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I’ve met a few stars in my time. Patrick Stewart was lovely and tried to stand back and watch the event we were at unfold rather than taking the limelight. At the same place was Michael Parkinson who was an asshole.

Jared Leto was off his tits and trying to heard him into the green room was a nightmare, but he was vaguely pleasant although a bit grabby.

karren Brady was a bit of a dick and really stand offish with anyone who came near her, including me, who was only trying to sort her out at the event she was speaking at.

I fell into Jose morinhio at a hotel and dropped so much paper. He helped me pick it up and was friendly. Had no idea who he was at the time but a bunch of fan boys came up to me afterwards to make sure I knew that I’d made a twat of myself in front of their god.

I’m sure there are others. I’ll have a think.
I love Patrick Stewart 😍🥰 I love him with the both purity of a angel and the filth of a tattler. 😇🍆
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This is strange 👀
Urgh, it's hard to know where to start with this story. I actually feel a bit bad about Brian Harvey - I think, reading between the lines, he's been unwell for years (I didn't know he was bipolar) but this paranoia sounds either like he's high or going through a manic episode.

I suppose picking on Daniella isn't the best idea as she's similarly-fragile, but you'd think she'd show a little bit of empathy. Brian doesn't seem to court attention or court the media the way Daniella does. Anyone can sense that his outburst is verging on the bizarre/delusional - taking it seriously as a threat slandering her is just stupid.

I remember seeing Daniella on those Channel 5 In Therapy programmes and she really didn't come across well. Arrogant, difficult, restless and didn't appear to be paying great attention to what the therapist was telling her.

Similarly Jordan and Danielle Lloyd seemed to only be on it to bullshit their way through (memorably Danielle Lloyd said she was going to change careers and do something more meaningful, how's that working for ya?), nodding away, pretending they were going improve their lives in some way. But really (I assume) they just wanted to get their mugs on telly and grab the appearance fee.
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Joey Essex has been accused of being racially insensitive for using the term ‘fo ahi’ and was also warned not to call someone P Dog (they are called Paul) before filming.

Doesn't Rob Beckett refer to Paul as P Dog sometimes in his narration? Or am I imagining that I've heard that before?
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Sorry, haven't caught up. Has anyone mentioned Hilarie Baldwin or whatever her name is. Shes had another baby and I can't work out the timeline, she had one 5/6 months ago?
Think she used a surrogate 🥴 a lot of sources are saying that she wanted to have another girl... I deal sorry for the 6month old son tbh

She’s one problematic bitch IMO
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Ioan's wife Alice is understandably hurt, there's not much worse than the pain of heartbreak. However, these rambling, somewhat incoherent posts are just going to make people think he had a lucky escape. I do think he's behaved badly, especially if he didn't even tell her he was filing for divorce, but she is going to lose all sympathy if she carries on.
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Also Pauline is a good actress and has appeared in other things, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen the other two in anything other than Birds of a Feather. Am I right in saying that Birds of a Feather was written as a vehicle for Pauline and she insisted on having Linda play her sister?
Pauline is the best actress and Robson has ridden on her coat tails for long enough without getting any other work. The series is old hat now and it's time to let go PQ will find more work no doubt.
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Pauline Quirke came into work one day and she was absolutely lovely, we were all charmed by her. Cheap though, she only wanted to look at seconds/bargain bin stuff.
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He pretty much said she forced his hand when it came to marriage and I always cringe when I hear that 'she gave me an ultimatum' etc. It means the man is in charge of the relationship regardless if there is a wedding or not. It makes me sad to hear women pushing for marriage and commitment. It just plays into the myth of 'bagging' a man like he's some sort of prize.
But on the other hand, there are women who hang around forever waiting for men to commit to them, have the babies, give up their jobs and are left with nothing when he runs off and marries someone else 6 months after they split up. Fair enough if both of you are going to jointly own the house and both keep your earning power, have totally equal childcare responsibilties and go into a cohabiting relationship with open eyes but many don't and end up homeless and penniless when the shit hits the fan, thinking they were in a common law marriage- something that doesn't exist. An ultimatum surely is marry me or I'll walk. If he didn't want to marry her, he should have walked. He had a choice in the matter. She has given up her career more or less to have his children. Maybe she should have just left instead of pushing him to marry her I suppose.
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max Clifford died in prison in 2017.
there is a Ch4 shown on Monday about him
Clearly he was not on my radar in 2017 😵 It's come back to me about him going to prison though. It was part of yewtree. I remember having conversations about it at the time. People I worked with when I was in PR had dealings with him. I won't say who because I'll give myself away but he told one of his would-be clients that she would have to starve herself skinny to get people talking about health concerns just to get her in the papers. She didn't work with him in the end! And she's not the only one he's encouraged to do that...
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Ant Middleton is such a tricky one, he often talks a lot of sense, his books are great and is a perfect balance to the modern trend of playing the victim and not taking any responsibility.

That said his comments over the pandemic and BLM were poorly timed/irresponsible. I'm not a fan of cancel culture but you'd think he would have the common sense to read the room room be careful what he posts.

Although I thought he was fired last year? He was let go from SAS programme last year, it was in the news.
I’ll be honest, I don’t believe that ‘cancel culture’ really exists in the way that celebs whinge it does. He has always been hugely problematic and even a cursory look into his not so recent background shows he Is a liability and a bad egg. It’s not so long since he was in prison for assaulting police officers and he’s a fully signed up member of the style of conspiracy theorists who deny COVID only because they want to see society collapse as they believe they will be the victors,hes Said dangerous shit for years. Whatever the truth behind him going, he will no doubt revel in becoming a martyr.
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Has anybody seen the new bum on Aislynne? She’s had one of those weird new arses fitted.
Oh dear.

Italian friend once told me that even when putting bins out, the Italian is expected to look sleek and chic! She said it was too much pressure.
My hair badly needs a cut, looking a bit like Ken Dodd after a lock in.
I tried trimming mine, I now wouldn’t look out of place in Slade 😲
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Suppose that takes us back to the Radford family (though, they're not strictly celebrities, much as they'd like to be). Babies are so wonderful, but they're ruddy hard work and I think it's unfair to have so many. The saying "it takes a village to raise a child" really is true.
The Radfords are a bizarre family and I know there is a thread on them here, so I won't ramble on. But having a baby every year is weird. I knew someone in real life who had 9 children and only stopped because she had an emergency hysterectomy. She said she would carry on having babies until her body said no. She openly admitted she loved being pregnant and feeling special, and adored being the centre of attention in the delivery room. She wasn't that fussed about her actual children though, once they were walking and talking and developing their own personalities.
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I see 'Steph's Packed Lunch' has been given another series. I thought the ratings were dire?
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Something is happening with Cowell and I wish daily mail would just spit it out or drop better clues.
Maybe it is, look what this wally has done to his face but I don't think so.

They know something, don't they. Just tell us!! Knock once for yes, twice for no...
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I don’t remember Jade bullying anyone in the house before the celeb one.She just acted immature and struggled when being on the poor side of house with Alex who was really sweet to her.I didn’t like Kate she didn’t look out for Jade in any girl code way and was too busy trying to be a ladette.Jade should’ve one and Kate knew that.I’m sure Davina said it which left Kate pissed off
Kate was all for the boys. She knew exactly what she was doing.
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Any gossip on PInk. I believe she has quite a turbulent relationship with Carey Hart. I also was just reading that she called Pink due to her bits being pink.
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