katie Price's fly on the wall show years ago and they had had a falling out as she had thrush and she felt it was because he likes to have sex for hours on end.

It stuck in my mind. You can imagine him can't you? :sick:
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Laughing away to myself in bed at how interesting I was finding the centre Parcs/butlins/pontins chat and then remembering this is the Celeb Gossip thread 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I like him too - I think he’s very genuine and appreciates what he’s achieved
That is why I like him too, he’s ahas great people skills and you can see that he always tries to make people on the shows he presents feel comfortable and get them involved as much as possible. He also understands the normal person. I find with the older presenters they’ve been in the game for so long and have been in higher social circles they don’t know how to interact with the everyday public anymore.

It’s funny to see that camp fella with a face full of makeup and a dodgy tan from the xfactor is now one of the presenters in the UK.
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House of Tea

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She’s a crap actress too, judging by the faux surprise and exaggerated facial expressions during Meg & Haz interview.
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