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Chatty Member
Not seen that, wow thats absolutely awful.
I think I saw it on one if the Edwin's generation videos he made after the Zheani scandal happened.

I think they're own relationship, however it stands now seems somewhat twisted. She's a fair bit younger than him, from what I read had a turbulent childhood and got pregnant quite young, and he has this puppet master like control, but she is vile in her own right. I read she's nkw claiming her bio dad might be black and she could be coloured (for non saffas that's basically mixed, although it's more complex than that.) Her obsession with appearing quite childlike kind of lends into the incest fantasies he seems to have. If I was Sixteen I'd have myself emancipated as soon as possible.

I've also read some things about Tokkie the street kid they adopted being quite poorly looked after and openly mocked.
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Chatty Member
Hahaha, that’s a good one. A lot think you would instantly shag them because of who they are. It’s embarrassing really.

My friend has dated one for years and he’s absolutely horrible. Cheated on her multiple times, has babies all over the show but, is still with her. She has lost all her confidence and is so insecure now. She’s unrecognisable but, she won’t leave him no matter what we do.
Why is she still with him?
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Now I’m old enough to remember Sir Tom doing a special- not a euphemism- in Barbados in the early 70s. He appeared with and copped of with the then Miss World Margery Wallace. Was exposed by the News of the World and battered by his long suffering wife. Now if I can remember that much detail about a previous trip to Barbados?
That’s how I remember him anyway😉
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@Mischievous Mystery Sorry! I forgot to add one more question. In another thread you mentioned that Tom H isn't well. What do you mean by that? Hope he is not using anything harmful or depressed. Thanks
See I was going to ask that because when she said he had been unwell i though Tom Hollander as he had COVID Loki Tom hasnt

He calls when he wants a leg over,that's all. I don't tend to get too attached. I'm am not the only one.
You are obviously a big fan as you are part of his fandom, so sorry he isn't what you thought he would be. Just because they are famous, doesn't make them less of a man with needs the same as anyone. Being famous means you have more options.
You may have read stuff before from others as no doubt it's a common thing. I can't speak for others. 💋
But why do u stay with him?
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VIP Member
Celebrity willy spotting should be on the telly! Like those people who roam over terrain trying not to get caught. Crossed with “The Apprentice”

Yes, you say that but where is the cannibal with Prader Wili Syndrome when it comes to James Cordon?
Wait. What? I’ve missed something here re: James corden 😂
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Prince fan 1999

VIP Member
Okay, let me make this clear at the start that I do not know that gorgeous man. And that I have loved John Taylor since I was all of 10 years old. I named one of my boys Taylor, ffs! :ROFLMAO:

Was once given the nickname 'The Anteater' by groupies he'd slept with because of his skills. ;)
Was outed on an episode of MTV's Most Wanted(remember that show?) by Simon Le Bon as getting a round of applause at a hotel because he shagged a girl on a hotel balcony in view of the band and crew.
Made out with Grace Jones on a transatlantic flight.
Had nearly nude photos leaked to the News Of The World back in '82 by an old girlfriend in a kiss and tell story.
Sliced his feet on broken glass while in the States on the Sing Blue Silver tour so badly, he was dosed up on pharmaceutical grade cocaine just to get through the show.
His first wife was so obnoxious to fans online that she earned the name 'Amanduh'. She'd frequently go into chat rooms and brag about 'going to bed and fucking MY husband'.
Jody Watley's song, 'Looking For A New Love' was allegedly written about John after she found out he was cheating on her.
He ended up leaving social media because the crazies of the DD fandom kept going for his second wife on his media.

And I'm sure there's a ton of stuff I've left out, if I can remember it, I'll post it.
I don't think chat rooms were even around when AD was married to JT 🤔
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Chatty Member
Not to bring the topic back to Hiddles, but I LOVED him until I saw him do that shoot in his pants. 😨 I can't even remember what it was for. Bear in mind I think I was like, sixteen when he did the pants shoot, I remember thinking 'omg he's old enough to be my dad' - instantly put off. No idea why 'cos I love RDJ and he really could be my dad. :)

Sorry, carry on. I had to say that. I just look at TH now and I'm like, nooooo! Love him as Loki tho. Phwoar.
I’m not attracted to him at all, I just thought the video was funny!
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VIP Member
Hahaha, that’s a good one. A lot think you would instantly shag them because of who they are. It’s embarrassing really.

My friend has dated one for years and he’s absolutely horrible. Cheated on her multiple times, has babies all over the show but, is still with her. She has lost all her confidence and is so insecure now. She’s unrecognisable but, she won’t leave him no matter what we do.
Does she have children with him? How does she feel about the other babies? Does he see them? Presumably he has to pay maintenance for them?
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Nah sorry I’m not buying any of this. I’m not a holly or paddy fan but I don’t think they banged. Think it was defo Nicole, wonder how they met... maybe through holly 🤔
I mean, surely Christine would blow Holly 's cover if it was really her who was the OW. I'm guessing she wouldnt protect her what with being the cheated on party
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So now we have established that Captain America lives by the mantra 'any hole is a goal' and will shag anyone, even us normal folk....

Any tea on Ryan Gosling? I love him, and i know he has an actress wife and a couple of kids. I really hope he isnt like good old captain America. Although if he was, then i would be more than willing to serve him. He is beautiful :)
Is Chris really like this ? He is single though and has had long term relationships 🤷🏻‍♀️ and no teens like Leo 🤢
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Chatty Member
Obviously anything is possible.
In broad terms though, the more often a guy feels the need to announce what a great chap they are, especially as part of a greater whinge about being single, the less likely it is to be the truth.
I don't think many women would disagree.
Anyway, not why I'm on this thread. I'm here to distract myself from the shitness of modern life, not to discuss it in detail 😊
Okay I take your point. But isn’t is a bit naive to take something at what someone says at face value? Would you judge a person on their behaviour rather than a chat up line? We all like to present ourselves as the best person we can when we first meet. It is only when we have known someone a while that we are in a position to make a proper judgement about their character. If someone bases their decision on another’s character solely on a first meeting they are leaving themselves open to a major disappointment! This works both ways. I have plenty of women who claim to be “good” only to find out they shag around whilst in a relationship.
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VIP Member
Is there proof that Chris Evans (not ginger) is a total hoe, or is it just rumours? I suppose I'd be a hoe too though, if I was a man who looked like him & was able to get lots of hot women lol
How many women does he have to sleep with to make him a hoe? If a man like TH has 5-6 women on rota for booty calls would that not make him also a male hoe
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Chatty Member
To be honest, who knows what hes really like? According to some, hes a wholesome all American boy who loves his dog and having deep conversations about politics and to some he loves being whipped simultaneously by 2 women in his sex dungeon, has been through Hollywood like a rash and does a ton of coke. Who knows what's true. Probably not even his mother, let alone some gossip mongers on the net! Same goes for ' he who must not be mentioned'! ( although he does ask for the piss to be taken out of him himself to be fair 😄)
I’d rather believe the second chris... much more entertaining!
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