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Chatty Member
I’ve just found this thread having been on the Kate Hayes threads mostly. Absolutely love it!

I don’t have gossip per se, but have met a lot of royal family and a few celebs in my previous job and can offer opinions on what they were like if anyone was interested?
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Jennifer Acquiri (blond woman who had an affair with Johnson when he was mayor), said that having sex with him was “like a bin bag full of custard landing on her 🤢. Great description, but sick-making IMO.
She still went there though. She let him slobber all over her in return for some taxpayer funded 'business' trips, so she is just as scummy.
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I lost my sister to suicide, what I found and still find hard was being able to grieve openly, because she chose to do it, I felt I couldn’t grieve as it was her choice and not an accident or illness, I think I might of coped better had she died by accident or by illness. It’s 10 years since she’s gone but it still kills me everyday knowing she did that to herself. There’s always the feeling that us as a family weren’t enough to stop her
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Happy to oblige!

The Queen - She is so tiny, actually really surprised me! I’ve never seen such immaculate hair in my life, she is the literal definition of ‘ not a hair out of place’. I thought she was very genuine and seemed to take a real interest in what people had to say.

Prince Philip - A very lovely man, had a wicked sense of humour. I think his health had been decline for some years before his death, last time I saw him he was quite unsteady on his feet and seemed very, very tired and that was around 5/6 years ago. Always very friendly.

Prince Charles - Very rude on both occasions I met him. Came across as completely uninterested in what anyone was saying to him. He also smelt quite bad, only way I could explain it was he smelt a bit like over cooked cabbage.

Prince William - My favourite royal by far, very down to earth and a really good laugh. I met him for the first time just after he got married and on the subsequent times we met, he remembered me and would always ask how I was. Kate is also a very warm, friendly person and incredibly beautiful up close.

Ed Sheeran - Met him just before he released his second album and he was doing a performance. His assistant was going mad because he was rubbing massively behind schedule as he was stopping to speak to fans, give autographs etc and he wouldn’t move on until he had said hello to everyone there. Smelt utterly divine as well. One of the lads I worked with asked him if the rumours about him and Taylor Swift were true, he laughed and said no but that she was’ a very good wingman’. Very lovely guy.

Katherine Jenkins - One word - vile. Met her when she did a performance for armed forces personnel serving abroad. When she arrived, she walked straight to her car, completely ignoring everyone. Left all her bags on the aircraft which meant the army ground staff had to carry them to her car abs are didn’t even thank them. Met her several times then over the next few days, completely ignorant abs would either be texting on her phone when you were talking to her or be barking orders at her hair and make up team. She was flying back after she performed so was put in a separate room so she wouldn’t be pestered for autographs etc. Once the departure lounge filled up, I saw her fix her make up then stroll out to the lounge to speak with armed forces personnel, have her picture taken etc. It was literally like someone flicked a switch in her. Once she had enough, she went back to her room and resuming grunting at people and being rude. I noticed she was especially rude to females but would turn the charm right up if there were any good looking blokes around. Saw her without make up and she is the most unremarkable person without it, you would walk past her in the street and not recognise her.

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders ( random i know) very sweet ladies and so stunning, it takes your breath away a little bit!

Carol Vordemam - Another one who is quite miserable but who can turn the charm on instantly. When you see her in the flesh, it’s quite obvious she’s had some work done on her bum. She is so tiny and petite abs the bum is so out of proportion. Had a lot of work done to her face and its given her a very odd fixed expression.

I never met Prince Harry, however I know people who worked with him during his time in the Army. He is always spoken about in glowing terms and it seemed to be the case and if he could have stayed in the Army then he would have done. Not afraid of hard graft and a lot of people were very sorry when he had to leave.

I’ve heard a few stories about Jim Davidson being very sexually inappropriate towards women. An lady I worked with recalled that she met him after a show in the UK and asked for a photo. He obliged and stuck his hand on her arse whilst the picture was taken, she was only about 16 at the time.
This is what I’m here for! Thank you.
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My mates daughter was at school with her. She is a doctor and apparently lovely. According to my friend she’s really not interested in the celeb lifestyle and is very very normal
She sounds like a Mysterious Girl.
Sorry I think I've made the worst ever post on Tattle!
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This is going to sound horrible but I follow Ulrika Jonsson on Insta and I feel like she is a warning against extreme dieting, not using SPF and shagging around with horrible men. She looks miserable, ill, her skin is like wrinkled cow hide and she seems permanently depressed.
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A couple or z-listers Chico, the chuckle brothers, jedward nothing to report on them they were all fine just happy to be recognised
I have a lot of time for Jedward. I've met them before and they were lovely guys.
Their music isn't to everyone's taste, but you never hear any stories about them picking fights with people, being out of their head on drink or drugs or being rude to people.

Any of my former colleagues that also met them (I'm ex cabin crew) never had anything but good to say about them either. They seem to be two genuinely nice, polite guys.

They lost their Mum last year too and she was quite young, in her 50s I think :(
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Rylan is one of those people you can just tell he's genuinely lovely and it's not an act for the cameras. Not many like him about. You never hear any bad things from people he's worked with and that speaks volumes.

Ricky Gervais does come across as a wanker a lot of the time but I find it hard to hate him because of his love of animals and his support of animal charities.
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I can’t help but wonder if they’ve married to deflect from all the Cummings stuff? The news coverage is bizarrely positive, and I’m glad I’m not the only person pondering how twice married divorcee and serial philanderer with illegitimate kids up and down everywhere has managed to get married in a Catholic church? One rule for them I suppose... 🙄 I’d have more respect if they‘d just popped down to the nearest registry office!
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Ed Sheeran - Met him just before he released his second album and he was doing a performance. His assistant was going mad because he was rubbing massively behind schedule as he was stopping to speak to fans, give autographs etc and he wouldn’t move on until he had said hello to everyone there. Smelt utterly divine as well. One of the lads I worked with asked him if the rumours about him and Taylor Swift were true, he laughed and said no but that she was’ a very good wingman’. Very lovely guy.
I, unfortunately, have to confirm this. Ed Sheeran is a thoroughly nice bloke and does, indeed, smell absolutely brilliant. Which is annoying, because I think his music is absolute bilge and his face is the very definition of backpfeifengesicht and I was all geared up to hate him, but god damn he's likeable.
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I don’t have kids, through choice, but after a Xmas lunch, when the drink had loosened his tongue, I was standing talking to him and a couple of other people. He looked at me and under his breath and said barren. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t want to make a scene or discuss my reproductive capability in a pub, but I never spoke to him again.
Ugh he sounds an absolute cretin!

Going completely off topic here, but I chose not to have kids. Just not for me. Anyway, one of my male "friends" response when I told him this was, "well whats the point of you then? You (women) are here to reproduce". Charmer!
I've had people saying tick tock and asking me when I'm having kids since my mid-twenties and my answer is still the same in my 40s as it was then: ‘never!’.

The attitude that we are just here to breed really needs to die!

Ps I'm not anti-other people’s children, I just don't want to have my own.
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The mum of a friend of mine used to work in basil street which is behind harrods. When Louise was preggers with the second child friends mum saw jamie getting into a fancy car with a blonde who was carrying lots of harrods bags and they had a snog before pulling away.
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Et tu Brute?

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Other half was nominated for an award in work a couple of months ago and the award ceremony was being held virtually (online and you could join in). The celebrity presenter was Rylan and he was an absolute sweetheart. He was filming live from his spare room in his house and was such good fun. I understand he was being paid for the gig but he was just a delight and was so enthusiastic, without being false or ott. He really made the whole thing so special. I liked him before but I adore him now 🥰

Hope he makes a speedy recovery 🙏🏻
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House of Tea

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Married in Westminster Cathedral, which is the premier Catholic Church in UK. She wore a long white dress.

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The Devils Arse

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Sounds a delight!
Going completely off topic here, but I chose not to have kids. Just not for me. Anyway, one of my male "friends" response when I told him this was, "well whats the point of you then? You (women) are here to reproduce". Charmer!

Anyway, back to the gossip. Any tea on greg Davis and Alex Horne?!
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liar liar

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That’s one of the most random things I’ve ever read.

Check him out now. His heels, his friend's boob job scar, the botox, the teeth, it's all jaw dropping.

He looks so stupid. Same old clothes, trousers that don't fit, chest hair on show, skin like an dead badger's scrotum. Why is he still smoking when his boyfriend, McKenna could cure him?
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