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Chatty Member
Cowell paid CLifford to keep him being secretly the facts he was/ is secretly gay out of papers and provide women to be photographed with him. Rumour is Lauren isn't a true relationship... Ex wife of a mate of his who conveniently had his child cos he wanted to be a father..
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I hadn't realised Clifford was in prison. He preyed on vulnerable women. You just have to look at the list of people he worked with.

What a painfully attractive couple 😍
He’s absolutely lovely too, I met him last year. Nicest man ever. (David Harbour not Max Clifford 😂)
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Just noticed this birthday post for Holly on Fearne's Instagram. So there we go: not as close as they used to be but still close enough for a public birthday acknowledgement, so no falling out.

The fact fearne went out with he that shouldn’t be named (not mm friend) but denies she knew what he was like (yeah right), didn’t she also used to be really really bitchy (with Holly)and when someone reminded her about it on Twitter started shouting about everyone bullying her

Holly isn’t miss f innocent either- nor is she miss sweetness and light
Nobody is perfect but they aren't bad people. I know some tattlers would love if they were but they aren't. They are both nice, one loves coke on a night out but that doesn't make her a bad person. Also Fearne didn't go out with ~ him ~ for long, if she says she didn't know anything, she didn't know anything. Look at Ted Bundy's wife. She didn't have a clue what he was doing. It happens.
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Tweets he made
No loss, he's the epitome of the short angry man and has quite extreme views. I can see him ranting away on youtube or something similar soon....
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I remember a few years ago I had a naughty boxer and we have big gates but people sometimes don’t shut them properly.
It was my birthday and I don’t really enjoy wearing proper pyjamas I tend to sleep in baggy T-shirt’s anyway I let her out for a wee half asleep she bolted and there was building work going on near me I was chasing after her wearing bugger all (couldn’t risk running back on for clothes in case she got near a road.must have been boobs flying all over the place . I had me and builders running round after her, I must have looked hilarious. Thankfully I was only around 22 and slim. But it was quite the start to a birthday
You had me at ‘ I had a naughty boxer’ I was wondering which many rounds you went etc....then I realised it wasn’t that type of boxer you were talking about.
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I’m a northern but I always think that Fern Cotton comes across as a posh girl trying to sound more ‘street’. She’s also very dull, I imagine that’s why she’s not getting TV work.
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Remember when Anthea became a national pariah because she had an affair with Grant Bovey? Her husband was Peter Powell who runs James Grant Talent agency, manager of Schofield, Willoughby, Ant and Dec and pretty much everyone on British television. Given what we now know it makes me wonder If that’s why the press turned on her so badly? Obviously cheating was wrong, and both were married, but she’s not the first person to do it and she won’t be the kast.
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Has anyone seen this that Bella Mackie reposted on her stories:

Not really a ‘celeb’ but it’s nice to see these grabby people being caught out. In the comments people are also saying him abs his friend have abused other influencers before 👀 anyway as I say not anyone particularly relevant but it did amuse me.
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The singer from the Stereophonics named his daughter Lolita. Due to my lockdown brain I can't remember his name now.....
Yes, and his daughter is trans so changed the horrible name. I never understood why anyone would name their child after a notorious victim of a horrible paedophile.
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Years ago myself and two friends went to a recording of LW. Coleen was rude and obnoxious. Jane McD and Carol McG were lovely. Andrea McL was away with the fairies. 😂
I really like Jane McDonald. My husband finds her irritating. I think she's a nice woman and would be a good mate. Even though she overdoes the Northern Lass persona.
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I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mark Ruffalo a couple of times now and he’s absolutely as nice as you would expect him to be. Charming, smart and extremely witty with it and had loads of time for anyone he passed.

He’s definitely one of the nicest celebs I’ve met and it came across as completely genuine - I was just about to get married and move house the first time I met him and several years later when I worked with him again, he remembered this and asked how everything has went.
Yaaaaaaaay!!! I love the good stories :). I feel like nowadays it's hard to like anyone in the public eye because there's inevitably some horrible story. To hear about a genuinely nice actor is so refreshing.
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She also dated Ian Watkins :sick:
Like I said- desperado 😭
I felt sorry for her in some ways. And we were quite mean about her really. She wanted to be the cool girl so badly. It's good to see her stepping away from that - much more true to herself now, I'd say! Not that I talk to her or anything but we all like an instagram snoop.
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I have unfollowed her because of this. She is turning into a total baby bore. I want to see more Shirley and Baxter. Her kid is cute but too much now.
I haven't seen any of her baby's illness posts and I'm sorry for the baby and hope it will be OK but I can't stand kate lawler.
I'm old enough to remember her stint in the original Big Brother and she was a typical mean girl, sly and bullying to the easy targets whilst being lovely to the people who mattered.
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I tried trimming mine, I now wouldn’t look out of place in Slade 😲
I end up looking like a mad professor very quickly, and when lock down started I really needed a haircut, but everywhere was shut. So, I tried to buy myself a hair trimmer, but everywhere was sold out. So, I bought a dog hair trimmer, well, it's the same thing really. Just ignore the instructions about making sure the coat is glossy, and the dog is calm and happy.
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Damn, it autocorrected and I can’t edit now. I mean ‘fo sho’.
I’m not sure about this. Whilst I agree there are certain words that white people shouldn’t use (like the N word), if you police every single word or phrase it is going to cause problems? For instance, a lot of words in pop culture comes from drag culture - will this mean that the LGBT community might say if you’re straight and use it you’re homophobic?
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A friend of mine worked in a expensive food store in London a few years ago, where loads of celebs seemed to shop and would regulary tell me who she had seen.
She was on tills but saw some really big people, I can't remember them all but I do remember Adele, Harrison Ford, Frank Ocean, Victoria Beckham and a couple of royals.
I remember her saying Adele was lovely and totally normal, chatted to her at the till, mentioning her son normally.
She said that the more lower celebs were always far ruder than the more famous ones and thought they were bigger than they were. I remember her saying a t4 presenter was really rude and really thought she was something, and it was jameela jamil.
I'll have to ask her who else she saw.
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